Well-Known Member
All 4 parks need work. I absolutely believe that Disney intends eventually to keep all resort rooms filled at non-discounted rates. They are overbuilt now but I think that was the plan all along. To get the inventory ahead of demand for a time rather than lose guests off site during peak season. But nobody could have anticipated the severe downturn we have experienced. So I think they will now develop the parks to fill the rooms at a quicker pace. And as we know these projects take many years. Many more years than the 2 years left before the 40th. Obviously the 50th will not just be papered over.
As far TDO being over-ruled and forced to accept the expansion. Well, even if that is the way it's going down, it is indicative of future trends. It's obvious these type decisions are going to be coming from the top more and more. Perhaps all the TDO bashing has been part of it.Or maybe it is just easier to control quality and content from California and TDO's loss of power is just the result of a new corporate strategy. I'd bet on the latter.
Like I've said to you before jt, not everything has a grand plan. WDW is capable of, and has many times, dropping the ball/screwing up.
Yes, it does take a long time to develop attractions but, c'mon, you and I both know that they haven't been working on this redevelopment plan seriously for 17+ years. Could it have been floated around multiple times through out the years? Sure. Was there a devoted, constant, team developing this plan for all those years? No way. TLM was originally going to be an exclusive at DCA, remember? Then, someone realized that MK was overdue, by about a decade, for a new E-ticket. They decided to clone it for Florida. A little later they realized that MK had bad capacity problems. So, they decided to redevelop the area around TLM to absorb more guests.
Should we be glad they're finally doing something? Yes. Should we completely forget how inexcusably long it took? No.