I wish!
My only claim to weather fame, and one of my official lifetime
Brushes With Celebrity Greatness, was the two dinner parties I attended in the 2010's in south Orange County where I was seated near Dallas Raines. He was a famous LA TV weatherman, but he actually lives down in Dana Point. A very nice guy, and a very good weatherman.
Speaking of that, I just saw this on YouTube. KTLA has forced a few of their journalism hostesses up into the wilds of LA County to cover the approaching storm. The first lady up in the Grapevine with the puffy white parka and matching knit hat with the faux fur bonbon on the top just kills me. And she says the words
"Operation Snowflake!" with absolute seriousness. That woman is a professional, even if there's perhaps a bit of a Love Connection happening on live TV with that tenured CHP Officer she interviews. But then later in the report they go up to Big Bear and that poor woman standing in the 22 degrees with moderate snow just breaks my heart (but also makes me laugh). You can see her contemplate her life choices and chosen career path as she goes through her report, and it's hysterical.
Also, the two well coiffed anchors back in the studio with their KTLA 5 branded coffee mugs on the glass desk are pitch-perfectly vapid.
"How is it out there in Big Bear? You look great!" I love local TV news!