This was a much smaller operation. Like 20 employees at the location. I tried to get the new manager fired first but that didn’t work. A true example of the Peter Principle in overdrive, decades of experience and yet somehow completely clueless. Completely undid rules/procedures and allowed people to just not show up, work drunk/hungover, steal by directly taking cash or falsifying time cards, and threaten violence. No discipline ever meted out as everyone figured out they just had to say “I know I’m a sinner, I’ve been praying really hard and am trying to do better.”
When I quit I still gave two weeks notice but was fired later that day. The manager always left at 5:00 sharp, so when I got the call saying I was being fired, which was hilarious in the sternness as though she was putting her foot down, I decided to stay home watching TV until about 6:00 even though it was only a 5 minute drive away. When I arrived the last part for a project I had been working on had arrived and the manager had the audacity to ask me to install it and finish the project while I was there. I just laughed very loudly and walked out.