So I just saw a vlog (DSNY) that showed Belles village, the beautiful Beast Castles facade and the very detailed interior castle queue and I think I may have been a little harsh on the new BatB ride. Of course this doesn’t really change the ride experience and may even work against itself as it could build guest expectation through the roof but I now have a much more compete picture of the whole attraction/ mini land. Really great work by WDI... up until the ride experience. After watching it again today for the third time I think the Be our Guest scene is fine as it continues to build as opposed to the long, static Something There scene. Still think they needed to build some suspense before throwing you into that scene. I think with just a little more build up though the west wing etc before Be our Guest, a couple more intimate hallway / bedroom scenes scenes between all the dancing and a proper climax and it could have been a really great and well rounded attraction. They just had to break up all the sing along / dancing stuff.