The Miscellaneous Thought Thread


Well-Known Member
Every time I see Disney adults I’m reminded how Disney needs to ban childless adults. Nobody over 18 should be allowed without a kid.
The current generation doesn't have enough wealth vs cost of living to have kids.

In fact as much as I dislike the idea of it, at the end of the day it's smart for Disney to focus on selling nostalgia and overpriced merchandise to 30 year olds without kids. It's a demographic shift.

People aren't having kids of their own but will drop cash to buy a limited edition bucket to "relive their childhood".


Well-Known Member
So, I spent a day at the park. Here's a few observations-

-I saw someone get mad at a CM at the Main Street Railroad Station. They had accidentally let too many people try to board, and there wasn't a spot for this man and his group. He started going off about his pregnant wife and was upset. The CM totally disregarded him and did nothing to de escalate the situation. We then had to listen to this guy rant about Disney's bad service and how his wife is pregnant for 10 minutes until the next train. This guest was a total dipwad- but the CM was also lousy in his approach and did nothing to try and ease the situation. Sometimes a little empathy and an apology goes a long way.

-The Pixar fireworks did nothing for me.

-The current iteration of Fantasmic! is better than the 2017 one, but that's only because of changes made to bring it closer to the '92 iteration. It's still an incoherent mess of a show. Seeing Pan back on the Columbia was delightful and does a TON to make this version better than '17.

-The CM's at Market House and especially Plaza Inn were the A Team. Polite, friendly, courteous, and the cashiers at both spots actually went along with my lousy jokes! But seriously, the F&B management for east side Main Street is doing something right.

-It was my third time riding MMRR, and it still does nothing for me.

-How the heck did Disney make the Swiss Family treehouse? I'm having a tough time believing today's WDI could design it. It's too good.

-There were a few planters in the hub I was fairly certain were turf the last time I was there- that are grass now. A friend I was with confirmed my suspicions, but they could be misremembering as well. If this is the case, it's a huge win for Disneyland.

-The ancient Cambodian Shrine built by Ancient Cambodian Shriners is still gone, and the bengal tiger is surrounded by wood walls. Hope this isn't permanent but I feel like it's been like this almost a year?

I snapped this photo of the river bend-


And found this photo I took a few years ago from almost the exact same spot.


I guess my point is, WDI has completely forgotten about the importance of a Weenie. You can barely even see Tiana Mountain across the river, where Splash used to visible from almost that entire half of the park.
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Well-Known Member
The current generation doesn't have enough wealth vs cost of living to have kids.

In fact as much as I dislike the idea of it, at the end of the day it's smart for Disney to focus on selling nostalgia and overpriced merchandise to 30 year olds without kids. It's a demographic shift.

People aren't having kids of their own but will drop cash to buy a limited edition bucket to "relive their childhood".
They don't have money for kids because they spend it all at Disneyland.

Plenty of people I know are married and have kids in their 20's. They manage it by not being fiscally irresponsible.

But that's not the real reason people aren't having kids, it's because they're selfish and want to live pampered lifestyles and "discover themselves" instead of doing something noble like giving up their comforts for the another.

Anyway, since this conversation is going to go nowhere, I want to turn the attention back to the Acolyte as its season (hopefully series) finale premiered tonight. Quite the week for assassination attempts. It's like somebody is trying to deliberately kill Star Wars. Once more nothing made any sense and evil wins and the showrunner wants us to be happy about that. What a truly awful, despicable show.

You can barely even see Tiana Mountain across the river...
That's a good thing.


Well-Known Member
I just checked. Legoland up in Carlsbad still has a Driving School attraction.

Except it's no longer sponsored by Volvo. Probably for the best that Volvo dropped out, as putting 7 year olds behind the wheel while being monitored and instructed by 19 year old surfer kids from north San Diego County is a recipe for marketing disaster.



Well-Known Member
I just checked. Legoland up in Carlsbad still has a Driving School attraction.

Except it's no longer sponsored by Volvo. Probably for the best that Volvo dropped out, as putting 7 year olds behind the wheel while being monitored and instructed by 19 year old surfer kids from north San Diego County is a recipe for marketing disaster.



Well-Known Member
They don't have money for kids because they spend it all at Disneyland.

Plenty of people I know are married and have kids in their 20's. They manage it by not being fiscally irresponsible.
Sure. Not saying my statement applies to every single adult, but there are more childless adults now and the birthrate is declining in not only the US but globally.


But that's not the real reason people aren't having kids, it's because they're selfish and want to live pampered lifestyles and "discover themselves" instead of doing something noble like giving up their comforts for the another.

Social media seems to promote a travel and party lifestyle and many are following it.

To be honest if someone wants to travel and party their whole life they likely wouldn't make the best parents anyways.

It would also be selfish to have kids if your true interests are living that type of lifestyle.


Well-Known Member
I have no interest in having kids, and frankly I suspect a lot more people than would openly admit had kids because it was societally expected of them rather than because they actually wanted them or thought through what it means to be good parents. And I'm not convinced that a lot of people did the mental math of what having a kid actually means, costs, what a responsibility that entails, etc. before they actually went about and made merry. I see way too many parents more interested in being on their phone and/or shoving a phone in their kids faces than actually being involved with their kids, or parents trying to be their kid's friend rather than their kid's parent.

I also don't think it's unreasonable to look at the cost of food, housing, everything involving the hospital and health care, etc., among other things, and come to the conclusion that having a child isn't the right thing for a person to do financially.

Now, people can do what they want. If you have kids and/or want kids, great! If you're a good parent who is attentive to your kid's needs, supportive of their interests, responsible, etc (as I'm assuming everyone here is), that's wonderful. But I know what I want (or more precisely, what I don't want) and don't think it's in the best interest of any child if I raise them without my heart being in it. Now, maybe if I meet the right person and a child comes into my life organically in that context, that would be a different thing entirely, and perhaps in that specific situation a child would be a blessing. But until then, I'm more than happy being child-free.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Umm. A steal.

I’ve long said August/ September is the worst time of year to visit DLR. This will make it worse. Also seems like many others agree with me or they wouldn’t need to offer this deal.

Could they possibly be concerned about people delaying their single day visits until after TBA opens? Probably not. I can’t imagine the response to the POV has them worried about that. Not that I needed any confirmation but this should put the idea of TBA opening up for D23 to rest.


Well-Known Member
I have no interest in having kids, and frankly I suspect a lot more people than would openly admit had kids because it was societally expected of them rather than because they actually wanted them or thought through what it means to be good parents. And I'm not convinced that a lot of people did the mental math of what having a kid actually means, costs, what a responsibility that entails, etc. before they actually went about and made merry. I see way too many parents more interested in being on their phone and/or shoving a phone in their kids faces than actually being involved with their kids, or parents trying to be their kid's friend rather than their kid's parent.

I also don't think it's unreasonable to look at the cost of food, housing, everything involving the hospital and health care, etc., among other things, and come to the conclusion that having a child isn't the right thing for a person to do financially.

Now, people can do what they want. If you have kids and/or want kids, great! If you're a good parent who is attentive to your kid's needs, supportive of their interests, responsible, etc (as I'm assuming everyone here is), that's wonderful. But I know what I want (or more precisely, what I don't want) and don't think it's in the best interest of any child if I raise them without my heart being in it. Now, maybe if I meet the right person and a child comes into my life organically in that context, that would be a different thing entirely, and perhaps in that specific situation a child would be a blessing. But until then, I'm more than happy being child-free.
The world has changed - up until the early 20th century people had kids because the kids were free labor to support their farms and businesses (that, and lack of modern birth control) as well as a family unit to care for the elderly among them. Once industrialization and subsequent trend of moving to the cities and later suburbs took hold, kids became more of an expense than an asset. It has nothing to do with selfishness.


Well-Known Member
But that's not the real reason people aren't having kids, it's because they're selfish and want to live pampered lifestyles and "discover themselves" instead of doing something noble like giving up their comforts for the another

Seriously one of the dumbest things I've heard said in awhile. I do love how people just make stuff in their head and then believe it is some kind of truth.

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