The "hype" that you're unknowingly speaking of was brought on by forums such as this, not by Disney. But in what they DID advertise for it, they NEVER said it was for everyone. Anyone with half a brian can see that it was directed at kids.
-Yep, and you're in your mid-twenties. If you want me to be blunt, your opinion doesn't matter.
-Um, no. Maybe it would have saved it for a few nutcases that overact to "plot holes" but not the general public. (They already like it)
Could you overexaggerate more than that? (I'll go ahead and answer that one for
-There you go again, speaking of the teenage and 20 something nutcases, and calling them "a lot of people," when it reality, it's more like 11 people total.
-Look, I'm tired of trying to explain my point. I've stated it rather clearly three times, and yet when you respond, you ramble right around the main point, but never get to it. Why? Becasue you're still not seeing it.
-I'm through wasting my time trying to make someone understand something that they have no intention of trying to understand. You want to read my posts, pick out one or two words, twist them, and try to make a point. Well, in that sense I guess you've won, but I'm pretty sure a 10 year old could win an argument like that.
-To all of you teenagers and twenty somethings that want to whine about Stitch, go for it. Waste your time. Upper management, and other upper, upper management will read this thread and laugh at you, because they don't give a crap what your age group thinks.
-This attraction will be very successful, and it will be here a long time. I, for one, will continue to enjoy myself at the Magic Kingdom, even though there might be a plot hole (or not) in one attraction. :lol: