The Living Seas wall is DOWN!


I went to Epcot for a couple hours after work. The seaguls move their heads to the sides and once in a while say "mine! mine!" Again, it's occasional and not constant. They attract a lot of children and lots of laughs from adults.

The waves are also on and the seaguls get a little wet but not a lot.

They had some lines set up outside as if they were getting ready to open soon. At one point several cast members were outside by the entrance and even one of the Dream Squad people so I waited for about 10 minutes, eventually the Dreams person left and the cast members except for a couple went away.

I left and ate dinner, got on a couple rides and returned, nothing had changed. People were still not being let on.

You can actually see the Clam-mobiles (or whatever they are called) if you go inside. It looks like the ride exists across the hall from Turtle Talk. There are LOTS of brightly painted ride vehicles and they are right next to each other, no space between them (unlike Haunted Mansion or Spaceship Earth.) It looks like someone was still being trained on one of the control panels.

Sorry, no pictures, I left my camera at home.


Well-Known Member
... Overall the Attraction is very nice, like a good old Disney family dark ride ...

Excellent. Always good to see a return to "traditional values" -- especially in light of the upcoming EPCOT 25th.

... The que is a very nice story of walking on the beach into the surf and then walking around under the docks before you load ...


... The EAC scene is reminescent of the old Disney Speed rooms which is great to see again and is fun, but remain seated ...

w00t! I absolutely loved the speedroom in Dreamflight.


Well-Known Member
I worked at the Seas today and here's what I can tell you from my observations:

The wall is down and the seagulls are at full force. They are incredibly entertaining to guests and the children love them. People who haven't seen Nemo think they are saying "Oy oy oy" for some reason. Hearing "Mine mine mine" for a while today will probably make me hear it in my sleep.
The attraction walls inside were down, too, and holy cow it looks awesome. The vehicles look like the Haunted Mansion omnimovers but as clams instead. I didn't see it moving except one time when there were people who looked important and Imagineers working on it. They had like 6-7 CMs standing outside the exit to answer guest questions and, I assume, to train on it. Evidently from a post above, someone got on, although I didn't see anyone myself. The Seas were packed today, more than I've seen in a while, and people are really in great anticipation for the ride.
I was going to take pictures of the seagulls and the open area of the attraction but I was way too tired after work to go back and do so. I'm sure they'll be on here by tonight anyways.

I can't wait till opening!


Well-Known Member
The ride is supposedly, and understandably, longer than it's predecesor. I'm hearing numbers from 4-5 minutes which would be a great improvement.


The ride is supposedly, and understandably, longer than it's predecesor. I'm hearing numbers from 4-5 minutes which would be a great improvement.

DisneySaint, are you still working at Soarin' or have you switched to Seas for good? What does the Seas costume look like? Thanks man.


Active Member
What do you all think of the new Costumes?????

Yeah, Only a few guests were on today. There were some tech difficulties later on in the day. Look for more guest later this week hopefully. Cast Preview is Thursday!

Hope the seagulls dont get too annoying.

What do you all think of the new Costumes?????


Well-Known Member
I am still at Soarin'. They borrowed me today to just greet and answer questions since the wall was down and there would be a lot of them with the ride simply roped off.

The costume is, well, interesting. If you have Facebook, PM me your name so I can add you and you can see my pic I took in it today. Or, if you have a link to my old blog, head there - I posted the pics there.

I actually even had people ninja take a picture of me today.


Well-Known Member
You know what that means is that they don't want people talking about it until they have the CM and the AP previews. That is what it basically means.

Actually, from all the workers and designers there today, I wouldn't be suprised if there really were difficulties.


Well-Known Member
Nope, me too. I was going to say how dissappointed that it is a little after 8:00 there and we still don't have any pictures. I guess I just expect a lot out of WDWMagicers. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well we are generally pretty quick, but remeber how long it took to get a picutre of the the sign?!?!? :lol:

Someone still owes me some ice cream on that one!

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