The Living Seas wall is DOWN!

Very well said, that was pretty much exactly my reasoning for the 3 hours of waiting. :)

Cool, whatever floats your boats. I am in love with disney as well and well, this being my 2nd college program tells me I need to move here since I can't seem to stay away from Disney. But since I knew they were going to be doing cast previews, I waited. I'm glad I did since I was off today anyhow, I must've rode Nemo and Friends over 10 times!! It gave me something to do anyhow. It's such a cute ride and you're gonna love it everyone. I'm glad I don't work there though because omg, I have a feeling the children are going to be climbing the area ALL OVER THE PLACE!! Especially the lifeguard area. All the cue lines have potential sitting areas while waiting and omg.....I can just imagine. The cue lines are pretend sanddunes looks like sand but it's really hard concrete!

Here's a bad lighted part of the ride. My most favorite actually. The EAC Part which omgoodness, it brings back Buzz lightyear moments when it comes to becoming dizzy! XD! Enjoy.....and I also added some cute individual shots of the outside of the ride. ALSO.....NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY ON THE RIDE. =) Have a magical day. =D

Oh and the story of the day....after riding the ride for the 5th time I believe, there was a group of people fighting with the cast member at the end of the area exit to the ride and I wasn't there for all of it but I did here this:

"What do you mean we can't preview it?? I paid how much?? to come here?? This isn't fair to the guest that are actually paying money!! I demand to speak to a manager!! You just ruined our daughters vacation!"

It's call a cast member preview for a reason silly!!








Well-Known Member
I was able to get on 3 times today, and loved it. Very neat little dark ride. And the wheelchair car is quite cool and easy to get inside. (I still love the Hydrolators though. And I was a little mad they didn't put a tribute to them in the queue. But, oh well. :hammer: )


Original Poster
I was able to get on 3 times today, and loved it. Very neat little dark ride. And the wheelchair car is quite cool and easy to get inside. (I still love the Hydrolators though. And I was a little mad they didn't put a tribute to them in the queue. But, oh well. :hammer: )

Three times today for me as well...and then three times yesterday....once the day before that...and then that 4 hour test ride when nothing was turned on besides the clamobiles. I really loved it, and I hope I got it out of my system before the lines get long :lol:


Account Suspended
Three times today for me as well...and then three times yesterday....once the day before that...and then that 4 hour test ride when nothing was turned on besides the clamobiles. I really loved it, and I hope I got it out of my system before the lines get long :lol:

I totally expect to spend tomorrow standing in line forever :(


Well-Known Member
I got to walk on today despite the fairly long lines everywhere else.

I must say, the queue is awesome. The entrance(beach) could have been lit a little more IMO, but it still looked really good regardless. I loved how the winding ramp turns into a boardwalk as you get down to the beach. When you go "underwater" the effects are awesome, very well done in my opinion, its one of those things that you have to be there to see, the pictures will never do it justice.

I think Imagineering did a great job with this ride. It's a great omnimover for the whole family to enjoy, and all the effects are well done, namely the projections into the aquarium, the EAC room, and the Angler Fish.

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