The Little PIN That Coulden't

Mr Wizard

Active Member
The better half and I have been going to The World in mid May for our anniversary for about the last 15 years or so. This year since we just went last Dec and cash is not all that plentiful for such things we decided to stay home. But the other day we get a letter from Disney with a message on the outside that kinda says "hey you haven't made your reservation yet, let us help you". So I figure cool, a PIN code for a special deal. Well, it was a PIN code just for us. The only problem was of the two deals offered one was exactly what was being offered to the public ( free dining ) and the other was same as the public offer but extended a few weeks ( up to 30% off room ). Am I wrong to feel slighted, because I really am. I know the pittance I spend there is massively weak when compaired to a large segment of their clientell. But I return year after year and I find it hard to believe that they can't come up with my entire spending history by doing no more than entering my phone number and seeing how many times I have showed up to put money in their hands. I informed them of what I percieved to be not taking care of their long term customers.


Well-Known Member
Ah, the "jilted lover" syndrome and I'm being serious. It hurts when all that love and devotion you’ve shown to someone (or something in this case) is unrequited. I had a similar feeling a few months ago when I received a 10% off PIN for June. I tossed it in the garbage and bought Universal annual passes. (My own twisted form of "revenge".)

Just accept that it’s not personal. There probably was no human being at Disney who decided to send you the PIN. More likely it was just a computer algorithm designed to spit out PIN codes to tens of thousands of potential guests based on a set of impersonal variables.
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Active Member
Well....if it makes you feel any better we have gone every year in September since 1997 and were fortunate enough to go twice a year 3 different times and I haven't received a single PIN code in 2 years.................:shrug:
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Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I might get flamed for saying this, but when I read various Disney message boards, I always see a few threads asking about room only discounts and free dining. JMO, but I think that should be an indicator to Disney that resort rooms are over-priced.

I will never pay rack rate for a room. Currently, I have a deposit on a room at BCV, but I am willing to walk away if a discount is not forthcoming. No, I don't think this is entitlement, but rather a willingness to pay on my part. Am I cheap? No, just ask my husband. I just feel like the rooms are not worth what they charge.

ETA: I understand that messages on boards are not true economic indicators. I don't have access to data such as reservation numbers (I am guessing they are up, hence the dearth of discounts), but I am wondering how many of those bookings have discounts attached, such as the mega-discounts for August into fall for the UK and Canadian markets that were available to book last late summer. Additionally, I am curious of cancellation rates. I know I won't get this data, but it's good to be inquisitive. :)
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Le Meh
Premium Member
The better half and I have been going to The World in mid May for our anniversary for about the last 15 years or so. This year since we just went last Dec and cash is not all that plentiful for such things we decided to stay home. But the other day we get a letter from Disney with a message on the outside that kinda says "hey you haven't made your reservation yet, let us help you". So I figure cool, a PIN code for a special deal. Well, it was a PIN code just for us. The only problem was of the two deals offered one was exactly what was being offered to the public ( free dining ) and the other was same as the public offer but extended a few weeks ( up to 30% off room ). Am I wrong to feel slighted, because I really am. I know the pittance I spend there is massively weak when compaired to a large segment of their clientell. But I return year after year and I find it hard to believe that they can't come up with my entire spending history by doing no more than entering my phone number and seeing how many times I have showed up to put money in their hands. I informed them of what I percieved to be not taking care of their long term customers.

This may not be popular (most of the time what I say isn't), but yes, you are wrong. Really, Disney doesn't have to do discounts. They simply could do away with them and adjust their rack rate for rooms and the amount they want to charge for dining plans, etc, based on demand, and not publish "discounts" but simply publish "actual costs" that fluctuate regularly.

Disney owes nothing to anyone but its shareholders and what limited social responsibility it has to the community in general. Most businesses do stuff like this because the vast majority of people would be thankful and think they got a deal (whether its a deal or not is a different discussion). If you feel jilted bad enough, don't go back. This is not like having to get your health care from the government or anything where there is no other option.
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We receive the same pin code offer Wednesday and I only kept it for the picture. It did not motivate me to book. We went to BG last year and considering Universal this year. BG was fun enough for us to go back there this year. I love WDW, but not at rack rate....:brick:
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Well-Known Member
Yesterday, I received the same PIN, so don't feel alone. We have had reservations since January for a trip at the end of May. At least I got the 30% off our rooms....we have gone to disney at least five times in the past seven years....
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Well-Known Member
I feel your pain. It seems we never get decent PIN offers, just the crappy ones. Discussions with others seems to confirm the opinion that Disney has no interest in discounting to us regular visitors, it tries to attract new blood by offering them unbelievable deals, most of which will probably go unredeemed.
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Mr Wizard

Active Member
Original Poster
I think part of what does bug me so much is that in the past ( once ) we got a PIN code that was really a tremendous deal. So that added to the letdown when I saw what was offered to us this time.
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Well-Known Member
I got A PIN via mail about 2 months ago for 30% off the room rate. Weird thing when I was repricing stuff which I keeps me on my toes and I don't want to miss anything. Anyways the weird thing is...WDW Travel informed that 30% off room PIN is good thru the end of the year! Now THAT has never happened to me LOL

So I had to oblige you know....11/24 to 12/1...a glorious week in the new Royal Guest Rooms at PORS - for now. things could change between now and then based on public offers and other possible pins :D
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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
I get pin codes from time to time. They really are not personal. I know some people who have never received them. I still get them even if I go ever year. From what I have been told, there isn't any rhyme or reason to it. I don't want this to make you feel slighted, but rather, know that the specifics of the discount offered in the pin code are not personal, but the fact you got one at all is special. :)
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Pin Code?

I really feel you pain. We've been going almost every year in October since 1995. And even with signing up for vacation DVD's, getting a login account on and other various strategies recommended to generate a Pin code we've never gotten one.
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