The Land: Update. Like it or hate it. . . here it is:

General Grizz

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Original Poster
Maerj said:
This new theme sounds very odd... if they DO do it, I hope they can make it work. Living With the Land is one of my favorite attractions there as well and I would really hate to see it get changed too much. Its something I always love to visit each time I'm there.

I also like the Lion King movie there, it fits with the theme, its funny and informative. I don't mind the Food Fair leaving and I do welcome the Soarin' attraction. It just should have been renamed Soarin' over the Land... it can have thrills and still be themed to the pavillian.

Just no changing the Land ride! Don't do it or turn it into some travel agency thing! :fork:
I think it's safe to say that Living with the Land won't have SIGNIFICANT changes. What would be changed, however, is the ride/exterior theming.

I will LAUGH if I see a Disney Vacation Club booth set up in the pavilion. . .


Well-Known Member
This does not sound bad to me at all.

First, I would rather lose the fountain and baloons and get an E-ticket, rather than keep the "fluff" and get nothing.

I don't really see the "travel agency" as a theme as much as a vehicle to present the overall theme of the pavilion.

Did I read that they are ADDING AA's......and I thought that was a good thing.

A lot of you seem to think you have a choice in what WDC is going to do with the pavilion....sorry, you don't! A lot of you also think this is the beginning of the end for the pavilion....I guess I won't have to wait behind you in, yeah, boycott the pavilion....more rides on Soarin' for me! :sohappy:

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
AAs added? Anything truly noticable is doubtful. . . but the "new AAs" comes from a very weak Cast Member rumor. I think I put that in a "perhaps." They'd be for Living with the Land, so I'd assume some of them would be refurbished anyway.


New Member
The Silliest Cruise That Ever Sailed

:lookaroun More touristy than thoughtful. More sensational than sensitive. General Grizz, that truly says it all. :lookaroun

Well, here it is, folks. . . the rumors have been confirmed. Walt Disney Imagineering is pulling the corniest of the corny in its "update" of the majestic Land pavilion. Grizz is absolutely correct in pointing out that "Soarin' Over California," an attraction designed for Condor Flats in Disney's California Adventure, is dictating the overhaul of The Land and changing its entire spirit and perspective. This imminent reality, as any EPCOT admirer will know in his or her gut, is just not right. Instead of encouraging guests to ponder deeply the delicate interconnections between mankind and his planet, The Land will soon be taking what appears to be a superficial, sideshow-like approach to its theme.

Can you believe this? The Land Travel Agency? Instead of allowing guests to glean the seriousness of the issues at hand (when dealing with our relationship with our overused and abused terrain), the designers of this new pavilion are behaving in a regressive way, encouraging its many thoughtless tourists to behave, well, like thoughtless tourists. Future World has embraced discovery and exploration of new lands and new ideas, but never tourism. Tourism lacks the depth of the profoundly moving (and aesthetically enjoyable) experience that The Land can offer.

But, you may ask, didn't Horizons offer a touristy journey through futuristic habitats? Isn't tourism the spirit which lies at the heart of World Showcase? Well, when EPCOT raises the green boats of "Living with the Land" to the status of "cruise ship," we know that there's a problem.

"Soarin'" will be making a grand entrance, and it has the potential to improve levels of guest interaction within the pavilion. However, WDI is undermining the dignity and sophistication The Land in the process, which is resulting in a pavilion with a very diluted and strained theme. Now, on the topic of attractions with touristy themes. . . dare I mention Dino-Rama? Or, as a whole, Disney's California Adventure? I'm sure that you see the point. The annoying superficial, sideshow-like establishments that have sprung up on Disney property are not relics of the past or finished mistakes from which lessons have been learned. They are merely the seeds of things to come.

Captain Buzzy


Well-Known Member
Buzzy989 said:
Future World has embraced discovery and exploration of new lands and new ideas, but never tourism. Tourism lacks the depth of the profoundly moving (and aesthetically enjoyable) experience that The Land can offer.

Isn't the whole philosophy of tourism about discovery and exploration on some level?

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
speck76 said:
Isn't the whole philosophy of tourism about discovery and exploration on some level?
It does, does "tourism" have anything to do with the Land, food production, or the relationship between man and the environment? "Tourist pavilion?" Euch. We must admit that this is just a mere - and weak! - excuse to slap a clone to The Land instead of molding (if not ENHANING) a great ride to show even the slightest consideration to the Epcot essence and the greatness created by its masters. . .

Beautiful post, Buzzy.


Well-Known Member
While I respect everyone's emotional attachment to the Land and I too love the peaceful nature of the current pavilion, is there really the need to be so close-minded about this? I can understand the sense of anxiety considering the atrocious re-do of the Imagination pavilion, but give it a chance people. We don't even know if the Travel Agency thing will happen.

Not too long ago, I can remember people commenting on how could Soarin' fit into the Land's current theme when it was first announced. Seems to me Imagineers had already thought of that with a complete re-do of the pavilion from the sounds of it. There is always talk on here about how Disney doesn't update things, etc....most evident with Wonders of Life pavilion recently. Now here they are, about to turn the Land into one of the most visited pavilions in Future World with its first major E-ticket ride and a cohesive theme for the entire pavilion and all I hear is negative talk. I too love the Sunshine Fair Foodcourt. I eat lunch there everytime I'm at Epcot and am disheartened to hear it will be demolished. Not to mention its a tradition of ours to eat next to the fountain (or as close to it as we can get depending on crowds). However, I think few could dispute that The Land needed a sprucing up. I would imagine the Travel Agency thing, if it comes to fruition, is meant only to provide a cohesive theme/story "backdrop" to the pavilion that helps incorporate all it has to offer. I doubt VERY much that the Travel Agency thing will become the primary focus of the pavilion in that you come out with an idea of what a Travel Agency can do...if you get my drift. The pavilion will still be concentrated around the Land, what it has to offer to humans (the boat ride), how beautiful and majestic it is (Soarin') and how we can maintain an active role in improving and living with the land in Circle of Life. This re-do will probably mean a very different feel for the pavilion overall and I can respect anxiety and concern among those who have literally grown up with the Land in its current state. But parts of Epcot still have a very 80's feel to them, and the Land is one of those aspects.

When all is said and done, I too may be joining the cries of keeping the pavilion in its current state, I'm already upset to hear the balloons are going (why they can't stay is beyond me) but until I see what they do with it, I'm going to remain optimistic, even if it seems at this point that this new "theme" would dumb down the seriousness of the pavilion's current message.


Well-Known Member
I seriously can not see WDI retheming The Land Pavillion to be a travel agency. Living With the Land Cruise Line? I seriously doubt it. I hope we are just getting ruffled up over nothing!

Howz that website coming along General?


Well-Known Member
Buzzy989 said:
Now, on the topic of attractions with touristy themes. . . dare I mention Dino-Rama? Or, as a whole, Disney's California Adventure? I'm sure that you see the point. The annoying superficial, sideshow-like establishments that have sprung up on Disney property are not relics of the past or finished mistakes from which lessons have been learned. They are merely the seeds of things to come.

Captain Buzzy

Well, if they decide to keep going in that direction they won't only lose the general public, which are already turning away from them, but they'll start losing the hardcore fans as well. Hopefully whoever is making these strange decisions there get fired and they put someone with vision in charge.


Well-Known Member
Maerj said:
Well, if they decide to keep going in that direction they won't only lose the general public, which are already turning away from them, but they'll start losing the hardcore fans as well. Hopefully whoever is making these strange decisions there get fired and they put someone with vision in charge.

Attendance is up 18% this year.....even with the lost days due to the hurricanes.


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
It does, does "tourism" have anything to do with the Land, food production, or the relationship between man and the environment? "Tourist pavilion?" Euch. We must admit that this is just a mere - and weak! - excuse to slap a clone to The Land instead of molding (if not ENHANING) a great ride to show even the slightest consideration to the Epcot essence and the greatness created by its masters. . .

Grizz, you are only acknowledging half of the point of the retheme.

They are not to any of our knowledge changing concept of The Land into a Tourism themed pavilion. They are adding a "travel agency" vehicle to present the concept of The Land.

Many threads over the last few months have been about how the true "pavilion" concept is bad (which I disagree with) and that the stand-alone attractions (Like MS and TT) are the future of Epcot. Well, from what I am understanding, Epcot is trying to make the pavilion concept work again.

As for the cruise ship vehicle, Living with the Land has been a boat ride since 1982, but has it EVER been about boating? Soarin' has a hangliding vehicle, but is the attraction about hangliding, or about what you are seeing during the presentation.

From what I am thinking, one will walk in the land, and be explained on how they can visit the "airport" and fly over the majestic LAND of California, or they can take a "cruise" and learn about ecosystems.....or maybe even take a photo-safari and learn about man's impact on and relationship with THE LAND.

Would WoL be in the situation that it is currently in if the different attractions in the pavilion were tied together with an overall vehicle of presentation?


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
But do you believe that's an unhealthy longterm trend? (The attraction focus).

What I believe, and what I think is going to bring in the most "blinded by marketing" tourists (and therefore best for Disney and my own employer), are two VERY different things. :(


New Member
Did I miss something? Epcot is the Experimental prototype community of tomorrow. Where exactly does soaring qualify for future experimentation? That is what made EPCOT so neat in the first place! Does anyone even remember how long ago we could walk into inoventions and actually see "futuristic" cars and appliances, ect. Now it's all one big commercial...that includes Journey into Imagination! The 2nd floor playground was the coolest thing to do when I was a kid. There were futuristic "toys" up there that really did pique your imagination.Now the playgraound at the end of the ride is a commercial. While it is nice to send your loved ones photo e-mails, give me a break, you can do the exact same thing at multiple stations at WDW. EPCOT was something that was originally intended to allow you to step into the future for a day or so and dream of the possibilities of tomorrow. Instead, now we have a huge commercial! EPCOT was designed to take your breath away, and it used to.
The powers that be really jumbled things up when they lost site of that in order to creat another thrill ride park. Shame on them


Well-Known Member
longfamily said:
Did I miss something? Epcot is the Experimental prototype community of tomorrow. Where exactly does soaring qualify for future experimentation? That is what made EPCOT so neat in the first place! Does anyone even remember how long ago we could walk into inoventions and actually see "futuristic" cars and appliances, ect. Now it's all one big commercial...that includes Journey into Imagination! The 2nd floor playground was the coolest thing to do when I was a kid. There were futuristic "toys" up there that really did pique your imagination.Now the playgraound at the end of the ride is a commercial. While it is nice to send your loved ones photo e-mails, give me a break, you can do the exact same thing at multiple stations at WDW. EPCOT was something that was originally intended to allow you to step into the future for a day or so and dream of the possibilities of tomorrow. Instead, now we have a huge commercial! EPCOT was designed to take your breath away, and it used to.
The powers that be really jumbled things up when they lost site of that in order to creat another thrill ride park. Shame on them

It is time to leave 1982 behind. The park in its former format was failing to draw the crowds, especially after MGM and DAK opened. The additions have been done to the taste of the general public, and the crowds are actually returning.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I have a more simplistic look at this....

Travel Agency theming not only equals the many negative things posted above, but whether or not Disney is TECHNICALLY taking out "Living with the Land" or The Garden Grill, in reality, they are.

The theming of the Garden Grill will no longer fit, which means it's original theming will soon be forgotten. Same goes for Living with the Land. A perfectly done and well preserved original....will be trashed for a clone.

I love Soarin. I rode it at DCA, and it ranked really high on my favorite things list, but's just not worth destroying something as original as The Land Pavillion, or it's precious contents.


New Member
I was at The Land for the first time last week. It was my favorite part of Epcot. I loved everything about it. I loved the balloons and the different places to get food. It's a good place to relax and eat. I sat in there for over an hour. It was really peaceful. I'm sad that they're going to change it. I'll have to get back there before they do.


Active Member
I didn't read every posts, but this is my thought.

The land was about man interaction with nature and food production. To me, a pavillion named the Land rings a bell with "admiring the beauty of mother nature, learning about its resources and dealing with the preservation of the Land".

The travel agency can be a good excuse to the theme, because it is the place where travel and exploration starts. From there you can go on different destinations. Admiring mother earth from the sky on a plane, or a cruise through the diversity of the land in more detail, complete with how we can use the Land efficiently. At last, Circle of Life is the educational part of it, with the dangers ahead and how we canand must preserve the Land.
All seems to fit for me and I certainly wouldn't mind a change in themeing, even if I love today's pavillion. But it is certainly not as bad as the drastic change from Horizons to Mission Space or World of Motion to Test Track.

What was the original theme of the pavillion anyway?? Here at least there will be a "story", a place that means something.

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