All I have to say are these two words:
Sorry about that I didn't read about the selected attractions we could make gems for. :dazzle: I should have realized something was up when all of the attraction gems you guys were coming up with were from pretty much the same attractions. I'll make a new one as soon as possible.
Again I know not listening to the instructions is a big no-no in a competition like this so please forgive me and don't think of me as an idiot...despite the fact that I am one

Anyhow so I guess I'll make a hidden gem for Splash Mountain, simply because it's one of my own personal favorites.
And I'm pretty sure that Splash Mountain was one of our options, so yeah...
I'm kind of working off the whole gem concept of Leota's Tombstone in the queue of the Haunted Mansion. Something's that visible to the public but still has a certain mystery to it. So how could something like this go with Splash Mountain?
Well one of my favorite things in a Disney theme park is the sense of mystery you get in a certain area such as Adventureland, Frontierland, or even Critter Country. Just something as exciting as the vast wilderness or the sounds of distant animals calling to you really gets your senses stirred. So I thought that it would be nice to add something like this to Splash Mountain. Now Splash Mountain is an awesome attraction hands down, it has everything that one needs to make a true e-ticket attraction. It has a good storyline, memorable songs and characters, thrills, and that sense of adventure that one can find on such attractions as the Jungle Cruise or Big Thunder Mountain.
The attraction also has a certain "earthy" feel to it, as if you're traveling in underground tunnels that one would dig in the mud at the park or the sand at a beach. It's as if you never know when you may run into an actual rabbit or an actual fox or bear. Just the giant roots hanging over head, the big rocks wedged into the walls, just everything about the attraction makes you feel amazing, as if you're in some other world. So I figured why not add onto that adventurous feeling? :animwink:
So with this "earthy" and "mysterious" feel in mind I have come up with a "hidden" gem for our beloved Chickapin Hill which is the hill where Splash Mountain takes place in case you didn't know.
It's a pretty simple addition to the attraction, but will definitely be able to become a real gem for park guests to enjoy.
So basically right after the scene where Brer Fox has captured Brer Rabbit in the Laughing Place there is a chunk of empty space seperating you from the final lift hill, the vultures, and the prior scene. Now at Disneyland in California there is the whole "Burrow's Lament" scene where a mother possum and rabbit sing to their children about the dangers of the Laughing Place. Now although this scene has not been seen at any other Splash Mountain in the world (There's only three of them) many fans wish that both mountains in Tokyo and Walt Disney World had this scene or at least one to compare with it. So I chose to create one that can compare with it for the Walt Disney World version of the attraction. (If we aren't supposed to be making the gem for WDW please let me know and I'll change it ASAP)
So I came up with what I consider to be
slight competition for the Burrow's Lament.
At around 6:31 you can see a craggy portion of the Laughing Place pretty much occupied only by stalactites and stalagmites with bits of darkness in between. Well now a creepy new character will occupy this area. Say hello to Mister Wolf, the swamp's creepy new grave digger. What does a grave-digging wolf have to do with the attraction's storyline you may ask? Well this is exactly what he has to do with the attraction.
Mister Wolf (Whom will pretty much resemble a grim Marc Davis fox with grey fur and yellow eyes, if you're still confused take a look at the foxes dancing on the riverboat on Disneyland's version of Splash Mountain or the finale of America Sings' Old South portion of the show) now sits on the front porch of his river/rock-side house rocking back in forth in his rocking chair with his rusted old shovel leaning against the wooden panels of his house behind him. The old wolf hums a melancholy version of "Everybody's Gotta Laughing Place" under his breathe as he sharpens a pair of rusted knives against each other. An old lantern flickers for light as a dim candle glows from within the window behind him. As nearby Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit finish their little bit of dialogue between each other Mister Wolf gives a slight evil chuckle from within his throat, sharpening the knives with one loud *SHING*.
A sign appears bolted to the rock right next to the wolf's house, reading:
Specializing in funerals, plot picking, coffin making,
body storing, cremations, burials, secret disposings,
illegal storage, and pretty much anything else you can
think of that is macabre and unsettling."
A list of names with check marks next to seldom numbers of them rests next to the wolf's rocking chair as he slowly rocks back in forth. He will appear to the far left of the rocks just before Brer Fox is seen in the video link posted above. Just picture him sitting there as the nervous guests go by him and his grim humming and chuckling...not to mention the whole knife-sharpening gag.
By the way I know this didn't really compare with the Burrow's Lament scene at all. Also earlier in the project I mentioned that it would be located in between the dead space between Brer Fox and the vultures. Well instead I changed my mind halfway through typing this on moving the gem to a different area of the attraction. Sorry for any mix ups folks, I'm just doing my job here.
And in case you're still confused on what Mister Wolf will look like, here is a picture of a Marc Davis fox:
Only he'd be much scarier than that.
And again I'm
TERRIBLY sorry about the mix up I had with the rules and guidelines for this project.
PLEASE don't hate me for this slight goof. :lookaroun