Ok, wanted a first apologize for being so far after the deadline

; been kinda busy and I only just had this idea last night (most of my best, IMO, are last minute thots

) If my description isn't too clear, it's because I was trying to finish real quick
some backstory, real quick; ToT has been one of my favorites for some time, especially after I started frequenting WDW more often and realizing the fantastic work put into it, and the amount of detail. also, being a 'Zone fan, it was pretty darn amazing to see something of that theme. You can even see many little bits hidden around, most I didn't really see hidden before. I was hoping to not jump on the 'allusions to twilight zone episodes' bandwagon, but I had an idea that lent to it, so I figured I'd run with it.
this is to complement the ride's story somewhat, or at least add a side story to some characters involved. It involves the child actor, and to save myself from calling her that, I'll call her sally, as she's referred to in the film)
**************Cue Twilight Zone (for my own pleasure

Imagine if you will, and old, dusty hotel, the wrong side of sunset blvd. You are an avid disney fan, hoping to have another go on one of your favorite attractions, the TZToT. Unfortunately, it's a busy day at your park of amusement, and the lines are, shall we say, longer than comfort will allow. as you wind through the line for the attraction, heading through the emptied pathways around the grounds, you find yourself glancing around, hoping for something to keep your interest as you wait diligently.
peering into the foliage, you start; you think you've seen something. as you get closer, you peer into the brush, only to happen to see laying there as if left unknowingly, a gold thimble, hidden in a tree alcove (after hours). you don't understand, and continue along. farther along in the brush, you see one of the signs telling you just which way you are heading. 'not the twilight zone,' you grumble. you sit next to it, waiting as the line goes on, and lean back, to stretch. you glance something hanging from the back, an odd stop watch (a kind of stopwatch). you are really starting to think something's up, maybe someone is playing a joke. you're pretty sure you've heard playful laughter, flitting thru the trees, jsut thinking its some odd kids, but still, kids don't quite laugh like that.
as you continue, you happen on similar other items, one of the masks (the masks) hangs from the top of the trellises. you see the guitar (from soul man) sitting behind a potted plant in the foyer, as if it was mistakenly placed there. you happen to see many several others, and wonder if there were more.
as you sit in teh lobby, you look around, trying to find anything else, you notice on the concierge desk, there's a note, written in hasty manuscript, as though by an annoyed or upset individual. taking a closer look, you read:
Things that little brat has stolen:
golden thimble
Pitch stand (from the pitch of a lifetime, i believe)
dolls (from teh miniature)
[something has unsettled the dust. you notice on line has been crossed through, simply 'glove' you notice on teh floor propped against the deask is a glove, with the scrawl, 'casey' on teh side]
... the list continues on, you wonder where they all are, and how you missed them. maybe they're hidden all through the ride...?

(my fav is a grandfather clock hidden in the shadows of the boiler room, stuck at (cant remember the time)... how did a girl get it here?)
lying next to teh list, you see a more formal letter, written by the same individual, but with more care(not good on 30's words and slang, so may seem more modern, but along these lines):
Dear Mr. Hightower (just used his name, not sure if hotel owner has a name),
I must bring to your attention that I cannot stand that little nuisance anymore. she has become a bother to everyone in the hotel, guest and staff alike. I don't care that she is a star and everyone adores her, i simply cannot stand to have her run around freely and...
you lose interest, it appears to be more complaints and anger. you do glance to see who has written in it
"..., head concierge"
... didn't think of a name on that one, was hoping to find the name somewhere, maybe a reference to someone?... i had thot about using the bell hop as the antagonist, but, i figured concierge fit better.
you realize that sally, the child star, although possibly spoiled, but certainly good natured, has been running around teh hotel, misplacing things. possibly for fun, maybe like treasures she admires, but taking and placing nonetheless. it becomes a sort of treasure hunt for you, with even a list to give you some clues on what to find. it gives something to try out if you dont happen to know where they are, gives you a chance to search. i do know there's already a lot hidden, but this gives some guests a chance, if they happen to notice
a last little bit, not sure what you'll find, you see a small mickey plush lying in a small opening in teh wall, on the floor by the elevator; its hidden slightly behind the post of the 'out of order sign', as if left hastily. thinking possibly, someone has dropped it, you reach down to get it out of the hole. as you fingers get to where it should be, it disappears, and you are pretty sure you hear that laughter again. you ask one of the bellhops attending, and they are sure they don';t know what it was. maybe you imagined it, sir? the opening is surely there, but nope, no mickey.
you only realize after, seeing teh girl again in teh preshow, or in teh hallway, holding the mickey, that she has only picked her mickey back up (referencing the fact she's holding the mickey in the films), that she may have hastily left in her descent (possibly due to an angered concierge hastily pushing them all aboard the elevator)
the mikey will be one of those simple holograms, with a sensor. if it senses fingers, it'll disappear, and a laughter will be heard from the elevator shaft. it should only appear again after enough peopl have come by to not have known (on a timer)
when you happen to find yourself in a abandoned elevator on you favorite amusement park ride, be sure to keep watch over your valuables, or they may find themselves in teh possession of a citizen of.... the twilight zone.
i had originally had a thot for a more advanced version, with items that appeared and dissappeared with a similar hologram method, and the list would actually be a digital screen somehow, that would change with teh items, so it's always diff, but i figured, low tech would work. it makes it simpler too
Thanks guys, and again, sorry for my lateness