Trip Report The "I Can't See!!" Trip Report

Welcome everyone!! I'm so excited to get started on this TR!! I wanted to start it a week or so ago but life gets in the way.... I finally have some time to devote to this so here we go!!!

WHO: "The same old, same old crew": myself, my nephew J & my sister E

WHERE: The usual:) Port Orleans Riverside

WHEN: Sunday, February 3rd-Thursday, February 7th

All this and I still couldn't see!!:arghh: My vision issues came into play many times during this trip.

To explain this a bit.....
A few weeks before the trip I went for my yearly eye exam. My doctor said my eyes were extremely dry so she prescribed me steroid drops to take for a week. When I went back a week later she said I could order glasses but wanted me to try different contacts before I ordered them. She felt given my dry eyes my best bet was going to be contacts that are disposed of daily(they're awesome but not cheap in the least). She gave me a bunch of samples but unfortunately she didn't have any samples in the multifocals. She said that I would have to use readers with the contacts since the samples were only for distance. But her main concern at that point was figuring out which contacts would be most comfortable for me. My new glasses came in three days before we left so I was able to have them but to be totally honest--I ABSOLUTELY HATE WEARING GLASSES. Reasons: Can't wear sunglasses, get spotted in the rain, fog up when you go from the cold into the heat, & the biggest thing for me--my perception(esp. walking down steps) is totally different with glasses--you don't know how many times I trip when I have them on!! I've worn contacts since high school so I'm used to them & that's what I prefer. I will admit for years I would sleep with them in, wake up, squirt some saline in my eyes & I was good to go. If you're reading this & have that habit please stop it now. It's what caused my dry eyes & even though it's not the worst problem to have it's still not comfortable.

I was double checking my suitcase & happened to jump on MDE. It was like deja vu(this happened when we were there in September also). E & J's reservation was showing but mine was nowhere to be found.

I closed out, opened the app again then was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

I was awakened shortly after midnight by a text from E. Uh-oh, trouble already & we haven't left yet!!

Keep in mind my last text to her--it will come into play later!!

When I got up that morning it hit me like a ton of bricks'"If she doesn't have luggage tags she's not set up for ME then either". I texted her to let her know that but she never responded. Our flight wasn't leaving until 1:45 that afternoon so she & I both went to work that morning. We ran into each other at Starbucks(what's the chances of that:hilarious:)on our way to our works. I asked her if she saw the text I sent her that morning & she said no. I told her she probably was going to have an issue with the ME. She said she would call them after she took care of a few things at work.

We left at 11:45 for the airport. We wanted to leave a little earlier but E's husband didn't think it was necessary since it was a Sunday & there wouldn't be too much traffic and b/c we had TSA Precheck.
J's excited to go!!

J & I couldn't really talk on the way to the airport. E & her husband are both funeral directors and they were both on their phones making arrangements for two different families at the same time. Those conversations sounded pretty interesting let me tell you....
Side note:the best is when we're in line for something at Disney & she's on the phone with work & says something like "Did someone pick him up from the morgue yet?" You should see the looks she gets!!:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

E hard at work....

I bet you can tell which suitcase is mine.

We bid farewell to E's husband & headed to the non existent TSA Precheck line!!


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Our FP was for the Disney Junior Dance Party. Not only were we too late to enter the FP line but we were too late to get into the show period. The CM told us to wait there for 3 minutes & she would have one of her friends let us in.
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Another CM appeared & we were told to follow her.
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Back door entrance!! I'm not going to lie--I felt important for a second!!
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We thanked the CM & in we went!!
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The show was cute & J enjoyed it. What I don't enjoy is trying to get up off of that floor when it's over!!
The Hubby and I joke that the floor was not near as hard to get up from when we took our kids to see it (20 years ago) as it was trying to get up with with the grandson! 😳 Everything on me cracked when I stood up 😂


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I take pictures of things that I don't want to forget. When I get back to the resort in the evening I go through them & write notes.
Smart! (And a lot of work!)
I laughed and he asked if he could tell me a joke. "The seven dwarfs took a pool the other day. They discovered six of them aren't happy."
But you've always gotta look at both sides of the data. I mean, I'm sure if they looked deeper they'd discover that six of them aren't grumpy either. ;)

Dave B

Well-Known Member
Via Napoli has been off our list of restaurants to eat at in Epcot for about three years because the food is mediocre and the management is horrible! That was unbelievable how you all got your meals brought out at such different times!!!
And this is why tipping is for GOOD Service, not just an automatic, that is horrible that you all ate at different times at the SAME table, I am sorry


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Maybe not! You can tell them the date and approximate time and you have the option to attach a pic from the same day so they know who they're looking for.
Thanks!! I will give it a whirl & see what happens!!
The Hubby and I joke that the floor was not near as hard to get up from when we took our kids to see it (20 years ago) as it was trying to get up with with the grandson! 😳 Everything on me cracked when I stood up 😂
I agree with you. The fact that the floor is super uncomfortable doesn't help the situation either!!
Smart! (And a lot of work!)
Thanks!! It is a lot of work but I have a great time doing it so it's not so bad.
But you've always gotta look at both sides of the data. I mean, I'm sure if they looked deeper they'd discover that six of them aren't grumpy either. ;)
Haha!! Good one!!
Just now started reading, so I'm behind, but I'm here! Enjoying it so far, as usual.
Welcome & thank you very much!! Glad you're here!!
And this is why tipping is for GOOD Service, not just an automatic, that is horrible that you all ate at different times at the SAME table, I am sorry
It was pretty bad. I can understand J's b/c E told her she could bring it out earlier(never expecting 3 minutes later!!) but there was no excuse for her's & mine.
That’s exactly what our eye doctor told my husband last month!
It really does make a lot of sense!!


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So, we left HS and headed to The Yacht Club.

It's really a nice little walk.




If my memory serves me correct I believe it is around a mile walk from HS to Epcot. A few years ago(during an absolutely humid & hot day in June)I suggested to R that we walk to Epcot from HS. It was miserable, don't get me wrong, but R took it to the extreme & told me he thought I was trying to kill him by doing that. I will admit I had us walking at a fast pace b/c we were at the end of our FEA FP window( we were at HS a little longer than we planned b/c someone(R) just had to see Chewbacca). By the time we made it to the IG I thought I was going to collapse. We got to the FP line during the 15 minute grace period but it was so long that by the time we made it to the touch point Mickey turned blue & the CM didn't want to let us in. R(who was quite irritable at this point)put his foot down & said that if it wasn't for the outrageous FP line we would have been there on time. She let us in then. Trust me, it wasn't that he was set on riding FEA. It was the ability to sit & the AC that he was looking forward to.

Anyhow, I called him as we were walking & when I told him where we were he told me that it was ridiculous that we were walking "that 4 to 5 mile walk". Really, R?? We had quite the discussion about it not being that long. Of course, in the end he realized I was right & the comment I got from him was, "Well, it felt like 4-5 miles. I still say you were trying to kill me." :rolleyes:


We walked along the Boardwalk. It was really empty.


E & I really want to try Flying Fish so we decided we are going to eat there when we go in November.

At this point J woke up & was confused as to why we weren't still at HS. He said he wanted to ride & he didn't get to see Chewbacca. E did what any good parent would do--she lied to him & said that we left b/c HS was closed!!:oops:
I did feel bad for him so I asked E if I could get him a treat(even though we hadn't had dinner yet)to kind of soften the blow. She said yes so we stopped at Ample Hills. Even though I'm not an ice cream fan I have been wanting to try this place for awhile so I was pretty excited myself!!


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I guess we were there at an "off-time" of day b/c there was hardly anyone in the place.




I was having a very hard time deciding what flavor I wanted. The CM said I could have two different flavors so I went with:


Not that there was anything wrong with either flavor but I just wasn't "wowed" by the ice cream. It's obvious that it is a quality ice cream but it just didn't do anything for me. I have mentioned in previous TR's that I'm not a big ice cream fan & I believe that's probably why I felt the way I did. I'm not putting Ample Hills down in the least--it's just the way I am when it comes to ice cream.

J got peppermint patty in a cone with sprinkles on it.

E got the oatmeal lace & absolutely loved it!!

I had to get J a cup b/c he couldn't eat his ice cream fast enough & it was dripping everywhere.

Even though I'm not an ice cream fan I am really glad I finally got to try Ample Hills!!


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After we finished our ice cream we continued on towards The Yacht Club.


We noticed that they were setting up for a private event. It looked pretty neat--except for having it on the sand. I hate sand.....


We checked in the gift shop for clothes but didn't find anything.


We headed outside to catch a bus to Disney Springs.

One was pulling out as we walked out the door so we ended up waiting about 20 minutes for the next one.



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We took our usual seats on the bus. J & I sat in the back while E sat in the front section with the stroller.

J wanted to take a selfie.

I took a picture of this to remind myself to download this app on my phone. I still haven't remembered to do it....

J wanted to take pictures. The 58 that he took were a combination of cars & people on the bus. I will only share a few with you:



He caught me off guard for sure.



I don't think he was thrilled when we arrived & I made him give me my phone back...


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I was kind of happy that we were at Disney Springs b/c I needed to get a loofah. I normally buy the smaller ones for $1.00 at Target for when I go away. At the end of a trip I just pitch it so I'm not packing a damp loofah. I was bummed when I realized I forgot to pack one & R said it's only for a few days so it's not that big of a deal. I didn't quite agree with him. A wash cloth & a loofah are two different things. Anyhow, I figured I would be able to get one in Disney Springs for sure.

I stopped in Sephora first. They did not have them but suggested Basin.

We walked into a few different stores trying to find shorts for E but weren't having much luck. We were told in the Levi's store that she could buy a pair of jeans & they would cut them for her. Uh, pay all that money to throw away half of them--no thanks!!

We went into World of Disney & she got something for J.

IMO this store is soooo much better since it's remodel.



While E was checking out I told her I was going to walk next door to see if Basin had a loofah.

$9.99 for this!!:jawdrop: It reminds me of the sponges that my dad used to wash the car with!! I could not believe a lousy sponge could cost that much money.....

.....and I can't believe I actually bought it:arghh:

I was aggravated that I had just paid $10 for a sponge & E was aggravated b/c she couldn't find any shorts for herself.
We went into Under Armour. Most of the women's clothing is upstairs so she went up while I stayed downstairs with J.

I was checking these shirts out while I was waiting. She was able to find something then told me that they give AP's a 15% discount. I ended up buying a couple shirts for myself once I heard that!!


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We decided to have dinner at one of our favorites!! It wasn't crowded at all which was a nice plus!!

We both love the Italian.

But then we saw this.

J got pizza.

E & I decided to get an Italian & a gyro. That way we both could have some of each.


Both were very good!! @Tuvalu-I didn't get the chocolate chip cookie again!! I remembered after we had already left:banghead:


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After dinner we were ready to head back to POR. Neither one of us are big fans of DS so we were more than ready to leave.


J was being super nice to his mom.



I was surprised that these guys weren't afraid of the boats going by but I guess they are probably used to them!!


It's good to be back!!

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