Trip Report The "I Can't See!!" Trip Report

Welcome everyone!! I'm so excited to get started on this TR!! I wanted to start it a week or so ago but life gets in the way.... I finally have some time to devote to this so here we go!!!

WHO: "The same old, same old crew": myself, my nephew J & my sister E

WHERE: The usual:) Port Orleans Riverside

WHEN: Sunday, February 3rd-Thursday, February 7th

All this and I still couldn't see!!:arghh: My vision issues came into play many times during this trip.

To explain this a bit.....
A few weeks before the trip I went for my yearly eye exam. My doctor said my eyes were extremely dry so she prescribed me steroid drops to take for a week. When I went back a week later she said I could order glasses but wanted me to try different contacts before I ordered them. She felt given my dry eyes my best bet was going to be contacts that are disposed of daily(they're awesome but not cheap in the least). She gave me a bunch of samples but unfortunately she didn't have any samples in the multifocals. She said that I would have to use readers with the contacts since the samples were only for distance. But her main concern at that point was figuring out which contacts would be most comfortable for me. My new glasses came in three days before we left so I was able to have them but to be totally honest--I ABSOLUTELY HATE WEARING GLASSES. Reasons: Can't wear sunglasses, get spotted in the rain, fog up when you go from the cold into the heat, & the biggest thing for me--my perception(esp. walking down steps) is totally different with glasses--you don't know how many times I trip when I have them on!! I've worn contacts since high school so I'm used to them & that's what I prefer. I will admit for years I would sleep with them in, wake up, squirt some saline in my eyes & I was good to go. If you're reading this & have that habit please stop it now. It's what caused my dry eyes & even though it's not the worst problem to have it's still not comfortable.

I was double checking my suitcase & happened to jump on MDE. It was like deja vu(this happened when we were there in September also). E & J's reservation was showing but mine was nowhere to be found.

I closed out, opened the app again then was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

I was awakened shortly after midnight by a text from E. Uh-oh, trouble already & we haven't left yet!!

Keep in mind my last text to her--it will come into play later!!

When I got up that morning it hit me like a ton of bricks'"If she doesn't have luggage tags she's not set up for ME then either". I texted her to let her know that but she never responded. Our flight wasn't leaving until 1:45 that afternoon so she & I both went to work that morning. We ran into each other at Starbucks(what's the chances of that:hilarious:)on our way to our works. I asked her if she saw the text I sent her that morning & she said no. I told her she probably was going to have an issue with the ME. She said she would call them after she took care of a few things at work.

We left at 11:45 for the airport. We wanted to leave a little earlier but E's husband didn't think it was necessary since it was a Sunday & there wouldn't be too much traffic and b/c we had TSA Precheck.
J's excited to go!!

J & I couldn't really talk on the way to the airport. E & her husband are both funeral directors and they were both on their phones making arrangements for two different families at the same time. Those conversations sounded pretty interesting let me tell you....
Side note:the best is when we're in line for something at Disney & she's on the phone with work & says something like "Did someone pick him up from the morgue yet?" You should see the looks she gets!!:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

E hard at work....

I bet you can tell which suitcase is mine.

We bid farewell to E's husband & headed to the non existent TSA Precheck line!!


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E needed to get her bag from bell services so we headed there next.

See the CM in the picture? He was AMAZING!! He was running around like crazy trying to get everybody's things for them.

So efficient & super friendly too!!

We headed to find our rooms. As we approached them I realized that there was a light & tv on coming from what was supposed to be my room. I immediately panicked & assumed that someone else was in my room!!

E thought it was hysterical & was busy laughing at me.:rolleyes:

I walked up the steps & peered in the window. I saw that my suitcase was in there. It was then that I realized that mousekeeping must have left the tv on. I did think that was kind of odd though b/c I have never once known them to do that.

E & J's room was about 6 doors down from mine. We walked down to theirs once we knew that I could get into mine. E saw that they delivered only one of their suitcases. I hung around for a bit while she sat on hold waiting to talk to someone about the whereabouts of the other suitcase. J finally asked me when I was going to go back to my room since I had my own:jawdrop: He wasn't being a brat or being smart about it. He has a good reason for feeling that way--I'll have to get into that story at some point. Since I could tell I had worn out my welcome I headed out. E would text me here & there. I could tell she was getting very frustrated. She was kept on hold for an hour. She ended up calling back & they tried to put her on hold again but she wouldn't let them. What was really bothering her was that it was J's suitcase that was MIA. He had a bit of a cold & his medicine was in there. He ended up going to bed without the medicine. They finally located it & then she was worried that J would wake up when they delivered it. The suitcase finally arrived at midnight:oops: And yes, I get it, she didn't have the ME tags on it but she was assured that they would get them there & only one showed up. I could understand her frustration & I really felt bad that my nephew didn't get his medicine.

Back to my room!!

The view from my room. I just adore POR!!



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We booked this trip the day after Christmas & there wasn't much along the lines of room choices left. If I remember correctly, I believe all that was left were Royal Guest Rooms. The price for a river view was only a few dollars more so we went for it. I was so happy with our location. We could not have asked for anything better!!



Not sure what is on the tv since I wasn't the one to turn it on!!




I love the details in the shower curtain!!




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Eeewww on the guy who wouldn't move for IASW outside picture as well as whoever was brushing your knee.
I always try to be cognizant of who and what are around me, including personal space and the idea of gee, not stopping in an entrance or on a busy path with someone behind. Nice TR, though!
They were both testing my patience that's for sure!!
I'm the same way--too bad everyone wasn't like that!
Thank you very much!!
Oh that knee toucher!


Really love your castle firework pics. Especially that first one.
That really got me laughing!! Good one!!
Thank you!!
Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I can't wait to hear about the luggage adventure.
Thanks for reading!! The luggage adventure has been posted!!
Beautiful family and looking like a great trip so far. Love the Minnie interaction and him. Soo cute!
Awww!! Thank you very much!!
  1. I gave that Haunted Mansion doombuggy to my son for Christmas. He loved it!
  2. Our TV and lights were on in our GF room when we first arrived. Maybe it’s new protocol?
  3. I will still be your friend even though you don’t like HEA. 😉
  1. Isn't that thing the best!!
  2. Maybe it is. I just thought it was very bizarre in this day of everyone trying to conserve etc. It wasn't on any of the other days when I would come back. Is it supposed to make you feel welcome when you first arrive or something like that?😕
  3. Wheww--thank goodness!! I really have tried hard to like it but I just can't. For as many times as I've seen Wishes my eyes still teared up each & every time. I just don't feel a connection to HEA & it just doesn't do anything for me.
I really liked that coffee - but sadly mousekeeping would never replace it (they would just give the regular coffee when I ran out). I'm actually about to order some off of the Joffrey's website I liked it so much!
Sorry to tell you that they replaced mine every day.... Thanks for the tip--I may look into ordering some myself!!


J & I found a spot near Crystal Palace to watch HEA while E got us Starbucks. I only took a few pictures. I'm sorry to say I'm just not into this show. I guess I'm still bitter about Wishes.....

I think you are the first person that I have seen agrees with me - I am also bitter about Wishes and also tried to give HEA a chance - but it's just not the same. Enjoying your report!!


Well-Known Member
They were both testing my patience that's for sure!!
I'm the same way--too bad everyone wasn't like that!
Thank you very much!!

That really got me laughing!! Good one!!
Thank you!!

Thanks for reading!! The luggage adventure has been posted!!

Awww!! Thank you very much!!

  1. Isn't that thing the best!!
  2. Maybe it is. I just thought it was very bizarre in this day of everyone trying to conserve etc. It wasn't on any of the other days when I would come back. Is it supposed to make you feel welcome when you first arrive or something like that?😕
  3. Wheww--thank goodness!! I really have tried hard to like it but I just can't. For as many times as I've seen Wishes my eyes still teared up each & every time. I just don't feel a connection to HEA & it just doesn't do anything for me.
Sorry to tell you that they replaced mine every day.... Thanks for the tip--I may look into ordering some myself!!
Although I have still only seen HEA once, from the Poly, with a very irritable 5 year old- I have watched it online and I don’t think it will ever live up to Wishes for me. I have never seen Wishes that I did not cry. I can think about it and tear up! I will wait until I get to see it up close- hopefully this trip, to make up my mind but I just don’t see anything matching it for me.


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I love the Royal Rooms! I was almost able to convince the husband that we should move to POR when a cheaper garden view room opened up for only $300 extra. I'm stalking the site in case a standard opens and then I may get my way :)
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
I think you are the first person that I have seen agrees with me - I am also bitter about Wishes and also tried to give HEA a chance - but it's just not the same. Enjoying your report!!
I tried to give it a chance(more than once)but it does nothing for me. Thank you for reading!!
Although I have still only seen HEA once, from the Poly, with a very irritable 5 year old- I have watched it online and I don’t think it will ever live up to Wishes for me. I have never seen Wishes that I did not cry. I can think about it and tear up! I will wait until I get to see it up close- hopefully this trip, to make up my mind but I just don’t see anything matching it for me.
I was the same way with Wishes. If you end up really liking HEA please point out to me what it is that I'm missing!!
And Poly stepped on it while it was wrapped, causing it to speak which was terrifying

And I’ll forgive @riverside for her dislike of HEA, too.

Oh, and J holding up three fingers to remember the number in my party made my night.
Poly stepping on it=:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: The text ringtone on my phone is from The Haunted Mansion. Back when J was scared of HM & that would go off he would get panic & say "Why is A Haunted Mansion on your phone?" It was quite disturbing to him.

Sorry about the dislike of HEA--thanks for forgiving me though!!

It was so funny--for him to stand there the whole time like that was so cute!!


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I headed out shortly after 7 for my morning walk. These next two pictures are the same shots that I took the night before but now there was light!

I would love to wake up to this view every day!!


Parterre Place--the area of Magnolia Bend that we were in.

The corner room on the second floor was E & J's.

The room to the right of the steps on the second floor was mine.

I took the path towards the Alligator Bayou section.


Back through Magnolia Bend.

Down to FQ.

And back to Riverside.


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Once back at POR I decided to get to know the bayou section a little bit better so I just started taking random pathways through there.


At one point I actually got lost!! I felt like I was in the woods & just spinning in circles!!



So pretty!!

There's a familiar sight!!

When I look at this it looks like I was spinning in circles for sure!!


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I got back to the room & got ready. We met around 9:30 & headed to the South Depot to get the bus to AK.

This was the line behind us for the AK bus!

E was on the phone with work.

Here's the line in front of us!!

Fortunately we didn't wait long. Two buses came within minutes of each other & we got on the second one.

J's really starting to get into selfies!!

He decided that he wanted to take pictures with my phone at this point. He didn't get to capture them but there were a few animals(different types of birds if I remember correctly) on the side of the road. His comment:"Oh, wow! It's like we're already on the safari!!" It was so funny--everyone around us was cracking up!!

He then decided he wanted to take pictures of every Disney bus he saw. I'll just share one with you but he took a total of nine bus pictures.

We got to AK at 10:00.

Originally we were on the far left side. The lines were totally insane so E said that we should go to the passholder line which was all the way over to the right. I told her I didn't think we could make it through all those people. Somehow we did though--thank goodness!!



Much more manageable!!


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We stopped for a few PP pics when we first got there. Excuse the looks on E's face--she was back on the phone with work again so she was talking while these were being taken.





Also, not sure if you noticed but "moonie" joined us for the photo shoot!!

We got here towards the end of our FP window.

E rode first. J wanted to see his mom on the ride so he watched very closely for her.


Every time a train came out he told me to take a picture hoping that I would get his mom in it.

After E was done it was my turn.

No ride photos for me to share with you b/c they didn't show up in my account--as usual!!

Side note: I rode with a guy who was there with his daughter & her husband. His wife was sitting off with the grand baby. He told me this is the first time he ever used FP at Disney. I asked him why that was. He said b/c he hasn't been here in 20 years since his kids were little & the only reason they were there now was b/c of the grand baby. His words, and I quote, "Since there haven't been any little kids around all these years I've had no reason to come here.":jawdrop: Blasphemy, I say!!
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