Now that we've seen closeups, yeah...the Trump AA's face is def off. I wonder if the reason is that maybe the inner mechanisms of all of the presidential AAs are a one-size-fits-all thing - the "skull", "jaws", etc. are all standard, and the facial skins have to be anchored/adapted to them. People's facial bones are very different from each other, as we all know. So if all of the Presidential AAs inner "craniums" have the same proportions, maybe that's why, even if a good facial sculpt of a given President is produced, the end result is not a very good likeness because it has to be stretched or compressed to attach the anchorings or some such.
Also, I agree with ChicagoShannon2's remark about the Reagan AA's hair - it doesn't look right at all. I looked around the web for the various President AAs, and the hair thing seems to be a recurring problem. I found the George Bush 43 AA, and while his face was actually pretty good, the hair looked like it belonged on a Ken doll.
Throws the likeness completely off.
Still, the Trump AA looks okay (to me) from a distance, the gestures overall are good, and Trump has a pretty dynamic voice, so the AA comes off okay during the performance. But MAN, TDO, you gotta do better with these modern-President AAs. Look at the Bill Clinton AA!
Obama's mouth looks weird.