The great "stroller" conspiracy.

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Well-Known Member
We must demand of others the highest level of responsibility, the same level as to which we hold ourselves. quote]
Yes, I could spend $4000 to take my family to WDW and ruin my vacation obsessing about all the bad behavior of other guests. But I think I'll try to have a good time instead.


New Member
My daughter is three and special needs...I'm racking my brain trying to think of what I could possibly need to bring into the parks that would need a cooler or what toys would possibly hold her attention over being in Disney World. I've taken her since she was an infant.

Her medication does need to be refrigerated, but the Baby Care/First Aid Centers will happily do that for me until it's time for her dosage.

This is genuine curiosity, not sarcasm. For those who are bringing those things, what are you bringing? Do you actually end up using it? (I brought a pack of Teddy Grahams for toddler snacking and they went unused the whole time and ended up as Teddy Crumbs.)


Well-Known Member
I disagree completely. People definitely weigh the convenience vs. the hassle. Is it worth it to lug around rain ponchos for everyone? If you're going to be touring in the afternoon in the summer, it probably is worth it. Takes up a lot of space, but allows for the family to save money and keep touring during a downpour. Videocamera - is that worth it? Probably. Personally, I hate carting around a bunch of crap, but I'd also rather keep touring than have to find First Aid just because someone has a blister. When it's just me and one of the boys touring, we carry a lot less.

If it rains, do you need a rain poncho? No, you won't die without it. Will it make touring 100 times more pleasant? Yes. So, you're right, I don't strictly NEED to carry around a rain poncho. Though, if you're going to argue word usage - you bolded the word "need" from my post - remember that I had qualified "need" with "might". "Might need" makes more sense to me than "want". I really don't want a rain poncho. I might need one.

Finally, hauling around a lot of stuff is not fun for anyone. People make their own choices based on the specifics of their family, their risk tolerance, their budget, and their touring plans.

But that is my point. People don't need this stuff, you just said it yourself. Now if you take a long a poncho, does that have any sort of effect on other people - no. If you bring along a box of cookies, does that impact somone - no.

However if you have a huge double wide stroller, that does impact people. In the least it takes up space, and in the worse it becomes somthing to run others down with. Now somwhere back in the start of this thread sombody made the comment that those strollers are being used because of all the things that parents need to carry.

Lets make the statement what it really is. Can you agree with the following carefully worded statement (why do I feel like I am reviewing testimony or contract language again?)

There are precious few items that people have an absolute need to bring into WDW with them. There are many items that people choose to bring that make their touring much more enjoyable and have minimal impact on other guests. There are also some items that are not needed, but do increase the enjoyment of the user, however also may have some negative impact to other patrons. The use of all of these items is of course the right of the one using them.



Well-Known Member
Lets make the statement what it really is. Can you agree with the following carefully worded statement (why do I feel like I am reviewing testimony or contract language again?)

There are precious few items that people have an absolute need to bring into WDW with them. There are many items that people choose to bring that make their touring much more enjoyable and have minimal impact on other guests. There are also some items that are not needed, but do increase the enjoyment of the user, however also may have some negative impact to other patrons. The use of all of these items is of course the right of the one using them.

Heh, I review contracts, too. Your statement sounds good to me. Now, we can argue about what constitutes an item that has some negative impact to other guests. :p


Well-Known Member
Heh, I review contracts, too. Your statement sounds good to me. Now, we can argue about what constitutes an item that has some negative impact to other guests. :p
Even a cell phone can have a big negative impact on other guests in the hands of an inconsiderate person. I mentioned in another thread a guy carrying on a loud business conversation during Illuminations.


Lets make the statement what it really is. Can you agree with the following carefully worded statement (why do I feel like I am reviewing testimony or contract language again?)

There are precious few items that people have an absolute need to bring into WDW with them. There are many items that people choose to bring that make their touring much more enjoyable and have minimal impact on other guests. There are also some items that are not needed, but do increase the enjoyment of the user, however also may have some negative impact to other patrons. The use of all of these items is of course the right of the one using them.


This is all true. Strollers, flash photography on no-flash rides, open video screens, cell phones, laser pointer etc. In the hands of a responsible human who utilizes consideration, not a problem. In the hands of the inconsiderate, PROBLEM. What we need is some kind of inconsiderate human detector that isolates those folks from the rest.:lol:


Well-Known Member
I blame it on the stroller makers.

Is there such a thing as stroller envy?

When Mrs Jones sees that Mrs Miller has a stroller with 3 storage compartments and a cup holder, she feels a little upset because HER stroller only has 2 compartments and doesn't even have a cup holder. So when Mrs Jones has her next kid, she buys the stroller that has 5 storage compartments and 2 cup holders so her stroller is bigger and better than Mrs. Millers.

The stroller makers aren't stupid...they see this happening and they know exactly what they need to do to keep selling strollers. Every year they come out with new models that have more widgets and gadgets and doo-dads and compartments, and cup holders etc.

So now we have Jeep Strollers and Lexas Strollers and Hummer Strollers that are status symbols of how much we make each year and each year they try and out do one another. It's become ridiculous folks.

All one really needs is a good umbrella stroller and most of those have a place for a water bottle. Thats it...and if anyone tells you diffferant, It's probably because they have been sucked into the bigger is better and look how rich we are mentality game that the stroller companys have dreamed up to make more money.

Just my opinion


Well-Known Member
granted strollers are getting larger but the Disney rental strollers are much larger than the average stroller.


Well-Known Member
Just like the airlines have restrictions on the size of luggage, Maybe it's time for Disney to put restrictions on the sizes of strollers. Those that are oversized pay extra.


New Member
I admit I loved having the double stroller to push the kids and the backpack around kept them from running off and I got to keep 'my' pace since one child moves slightly slower than molasses and the other child runs ahead and hides. And hubby is usually oblivious because kid wrangling somehow became 'my job' and not 'his job'.

Hubby threw the stroller away when the youngest was 3-3.5 and I was upset because he took it away from me..not them. But it gave me an opportunity to engage my husband in kid wrangling and the kids actually do ok...we do spend less time in the parks because 'molasses' just stops all together after a while.

As far as carrying snacks and drinks...when I had the stroller I was all about the soft sided I sometimes carry a light backpack for my purchases...but the days of frozen capri sun pouches and granola bars are over...we are fortunate enough where buying drinks and snacks off of Disney carts all day isn't going to delay the mortgage payment.

*****Last year we went to the MK on the 4th of July against my better judgement and we got caught in a bottle neck behind the castle before the fireworks...we were literally skin to skin..I could feel the sweat bead on my neighbor transfer from his leg to mine to finish it's journey...ewwww. There was no way out so the kids went up on our shoulders for their safety and this obnoxious amazonian woman starts trying to force her way through this unmoving mass of people with her stroller....she had the brillant idea of lifting the stroller abover her head to better move through the crowd...and got stuck right behind me with no where to go and no where to put her stroller down and she spent the whole time witching and moaning about her predicament...I spent the whole time praying she didn't lose what was left of her mind and chuck the stroller into our heads.


I admit I loved having the double stroller to push the kids and the backpack around kept them from running off and I got to keep 'my' pace since one child moves slightly slower than molasses and the other child runs ahead and hides. And hubby is usually oblivious because kid wrangling somehow became 'my job' and not 'his job'.

Hubby threw the stroller away when the youngest was 3-3.5 and I was upset because he took it away from me..not them. But it gave me an opportunity to engage my husband in kid wrangling and the kids actually do ok...we do spend less time in the parks because 'molasses' just stops all together after a while.

As far as carrying snacks and drinks...when I had the stroller I was all about the soft sided I sometimes carry a light backpack for my purchases...but the days of frozen capri sun pouches and granola bars are over...we are fortunate enough where buying drinks and snacks off of Disney carts all day isn't going to delay the mortgage payment.

*****Last year we went to the MK on the 4th of July against my better judgement and we got caught in a bottle neck behind the castle before the fireworks...we were literally skin to skin..I could feel the sweat bead on my neighbor transfer from his leg to mine to finish it's journey...ewwww. There was no way out so the kids went up on our shoulders for their safety and this obnoxious amazonian woman starts trying to force her way through this unmoving mass of people with her stroller....she had the brillant idea of lifting the stroller abover her head to better move through the crowd...and got stuck right behind me with no where to go and no where to put her stroller down and she spent the whole time witching and moaning about her predicament...I spent the whole time praying she didn't lose what was left of her mind and chuck the stroller into our heads.

I love this post. Finally, someone admits the truth about who the stroller is truly for! And They got rid of it at the right time, and then had a better experience. And once you ditch the stroller, you can REALLY see how bad they can be in the wrong hands. Bravo!

I can't even imagine someone lifting a stroller over their head. Horrible judgement.


New Member
We have 2.5 year old twins along with a 7 year old. Our 7 year old did without the stroller when he was 5, although there was one time while we were waiting for the parade where he crashed in his sisters and actually fell asleep.

We are active, but we do need a stroller with the little ones for safety reasons, I really don't want to lose anyone.

At home we use a jogger that is quite big and bulky. The airline actually said I could use the double jogger and check it at the gate. I really can't imagine that, it is huge and heavy and although it works great for me when I am running in the park, etc, taking it to a place full of people, I would worry that I would be running into people with the front wheel.

I recently bought a lightweight double stroller used for $75 (this one retails over $300) and figure I can resell it and get my money back. Still cheaper than renting one and I'm sure I will get my money back.

But, as for packing them full of stuff, honesty I need everything we pack. If might be bulky for some, but I really don't want to car around anything I don't need, but it all adds up.

Diapers, wipes, sippie cups, water bottles, change of clothes, small snacks, and all the other things people need. I wouldn't bring in a huge cooler, but will have a small cooler bag to keep the milk in so its not sitting out in the sun all day.

I know there will be points where the kids will melt down, the problem being they won't nap it we went back to the hotel anyway, so we will push until they fall asleep and use that time for my older son to go on a few rides.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it is the size of the stroller so much as it is the way people use them. Even a small stroller can be in the way in the wrong hands. People need to be mindful of their belongings. When my son was small I had a average sized stroller and I parked out of the way. I saw other park thiers with the handles protruding into doorways or 2 feet from the entrances to exhibits. That is annoying no matter how big the stroller is.

Dj Corona

Active Member
I kind of skipped ahead thru most of the posts, I've shared this story a few times on these boards, and it's one of those "had to have been there to appreciate it" moments....Anywho, long story short, a mother was pushing one of the park issued SUV storllers at a rate of speed like she needed to be somewhere reeaallllyy quick. The rest of her party had stopped at a souvenier stand and yelled to her, she stopped on a dime, and in the process, launched her daughter out of it like a human missle without knowing otherwise, then continued on, and ran over her like a human speed bump, and preceeded to chastise her for "not staying in her stroller"....It even got worse after that


New Member
okay I work in MK/FL, philhar side and one of the jobs is stroller parking. for the most part we dont mind most of the strollers brought by guests, the one we can not stand (or at least me) are the big three wheeled ones whith the one big @$* wheel in the front that dosnt turn. or when guests get the tinny little strollers and put a big 50 pound backpack on the end and expect it not to topple over:confused:. other then that we are just fine with whatever you bring as long as you dont park it in a no parking zone or chain your stroller to a pole:eek: (we really hate that).


New Member
So...I have never actually posted a reply to a thread before but I would just like to say, Who's business is it if I put my 5 year old (who is the size of a 7 year old) in a stroller? I do this for safety reasons...anyone with a 5 year old knows that they are constantly looking around and not paying attention (especially in Disney World). I want to make sure she is where she is supposed to be and not getting caught up in crowds and easily lost.
I just don't get what everyone gets so upset about. If some family wants to bring some huge stroller and push it around all day long, I don't care, go ahead. I've been to Disney before I had kids and never thought twice about someone pushing their kid around in a stroller. I've been on the flip side too. I have 2 kids and pushed a double stroller around Disney and now we are at the point of one being in a stroller and one out. I could care less what people think, if I choose to rent/bring a stroller for my 5 year old that is as tall as an almost 8 year old. It's none of their business. If i choose to rent a stroller then so be it, how is this impacting anyone? Yes occasionally people are rude and push or accidentally hit people's legs but this is the minority. Look I'm am born pessimist and have that Eeyore cloud over me but you're in Disney enjoy your vacation and stop being so concerned about other people choices that are irrelevant to you.

Martian Crab

New Member
you're in Disney enjoy your vacation and stop being so concerned about other people choices that are irrelevant to you.

I think the point some are making is that many of these choices DO impact our vacations. Legions of slow or stopped triple-wide strollers barring the way, impeding my progress does make it harder to enjoy myself.
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