The great "stroller" conspiracy.

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Well-Known Member
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Just back from a few days at the parks and this "stroller" thing is completely out of control.

You can't even call them strollers now because they've grown into small SUV shaped contraptions that people use to carry coolers, food bags, toy bags, backpacks and anything else they can squeeze aboard. We saw several that were so large the kids were standing up in them riding around, like gigantic rolling playpens. And what's worse is half the kids riding in them had to be close to teens, way too big for "strollers".

These things take up entire halls, clog complete shopping lanes, and when more than two get together they close off the whole walkway. Enough is enough with the rolling pack mules.


Well-Known Member
What I really want to know is "how do you feel about strollers at Disney"?

I'm only giving you a hard time but seriously, have the changed the strollers? Have they gotten bigger? Those double jobs they had from my last visit a year ago should carry the "wide load" banners they put on some big rigs. I think EPCOT is the only place that can really hold them.


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These weren't the ones provided by Disney, although those are bad enough.

These were personal owned jobs, no doubt built by Hummer or Winnebago. You name it, they had it, from huge sunshades to expandable sleeping compartments. The dang things were just plain HUGE and every other family seemed to be pushing one along.

It also didn't help that it seemed to be Terrible Two Days at Magic Kingdom. I never saw so many bad, spoiled, crying, temper tantrum throwing, foot stomping, out of control toddlers in all my life.


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This would be the small version of what we saw everyone schleping along....


Now picture those loaded with bags of every sort, being pushed down Main Street two or three across with no regard for anyone but themselves!



Well-Known Member
These weren't the ones provided by Disney, although those are bad enough.

These were personal owned jobs, no doubt built by Hummer or Winnebago. You name it, they had it, from huge sunshades to expandable sleeping compartments. The dang things were just plain HUGE and every other family seemed to be pushing one along.

It also didn't help that it seemed to be Terrible Two Days at Magic Kingdom. I never saw so many bad, spoiled, crying, temper tantrum throwing, foot stomping, out of control toddlers in all my life.

"Winnebago", that's good stuff, I'm calling Jerry Seinfeld right now. I haven't seen any like that but I sure believe it, glad I wasn't there. We used to carry an umbrella stroller along when ours were little because we didn't want to lug around a normal stroller, not to mention the ones you are referring to.


Well-Known Member
This would be the small version of what we saw everyone schleping along....


Now picture those loaded with bags of every sort, being pushed down Main Street two or three across with no regard for anyone but themselves!


Stroller? Looks like a rickshaw.


I have to admit I've never noticed these huge vehicles of mass desruction - most likely due to me being caught up in my surroundings whilst visiting, I never really notice much of what anyone else is up to. Anyone got any pictures?


Attack of the Strollers

Oh Thank God I thought it was just me! My husband and I were just there last week and these huge strollers were every where! They caused such traffic jams, and made standing on the bus very interesting. Even folded up they are big! I remember when I was little my parents had the little umbrella stroller for me an that was it! Another issue I had were people with rolling bags or even carry on's. I can't tell you how many times I almost tripped over these things. What are people packing that they need rolling carry on's in the park? Oh well aside from man eating strollers and rude teenagers we had fun:)



Active Member
It doesn't help that they now allow you to bring your coolers into the park. Now people need to get the gynormous strollers to hold these things as well as the tweens who are too tired to walk. Nothing like helping childhood obesity by preventing them from getting exercise.:brick:

We stopped using strollers at WDW once the youngest was 4. If he was too tired to walk, we would go back take a nap and recharge everyones batteries for the evening at the parks.

I have a feeling this thread is going to start another battle in the long standing stroller, ECV, wheelchair wars.


I'll never question the use of a wheelchair or EVC though I wish people "drove" them better. And I'm sure the strollers make it eaiser for the family to stay in the park longer, but why do they have to be so big? I just don't understand why people have to pack everything but the kitchen sink. I understand with little one's you need alot of stuff but what got me were the people with older kids or even by themselves had these huge bags. It must be exhusting pushing a huge stroller along while lugging bags and a cooler!


Well-Known Member
I wonder what the load capacity is on that thing. Can a person with a 350lb "glandular diability" ride on one?

After wiping the tears of laughter away, I read on one site that theirs will pull a 400 lb load!! The "Cruzin Cooler" they call it. You can actually get a second cooler attachment, kinda like a caboose.

I hope we are not giving some people an idea with this.


New Member
I understand with little one's you need alot of stuff but what got me were the people with older kids or even by themselves had these huge bags.

"Need"? Amazingly, humans managed to function for thousands of years carrying their children around without packing massive loads of toys, dvd players, personal transport, special food, god-only-knows-what-else. Families of five used to all be able to drive around in a medium sized sedan with a modest trunk with no problem. This perception that all of this stuff has to be taken with your kid everywhere you go seems to have spiraled out of control over the last fifteen years or so.


I have a little one and I cannot imagine having to lug that thing around!!!

I find that I am in the minority these days, because I let my daughter make her own choices and learn from them and I don't pack for the end of the world in my bag.

For example she doesn't like riding in her stroller, so we end up leaving places early since she is tired. We have had to leave parks, parties, and shops early, but guess what? She now is starting to pace herself and taking things slower so she can enjoy more..and she isn't even 3!

To each their own, but I seriously can't imagine pushing around a kid older than 5 just so I could ride a little longer. I just don't think it would be fair to them.

I go for quality over quantity at any chance I get, and I have never been disappointed with my choice

Gig 'Em Mickey

Well-Known Member
I agree some strollers are too big, but most people just bring them from home where size makes little difference most of the time. I know I would not buy a special stroller just for Disney. And before you complain try to walk a day in the parents shoes. Inconvenient for you, but pretty vital to a family with young children trying to enjoy a vacation.


New Member
My seven year old weighs right about 50 pounds, he's weighed that for about 2 years now, puts him right in about the 50% for weight for his age, he's in the 100% for height. He is by no means obese or overweight. He lives a very active life (does gymnastics, swims, plays outside just being a kid). However, when we are at Disney (where we usually stay for 8 days or more) he will ride in a stroller from time to time. He (and his two year old brother) have also been known to meltdown from time to time (just like most adults I know at Disney). This does not mean they are bad, spoiled, whinny obese children. It means Disney is an amazingly fun but also a very tiring place. I would hope you would not judge my kids or parenting skills based on 3 minutes you might see of us at Disney. We each have to to what's best for our families and as long as we are staying within what's allowed at Disney that should be fine.


Well-Known Member
We just returned from a WDW trip and noticed a lot of huge double jogging strollers, too. *disclaimer alert* We use a double stroller for our 5 and 3 year olds, but it is a side by side Maclaren that can fit through a standard doorway and folds up umbrella-style. And I make a point to not hit people with it. :lol: We also saw some pretty miserable parents trying to lug their huge strollers on the buses. (we stayed at AKL) In fact, one family waited for the next bus leavaing MK b/c to quote the Dad, "This thing is huge" (talking about their stroller) And the bus was only about 3/4 full!

Also, the amount of crap people bring to the parks never ceases to amaze me. We don't even carry a backpack. :shrug: DH loads up his cargo shorts with hand sanitizer, my lip balm that I can't live without, our compact point and shoot camera, and off we go. The stroller has pockets so we stick some travel size sunscreen bottles and wet ones wipes in those. We saw soooo many people (lots with kids, but also lots without) with HUGE backpacks filled to the brim with... what?? What is SO important that you have to carry it around a large theme park all day? Coolers, camelbacks, etc. were also seen being lugged around. We always chuckle that we just must travel light. :lol:
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