Well-Known Member
I enjoyed it except for two things.
1. The CGI was too cartoonish and fake. Surely, Disney could have thrown another couple of million to Jim Henson's Creature Shop to create all of the inhabitants of the Moor?
Practical effects are becoming a lost art.
2. Maleficent is too short. It clocks in at a little over an hour and a half....because they cut out too many important things:
- The Queen only gets one scene in the movie. After Aurora's christening, she disappears completely, only to be mentioned once as being very sick,
As it stands, the Queen's only role is to give birth.
- So....Stefan knows that
so he has builds a great big forge that even Mordor would be proud of, and has his forgers working 24/7 to build something. Yet when the final battle takes place....all he has is a suit of armor, a few Roman-style shields, and what amounts to an iron fishnet.
Seriously? What the hell did he have them building? I was expecting medieval Panzer tanks or something.
1. The CGI was too cartoonish and fake. Surely, Disney could have thrown another couple of million to Jim Henson's Creature Shop to create all of the inhabitants of the Moor?


Practical effects are becoming a lost art.

2. Maleficent is too short. It clocks in at a little over an hour and a half....because they cut out too many important things:
- The Queen only gets one scene in the movie. After Aurora's christening, she disappears completely, only to be mentioned once as being very sick,
while Stefan descends into madness. Hey, I have an idea....how about making her actually matter to the story? Maybe if Stefan were to blame Maleficent for the illness before he starts muttering to himself? I'm pretty sure that happened, but was cut out in post.
- So....Stefan knows that
iron can burn faeries
Seriously? What the hell did he have them building? I was expecting medieval Panzer tanks or something.