The Dream That You Wish Will Come True : A February Engagement TR

Hi lovies! I am so happy to finally be getting to this TR and share this story with you all! Prior to this trip my than boyfriend and I took our last trip to WDW in November 2012 for my birthday. I had hoped the entire trip we would get engaged than but sadly, it didn't happen. The day we left to come home I made a wish in Cinderella's Wishing Well..

Little did I know that just a little over 2 short months later the dream that I wished, did come true! So without further ado, here we go!

For those of you who don't know, Ryan and I have been together for 4 years, this trip was to celebrate our anniversary and was Ryan's idea. We first came to WDW together in February 2010 for our 1 year anniversary and have been obsessed ever since; we are current passholders, and yes, we live in NJ! This TR will have TONS of pictures and lots of pixie dust, I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I am enjoying reliving it with you! xox

February 2010 (our 1st anniversary and 1st trip together)

November 2012 (our last trip together)

Day 1 - February 3, 2013
When we booked this trip we didn't realize at the time that today was in fact Superbowl Sunday. Normally that wouldn't matter except that my 49ers were finally back in the big game! I have been a huge fan since I was just a little girl in the early 90s and I had been waiting years for them to get back to the Superbowl. Ryan was working until 2:00 and our flight was at 6:00, just in time for kick-off, wonderful! I got dressed in my 9ers best, which allowed me to meet lots of "friends" at the airport, flew through security and we waited at the gate. Thankfully, we were on JetBlue so I was able to watch (and cry while doing it). JetBlue also had $1 drinks for the game, woo hoo! By the time we were about to land the blackout had happened, and well, you all know what happened, we lost. I was so hoping up to see Colin Kapernick in the parade at MK the next day and Ryan was hoping it wasn't Joe Flacco because I find him attractive (LOL).

Anyway, he made our way to ME and hoped the bus for Pop. We had stayed here on our first visit together and since it was our 4 year anniversary trip we decided there was no better place than to stay where it all started. We checked in to the 80s section on the 1st floor, put our stuff in the room at grabbed something to eat in the food court. Before bed Ryan kept asking me where we were going in the morning, I said Magic Kingdom obviously because I wanted to be there for the Superbowl Parade, he said good and off to sleep we went. At the time I had no clue what tomorrow would bring, but boy oh boy, surprises were in store!


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We arrived at MK the sun had already set. As some of you may know, Ryan and I always have our last dinner at Tony's, before our flight was switched it was going to be lunch, but as soon as we found out we had an extra night we switched the reservation. We still had some time when we arrived so we decided to take a spin on the carousel.

We strolled back down Main Street to Tony's and checked in for our reservation. The CM checking us in saw our just engaged buttons and was genuinely excited for us, cooing over my ring and calling over other CMs to tell them. We told her it was also our 4 year anniversary and how since we have been coming to WDW as a couple for the past 3 years we have always had our final dinner at Tony's. She told us it would be a few minutes and we sat to wait. Not to long after we were told our table was ready, they started leading us over to a table in the back corner, and I saw something I had never seen in Tony's before. For those of you who have been to Tony's before you know there are no table clothes on the tables, ours had one, they had also set up and lit a candle for us as a congratulations for our engagement and anniversary. I couldn't believe it, it was such a lovely surprise.

Our server was Tim, who was absolutely adorable! He came and chatted with us about or engagement, he was so sweet. Normally we order a flavors of Italy to start but sadly that has been removed from the menu so we ordered calamari instead which was so yummy. Before our calamari got to the table the manager came over to us to congratulate us and ask us all about our engagement, at that point our calamari came so he said he would allow us to enjoy and he would be back. About 10 minutes later he returns to us and shouts "ATTENCION' ATTENCION'" He went on to introduce us to the entire dining room and tell them the story of our engagement, everyone began clapping and cheering for us, I was as red as the table cloth! If that wasn't enough he than serenaded us with Bella Note from Lady and the Tramp. I know this is a crappy picture but it was the only one I got as he was singing to us.

I couldn't believe what was going on, this was turning out to be such an amazing anniversary thanks to Tony's. For dinner I had the shrimp scampi which I get every time. It was delish as always! Ryan had the mushroom ravioli which he loved and finished!

After we finished our entrees we decided to splurge and get this amazing piece of chocolate hazelnut cake

As we were eating our delicious cake our server Tim came back over to us and sat down next to me we went to ask him for the check and before I could get a word out he said to us "I want to let you know everything has been taken care of" I just stared at him, looked at Ryan, looked back to Tim and said "Noo". Now, in my head I am thinking ::Oh My God! Tony's is paying for our dinner:: . Tim continued to say that there was a couple (sitting at a table that was directly behind Ryan) who was "over there" that had covered the entire cost of our meal and he, had paid for our dessert. I immediately looked at Ryan and started to cry. When I went to look where Tim had pointed the table was empty. I looked at Tim again and said "Noo", I was absolutely stunned! Tim told us the couple wanted to leave unnoticed but asked that he extend their congratulations to us. I didn't know what to say, I don't even know what to say now as I am typing this reliving it! The woman with the family next to us said "awe, she's crying"; she too than began to cry. Ryan started to tear up. We both thanked Tim continuously, this was so unbelievable to us. If you don't know, we live in NJ, things that this, don't happen here! We felt so truly in love and so truly blessed to have this day, this week. We weren't even supposed to be in Tony's that night, we were supposed to be on a flight home, how was this happening?!?

I wanted so badly to thank that couple for that night, I cannot express to you how much that meant to me, to us; if for some crazy reason you are readying this, Thank You <3. I had remembered that when I took the picture of the manager singing to us he was standing in front of that table they were sitting at, I quickly whipped out my camera and went back to the picture only to find out we couldn't see them in the picture either! I did remember the woman had dark hair and was wearing a black sweater. I know, that narrows it down right?! We both just sat there blown away for what felt like an eternity before we got up to leave, again we thanked Tim repeatedly, we were so grateful to the entire staff at Tony's for not only making our engagement trip even more memorable than it already was but you made our 4 year anniversary our best and favorite as well.

After we left Tony's we headed back up Main Street, I wanted to ride Mermaid one more time to end the night. It was beautiful. We spent the hours following our night just trying to find the words for what had happened and how truly shocked we were by it.

We headed back to Pop, back to the 50s building, where 3 years prior we had gone to celebrate our 1 year anniversary together. Now, we were here, engaged, on our 4 year anniversary. We had come full circle, and everything was right. It was happiness, it was love.


New Member
Just read through all of your TR- congratulations on your engagement!! I honestly teared up reading the part about the couple paying for your meal. What amazingly sweet and kind people!


Well-Known Member
What a beautiful story of your dinner at Tony's! I hope that someday I am able to do something like that for someone. I'm glad you got so much joy out of your "bonus night"!

Cassie S.

Active Member
What a beautiful engagement story! The ring is gorgeous as you already know and the memories you have made are amazing! I have really enjoyed reading this and look forward to the rest.

Tinkerbell 8

Well-Known Member
I teared up when I read what that lovely couple did for you, and how wonderful the staff was at Tony's. Tony's is one of my favorite restaurants and we usually eat there the first night of our trip. So happy for you guys!!


Well-Known Member
OK I'm definitely bawling my eyes out over here!! Happy tears though, dear.. happy tears! What a wonderful thing for that couple to do for you. I always believe that's the way to do things. Pay it forward. You never know who's day you will make by doing that!! What a great anniversary!! :)


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Just read through all of your TR- congratulations on your engagement!! I honestly teared up reading the part about the couple paying for your meal. What amazingly sweet and kind people!
Thank you so much! It is so nice to know there are still good people in the world.

The story about the couple buying dinner is fantastic. Great report.
Thank you!

What a beautiful story of your dinner at Tony's! I hope that someday I am able to do something like that for someone. I'm glad you got so much joy out of your "bonus night"!
Thanks bunches, it was a great last night and a great way to spend our anniversary. Couldn't have asked for anything more!

Wah, I'm bawling! That's so nice of the couple AND Tony! :)
I know right?!? I was sitting at the table bawling like a baby!

What a beautiful engagement story! The ring is gorgeous as you already know and the memories you have made are amazing! I have really enjoyed reading this and look forward to the rest.
Thank you so much for reading along Cassie and thank you for your sweet comments. I still find myself looking at the my hand all the time and wondering how I got so lucky!

I teared up when I read what that lovely couple did for you, and how wonderful the staff was at Tony's. Tony's is one of my favorite restaurants and we usually eat there the first night of our trip. So happy for you guys!!
Thanks Tink! So glad you love Tony's as well. I see it getting so many mixed reviews but we have always had such great experiences there!

OK I'm definitely bawling my eyes out over here!! Happy tears though, dear.. happy tears! What a wonderful thing for that couple to do for you. I always believe that's the way to do things. Pay it forward. You never know who's day you will make by doing that!! What a great anniversary!! :)
I know Dar, there were so many happy tears on this trip! It was such a surprise to us and such a wonderful thing that they did. Random acts of kindness, it's what it's all about my love!


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Day 7 - February 9, 2013

Unfortunately we had come to our last day, for real this time (booo). Good news was our flight was not until 9:30pm so that gave us the entire day! The storm that hit NJ was pretty brutal, I think we got over 2 feet of snow and all the flights into Newark had been cancelled for that morning and early afternoon, we kept checking to see if our flight had been cancelled again but no such luck. We packed up all our things, it was at that point I realized I was missing some of my clothes. In the rush to switch rooms the previous day I had left them in the old room. I called housekeeping and they transferred me to a lost and found, I left them a message and we headed out.

We checked in for our flight and left our bags with luggage services and headed for one last round in the parks. World Showcase was opening just as we arrived in Epcot but first I wanted to go to Mouse Gear. I had been eyeing a Tinkerbell shirt that I wanted so it was off to get that first. We headed to Rose and Crown for one last hooray after I had changed into my new shirt.

We really just spent the morning walking World Showcase and enjoying all the memories we had made at Epcot during this trip. As we strolled a took some pictures.

It was time to say our goodbyes to Epcot and hop the monorail for MK.

It was super crowded when we got there, the cheerleading crowds still hadn't cleared out. Ryan was starving so we headed straight for Pecos Bills which was a zoo. We used the kiosks to order our taco salads as this was the quicker option. We filled up at the fixings bar and headed for a seat, CMs were on headsets seating people, I had never seen it so crazy, our seats ended up being in Tortuga Tavern! After lunch it was super hot, Ryan cooled off in the leaky tikis

Than it was time to head back towards Fantasyland and hop in our honey pot to visit my love Eeyore

Before we knew it it was time to make our way towards Main Street...don't make me go!! I stopped to take a picture of the spot Ryan had asked me to be his wife just a few days before

We decided to end our trip the same way it started, with a picture in the Rose Garden. The crane was even back up, I had forgotten to mention it was down the rest of the week, it was only up the day we got engaged and the day we left LOL


After grabbing a few last minute items on Main Street we headed into the Confectionary to grab some Mickeyroni, this was the final picture I took of the trip.

As we walked out of MK hand in hand I turned back to look at the castle, the stage show was just ending, I was already crying when Mickey and the gang started to chant "dreams come true, dreams come true". I thought to myself, yes, they do, as I cried all the way to the bus stop and than again on DME back to the airport. I'm a baby, I know, but I didn't want it to end; we were excited to get home to our friends and family though.


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I just noticed Ryan's Rangers hoodie.... Sorry bout yesterdays game!! I went to it with my sister and it was a really good game! Glad my Bruins won though!!!! :D
LOL It's so funny you say this because I showed him the picture you posted on Twitter yesterday from the TD Center and told him you were a Bruins fan :D


New Member
What an amazing engagement story!! I had just finished reading your report from last year and had to come read this one right away to see how it all ended up! (Btw, totally feel you on the last days of your 30th birthday is just around the corner in August...oh boy!).

Sounded like such a magical engagement! Very happy for both of you! I hope my boyfriend gets an idea like that in his head at some point here! A Disneyland proposal (we're on the West Coast) would be an amazing dream come true!

Again, congrats!!! :-)


Well-Known Member
Congrats! ...and great pics! :)

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