I'll never understand toxic fandom or obsessive brand loyalty. I just want to have good movies come out, regardless of who's at the helm. These characters both in DC and Marvel are too timeless and complex to have just one cinematic universe imo. Let the different directors take creative liberty with the stories and run with it. Some might be a win for you, some might be a stinker. But different visions of these stories and characters benefit us as collective audiences if they're not harnessed. I don't care if we get ten new Batman reboots in my lifetime. If they're good, it's a win, regardless if there's no connection to past trilogies, etc.
Well, Warner Bros under ATT constantly hurt the DC brand with a lot of bad products (but with a few gems: Young Justice; Wonder Woman 1; Aquaman).
Warner Bros under Discovery is making things worse since Discovery doesn't have the deep pockets that ATT has, and took on too much debt in order to take control. And so, they are slashing budgets everywhere, leading to things like the cancellation of the Batgirl HBOMax movie and a lot of other products. It seems they don't want to expand Max's subscription base to make it profitable, but, just a depository of theatrical tentpoles... and merge it with Discovery+ which is way less popular, but profitable because of all its cheap (in both senses of the word) reality TV programming.
And the DC fans are broken into factions over which direction to go and constantly insulting the content that doesn't fall under the banner they've pledged their lives to. And Warner Bro Discovery, while dithering over finding their Feige, are leaving the fans in the dark to squabble amongst themselves. So, whichever direction the 'DC Feige' finally goes, there will be legions pre-hating it.
Meanwhile, the popular CW Arrowverse already established all DC content as canon with a multiversal crossover that could have been the answer to all this mess. But, they decided to sell off CW (because if you want to be a streaming giant, who needs content? <eyeroll>). And cancel most DC TV shows.
Not to mention the whole Ezra Miller/Flash debacle, which is supposed to set up a DCEU reboot to unify their superhero universe to be like Marvel.
Not to mention that Marvel is about to un-unify their MCU with the multiverse.
Not to mention that what you suggest,
@Afterthought, is also happening: They are creating DC movies that are not connected to the DCEU (e.g., Joker, & the Pattinson Batman)... all the while wanting to have a connected cinematic universe.
Totally crazy.
With regard to toxic fandom, just check out the Disney Movie/TV forum on these boards. You'll see people hating on things... which ordinarily would be fine if that's their opinion... but, they don't post their thumbs down and walk away, instead, they keep arguing how much the thing they hate is bad and won't shut up about it. They have an obsessive urge to... I don't know, try to convince everyone to agree with them?
Toxic fans are the snowflakiest of snowflakes in that they can't bear the cognitive dissonance of not having everyone agree with them.
I dont follow Twitter, but I mean, if batting like 15% in DC means you are a savior, they are way worse off than I thought. Snyder cut being better doesn't make it good, it just makes it slightly less bad (which is offset by how stupidly long it is).
Yeah, here's how bad it is: Everyone made fun of how bad Batman v. Superman was (WHY DID YOU SAY 'MARTHA'?!!1), but now that Snyder is their DC Messiah, they're defending BvS to the death as one of the top tier superhero movies ever.