"The Curse of Expansion"


New Member
I agree somewhat with the article. I think Disney needs to focus on maintaining and improving their existing attractions after EE. PoTC, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Country Bear Jamboree, and Haunted Mansion are all in need of a refurb. Refurbishing It's a Small World was a step in the right direction.

MGM is my/my family's favorite park, we just love the atmosphere and their two thrill rides. My mom's favorite is the GMR, and my dad's is the Indy Stunt show. This park could be so good, there are so many things you could do with the theme.

GMR needs a big time rehab, but they can keep some of the same movies, like Alien or Wizard of Oz. I don't care if they get rid of Tarzan, or Singin' In the RAin. If GMR gets rehabbed it could become the park's 3rd biggest draw.

I don't want to see an IJA clone in place of the show, becasue I think the Indy Stunt show still fills the seats almost every show.

A Star Tours rehab would be a huge plus, and it would really cut down on the lines at ToT and RnR.

The main thing is, Disney needs to lay off the expansion and improve what they have. They should add a big E-ticket maybe every 4-5 years.


Well-Known Member
DisneyChik17 said:
It really did make sense. Thw whole CP vs. WDW vs. SF comes done to one thing. CP and SF are AMUSMENT parks. They are ment to amuse thier guests. WDW is a THEME park. It is meant to fully engulf you in its magic. It is a destination not a day trip (in most cases). Amusment parks are a weekend trip, WDW is a weeklong (at least) escape.

And I think we are startng to see MK get the rehab attention that it needs. IASW just got one and the train station is getting it now. Granted more things need attention, but I think it is a good start.

well said ...you took the words right out of my mouth!!! :)


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Original Poster
bbll24 said:
I agree somewhat with the article. I think Disney needs to focus on maintaining and improving their existing attractions after EE. PoTC, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Country Bear Jamboree, and Haunted Mansion are all in need of a refurb. Refurbishing It's a Small World was a step in the right direction.

MGM is my/my family's favorite park, we just love the atmosphere and their two thrill rides. My mom's favorite is the GMR, and my dad's is the Indy Stunt show. This park could be so good, there are so many things you could do with the theme.

GMR needs a big time rehab, but they can keep some of the same movies, like Alien or Wizard of Oz. I don't care if they get rid of Tarzan, or Singin' In the RAin. If GMR gets rehabbed it could become the park's 3rd biggest draw.

I don't want to see an IJA clone in place of the show, becasue I think the Indy Stunt show still fills the seats almost every show.

A Star Tours rehab would be a huge plus, and it would really cut down on the lines at ToT and RnR.

The main thing is, Disney needs to lay off the expansion and improve what they have. They should add a big E-ticket maybe every 4-5 years.

I agree with a lot of your points. MGM is my favorite park too since I'm a big movie buff and I too like the atmosphere. And I think ToT is the best ride in any of the parks. And they have some of the cooler themed restaurants. Not to mention Fantasmic.

It's just a shame to think how much better it could have been if it were themed more cohesively. Kevin Yee did another article at Miceage a few weeks ago about MGM's "identity crisis". I'll post a link to that too for anyone who's ineterested.


New Member
Orlando is a world wide tourism destination, Cedar Point is a regional destination. When people go on vacations they want to go somewhere warm and sunny, (unless you are going skiing). Orlando has year round warm enjoyable weather, Cedar Point doesn't. If you look at the area around Ohio their is nothing to do, the only entertainment in that region offer are their local amusement parks. I am sure that 95% of all of Cedar Points guests live within a days drive. Cedar Point will never be able to compete in the world market much like Universal or Disney can for two main reasons. First, location is not very attractive to world or even national market. The second is content, I think this is one of the more overlooked issues. While yes, they have licensing rights to Snoopy, it doesn't have any where near the quarter strength of Disney's less known characters. In order to play ball in the global market you have to have content to market. Having the biggest, faster, and most coasters is not content.


speck76 said:
not even 6 months

they have about 135 days of operation

If htey were open all year and had similar attendance patterns, they would be ahead of MGM and DAK for total attendance

I think that is a little unrealistic. The reason that CP or any SF does huge numbers in the summer is the weather and the fact that teenagers (their target audience) are not in school. Those numbers would drop drastically in the "off seasons" and I do not think they would possibly approach even IOA.


Well-Known Member
tazhughes said:
I think that is a little unrealistic. The reason that CP or any SF does huge numbers in the summer is the weather and the fact that teenagers (their target audience) are not in school. Those numbers would drop drastically in the "off seasons" and I do not think they would possibly approach even IOA.

thank you for reiterating my point....


New Member
I agree that MGM will probably soon become the 4th visited park. AK has a pretty cohesive theme and just needs to add some more rides. MGM is all over the place. It has great potential, but needs to have some careful planning when expanding. They really need to update many rides and get new shows and get a big e-ticket on the other side of the park from TOT and Rock n Roller Coaster. Star Tours needs a serious update. LMA will not affect the attendance at the park much other right now as it is new. They need to get away from shows and build rides.


Well-Known Member
netenyahoo said:
They need to get away from shows and build rides.

I disagree there....

One thing they do need to do is keep the shows fresh......

Voyage of the Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast are both 13+ years old....and they look it too.

They need to maintain something for everyone.......


New Member
speck76 said:
I disagree there....

One thing they do need to do is keep the shows fresh......

Voyage of the Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast are both 13+ years old....and they look it too.

They need to maintain something for everyone.......

Well I agree there. I guess I should have stated it clearer. I think they need shows, but keep them fresh. I do not think they should build any more shows, but build more rides. LMA is a show. I think they should have built a new e-ticket instead of LMA.


Active Member
You need to keep the shows because they entertain people of all ages, especially the adults. Its also a good way to help older people get of the heat and enjoy a well produced form of entertain. Keeping the shows helps keep the entire family at the parks.


New Member
I enjoy the chaos that is MGM. I like the fact it isn't themed to the hilt and you never know whats around the corner. Could be a stunt show or it could be a christmas shop. Its the element of suprise I love. So what if Indiana Jones is up the street of Star Tours which is around the bend of The Muppets which is in earshot of the Stunt show.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
I disagree there....

One thing they do need to do is keep the shows fresh......

Voyage of the Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast are both 13+ years old....and they look it too.

They need to maintain something for everyone.......

Yep, I agree. The shows are perfect diversions for many people. In fact, I would argue that many of the shows are the ONE reason a lot of visitors come to the parks. They are not there for the latest thrill ride, but to see GOOD productions and be entertained. Granted, the thrill rides and shows both are needed, but a nice medium needs to be sought.

I would like to know the costs involved in setting up the shows versus a new d or e ticket. I would think the up front costs are lower, but the long term costs of casting is higher. It would be interesting to find out where the break even mark comes.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
They need to maintain something for everyone.......

That is right on the mark. WDW is a vacation destination not a day trip spot for most people. Not saying there are not day trippers as there are tons, but WDW is a vacation spot for most. If you don't cater to all types of people, you will not have families with small children coming if they can't ride the rides, etc.


New Member
netenyahoo said:
Well I agree there. I guess I should have stated it clearer. I think they need shows, but keep them fresh. I do not think they should build any more shows, but build more rides. LMA is a show. I think they should have built a new e-ticket instead of LMA.

i agree, no offense to people who like/work at LMAX but the only rides worth going on there are TGMR, RnRC, and ToT, i think they should hve put a ride in instead of LMAX.


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
That is right on the mark. WDW is a vacation destination not a day trip spot for most people. Not saying there are not day trippers as there are tons, but WDW is a vacation spot for most. If you don't cater to all types of people, you will not have families with small children coming if they can't ride the rides, etc.

To further my point....

Not EVERYTHING needs to be for EVERYONE.....

Different people have different tastes......and there is no longer many "one-size fits all" options for entertainment.

A good example is the Playhouse Disney show at MGM. It was designed for small kids (3-7 years old) and it is VERY effective at entertaining kids in that age group.....probably moreso than Voyage of the Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast. At the same time, it is not overly entertaining for adults (although I enjoyed it).

Some people have posted the arguement that shows should not be designed just for little kids, as the purpose of the Disney parks was for kids and adults to have fun together.

I do not have kids, but if I did, I think I would be very touched and entertained by watching them enjoy such a show that is geared right towards them......that, to me, would be "magic".


Well-Known Member
Again, you are right on the mark. Although I would not do Playhouse Disney if I did not have a child but watching my daughter in there at the show is a major highlight to my trip.

There needs to be a spread of stuff for everyone as nobody is the same and everyone has different tastes and different needs to be happy.

speck76 said:
To further my point....

Not EVERYTHING needs to be for EVERYONE.....

Different people have different tastes......and there is no longer many "one-size fits all" options for entertainment.

A good example is the Playhouse Disney show at MGM. It was designed for small kids (3-7 years old) and it is VERY effective at entertaining kids in that age group.....probably moreso than Voyage of the Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast. At the same time, it is not overly entertaining for adults (although I enjoyed it).

Some people have posted the arguement that shows should not be designed just for little kids, as the purpose of the Disney parks was for kids and adults to have fun together.

I do not have kids, but if I did, I think I would be very touched and entertained by watching them enjoy such a show that is geared right towards them......that, to me, would be "magic".

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