The Creator Games!: An Imagineering Competition


Well-Known Member
Team Key West (@TheOriginalTiki, @orlando678- ) present...

The Energy Adventure: Exploring a Brand New "Universe"

Throughout the years, Universe of Energy has always been one of the most unique pavilions at Epcot. The solar-powered moving theaters became such a thrill to guests when the attraction would first open that giant lines would form outside the building, making it one of the most popular Future World attractions. Time has not been kind to this pavilion though, and neither has Disney itself. Ellen's Energy Adventure was an ill-fated attempt to bring more humor and pop culture references into a strictly educational experience. While we love Bill Nye the Science Guy, the presence of Ellen constantly joking around really took the edge of was was originally a very bold attraction. We here at Team Key West hope to solve the problems present in the original version while stripping out all the corny jokes of the re-do. "The Energy Adventure" will be a third incarnation of the pavilion and hopefully the most stream-lined and exciting yet.

That's the word of the day here..."Streamlined". It was certainly something the original attraction was not. When first opened, the old Universe of Energy could compete with the Universal Studios Tram Tour as one of the straight up longest theme park attractions in the industry thanks to its multiple pre-shows and stops and starts. This is going to be the area were most focused on, trimming the "fat" out of the attraction to have it play at a better pace and be far more engaging for modern day audiences. With that in mind let's dive in and take it step by step as we take you through a brand new "Energy Adventure".

Exterior Changes

By and large the attraction's impressive facade will remain unchanged save for a couple cosmetic touch ups. The building will receive a coat of dark blue paint to give it an updated appearance. In addition the solar panels on the roof will be more pronounced, and solar panels will also run down the sides of the building. Finally, the most notable new addition to the outside is a giant steel windmill with the attraction's sign proudly displayed in the middle, setting the tone for the energy theme.


Two Pre-Shows for the Price of One

One of the things that's always been a bit off-putting about Universe of Energy is the amount of film you have to watch. The first pre-show before entering the theater is more impressive, featuring the technology of hundreds of different rotating screens making up a single image. The film before the ride begins when you get into the theater was a little more on the dry side. For that reason we've decided to combine these two pre-shows. The rotating screens will be moved to the initial "theater" of the attraction, while the lobby will feature dramatic murals of landscapes such as ships sailing in the wind, cavemen making fire, and a host of solar powered windmills, as well as the primeval time period that gave us "fossil fuels". These murals will serve as a more subtle and engaging way to ease into the attraction.

Once you're inside the theater a new film using the rotating screens technology will be shown. This is essentially an up to date version of the ideas present in the old Universe of Energy film, placing emphasis on breakthroughs in energy technology since the attractions opening and trimming out the dated 80s look that plagued the original.

The "moving theater"

We get to the iconic part of an attraction in a technique that makes the moving theater seats all the more dramatic and memorable. Following the rotating screen film, all the individual screens will reveal themselves and pull back to reveal the pre-historic scene that lies in front of you. Your theater seats will then begin moving as normal.

Throughout the first part of the ride, not much has changed to preserve the history of the dinosaur AAs featured here. The lighting effects have been altered dramatically however, and now are a key part of telling the story. As you first come up on the brontosauruses, they're even more cast in shadow, at first appearing as mere shadowy forms before revealing themselves as you get closer.


The iconic fight between the T-Rex and Stegosaurus will remained largely untouched except once again through the lighting and cosmetics. The cliffs that the two are fighting on will be made to look more volcanic and aged, giving it the appearance the the actual rocks could collapse on themselves at any moment. In addition there will be thunder and lighting effects to set the mood properly. All volcano effects in the attraction will be updated to the latest projection mapping technology.


The creepy sharp fanged snake creature in the cave will be one of the few AAs to be completely replaced. He'll be getting a makeover as a brand new AA of the same design with realistic slithering movements. The entire cave sequence will feature much darker lighting to play up the suspense of this guy's appearance.


Building a Better Finale
One of the things that's always made Universe of Energy a bit anti-climatic is the fact that after the exciting moving theater segment you are forced to watch another extended video (with even more dated 80s-isms!) The new Energy Adventure will trim that out and replace it with three brand new scenes. The first of which finds us in a desert environment boldly lit in bright shades of orange. Several oil derricks appear around us as we see the process of mining fossil fuels.

We then have a brief scene set in Silicon Valley where we pass a series of large scale white steel windmills much like the one outside the attraction. The final scene is a grand "future city" diorama in the true Epcot spirit. Solar paneling lines the buildings, windmills pop out in proper spots, all electric cars, and overall we can see that this city is powered exclusively by the resources of wind and sun. The finale comes with a bit of an "anti-fossil fuels" message and encourages all of us to look towards alternative energy as a source to build the foundation of our planet for future generations.

And with that the rotating screens close in on themselves and the attraction comes to a close with one final quick montage. That concludes the brand new "Energy Adventure" for Epcot. With this refurbishment we wanted to take all the most memorable parts of this classic Future World attraction and update the original concept for a modern audience in a more streamlined fashion. By taking away the corny jokes and concentrating on the scientific wonder, we hope to introduce younger guests to an attraction the truly represents the spirit of the original EPCOT Center.


Well-Known Member
I would like to formally request an extension on this challenge. With less than a week to do a project, many personal conflicts arise. For example...
I NEED an extension on this. I simply don't have the time this weekend. I had a final this morning, 6 papers to write for Monday, a film to finish for this afternoon, and formal tonight. What do you think?
So, judges, please take this into consideration.


Well-Known Member
Peter Pan's Flight
The Neverland Galleons
(@RMichael21 and @Vipraa )



The Magic Kingdom is the world's most attended theme park and features one of America's most recognizable structures. Cinderella Castle is the gateway to Fantasyland, the land for the young and the young at heart to play, discover and have fun together. One of the most popular in not just Fantasyland, but all of Walt Disney World is Peter Pan's Flight. This classic dark ride takes guests on a whimsical and exiting adventure over the streets of London and the tree-tops of Neverland. While this nostalgic attraction is popular with guests, it's in terrible shape. Animatronics that are aging and barely move, a rickety and noisy ride system that is not reliable whatsoever and a boring outdoor queue. While efforts have been made by TDO to fix the queue by adding an indoor, nursery themed section, this does little to help the attraction itself, and the rest of the queue that wasn't touched in the previous refurbishment.

When tasked with refurbishing one of Walt Disney World's most popular attractions and with Peter Pan's Flight on the list, it was an obvious fit. Being able to enhance, improve and refresh the magic that Peter Pan's Flight creates for guests will be just as magical in itself.

However, our goal with this project was to give this attraction a facelift and upstate while still keeping the guest experience nostalgic and similar. Our main reason for choosing Peter Pan's Flight was that it was one of the only attractions on the list where we could go in, heavily refurbish the attraction and still keep the general experience the same. @Vipraa and I both feel that we have accomplished this, as the refurbished Peter Pan's Flight will be able to come into a new generation with newer technology while staying the nostalgic and heartwarming attraction that we know and love.


As part of Peter Pan's Flight's refurbishment, the facade of the attraction will be refreshed and repainted. Also, the sign of the attraction will have LED lights embedded I. It, to make tin low with Pixie adjust at night.


Despite recent updates to the queue with an added indoor, air conditioned nursery themed interactive section, there are still plenty of areas that could use improvment.


The current outdoor sections of the queue will not be inclosed, but living portraits of different Peter Pan characters will be added on the walls extending the interactive shadow theme that was introduced in the new interactive queue. These portraits are static silhouettes, but every 20 or so seconds, they move around and do different actions that relate to their character. The different portarits are:

Peter Pan
Tinker Bell
Wendy Darling
John Darling
Michael Darling
Captain Hook
Mr. Smee
Tiger Lily
The Crocodile

Load/Unload Area

With the attraction's refurbishment the loading and unloading area will be refreshed.

A new mural will grace the back wall, allowing for a shinier and fresher area. In addition, the "floor" beneath the ships in the load/unload area will be themed to the rooftops of London, similar to the Disneyland Paris version of the attraction. This can be seen at the beginning of this video:

Ride System/Vehicles

The current pirate ships that fly though the attraction thousands of times a day are old and in bad shape. Not to mention a failing ride system that jerks guests around and squeaks along the track, making a horrible noise. So, with Peter Pan's Flight's latest refurbishment, all of these problems of the current ride system will be fixed plus other added enhancements.

First, the fleet of ships will be replaced, allowing for more polished and new ships to fly to Neverland and back. But, these new ships will feature two rows of two (similar to the Disneyland Paris version), allowing for a doubled capacity and parties of two, three and four to ride together.


The track will be completely replaced, allowing for a smoother ride and a more believable experience. With the current tracks and vehicles, the ships squeak along the track, taking away some authenticity.

However, the crown jewel of the new ride system is the additional Kuka Arm disguised into the mast and sails of the ship. This new Kuka Arm will allow the vehicle to be programmed with many new movements that the current system cannot do. Throughout the refurbished attraction, the vehicles will no tilt slightly forward, backwards or side to side. In addition, the Kuka Arm allows the ship to rise or fall along the track.

Ride Enhancements

All of the scenes in the right have received a full work over and enhancement to bring the classic ride into the 21st century while still having the nostalgic charm of the original 1971 attraction.

All of the audio animatronics in the attraction will be replaced with new, enhanced animatronics with full range of motion.

Scene 1: The Nursery
As guests leave the loading area, projections and mounted LED lighting the pirate ships begin to glow with pixie dust. Suddenly the ships come to life and float upwards and forward through a window into the Nursery. Guest see fully animated animatronics of Wendy, John and Michael watching a projected TinkerBell flying around the room sprinkling pixie dust. As the Pirate ships head out the window the guest see projected shadows of the group flying beside them.


Scene 2: We're Flying
The song You Can Fly starts to play in the background as the guest fly above the street, passing Nana and the neighbors houses following the Darlings flight. The ships really come alive here bobbing, tilting and weaving though the scene to replicate the feeling of flight. 

Scene 3: Flight over London
Then the ship pass through a cloud (simulated by a fog effect) to unveil a glittering London beneath them. The entire set has been revamped to make it glitter in the night while projections and LED’s add to the magic. Guests then hear Big Ben ring out and Peter tell the Darlings ”There it is Wendy, second star to the right and straight on till morning.” The ships then turn to the second star and the see the shadows of the darlings flying ahead of them.


Scene 4: We're Here in Neverland
The ships pass through another simulated cloud and unveil a glittering Neverland in the distance and begin to approach it. Also, all of the water in and around the Neverland will feature a projected, moving surface, adding realism. Tinker bell appears via projection and motions for them to follow her.


Scene 5: Seeing Neverland
The ships pass through another simulated cloud and suddenly they are flying right over Neverland seeing the sights like Mermaids and the Indian camp. Suddenly the guests hear “Fire Mr. Smee!” and a large puff of smoke is fired towards them. The ship quickly swerves to dodge the cannonball but guest can feel the wind rush by them.

Scene 6: Pirates
The ships round the corner to find the darling’s captured with Wendy walking the plank. All the figures have been updated to fully animated animatronics giving real life to the scene. Overhead Peter Pan and Captain Hook are having a sword fight that is fully animated and quite impressive.

Scene 7: Victory
The Peter Pan, TinkerBell and the Darlings all celebrate as the steer the Pirate ship back to London. Captain Hook is trying to escape the crocodile with Mr. Smee trying to help in the background. The projected water effect will also be showcased in this scene.


All animatronics have been updated in this scene. The ship has been updated as well with LEDs and projections to simulate the pixie dust that permits the pirate ship to fly.


Scene 8: Home

The pirate ships pass through another simulated cloud to see the Jolly Rodger fling off into the sunset trailing pixie dust behind it via a projection. The ships then turn into the station for Unload.


With these new additions and enhancements to one of Walt Disney World's oldest and most popular attractions, newer generations will be told the story of Peter Pan and the Darlings. The magic of Peter Pan's Flight has always been there, despite it's current state. After the attraction's biggest refurbishment yet, the young and the young at heart will be able to fly over the streets of London, into Neverland and back.


I would like to formally request an extension on this challenge. With less than a week to do a project, many personal conflicts arise. For example...

So, judges, please take this into consideration.
We will discuss, however if you knew you had finals and/ or other personal conflicts, it would have been better to ask us at the start instead of a few hours before the deadline.

I have finals as well, but they were scheduled months ago, so I would have known on Monday I would have had a conflict.

But as I said we will discuss.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I would like to formally request an extension on this challenge. With less than a week to do a project, many personal conflicts arise. For example...

So, judges, please take this into consideration.
Here's the thing, it just wouldn't be fair to the other contestants who worked to complete it in time. Part of the challenge is to be ready for the due date, so budgeting your time is important, and knowing you had events coming up, you should have prepared/asked a teammate to help you out. Now, with that said, we want to make sure everyone is able to present and it would suck to have life get in the way that much, so we would be willing to give you maybe an hour extension, just to be able to write something up that's presentable. However, asking for multiple days is just not going to happen. Not only do we have a schedule we have to follow, but it's not fair to other contestants to allow this because then if someone else is busy in another challenge and would need some more time to finish, it wouldn't be fair to not give it to them. Due dates are there for a reason.
Now, I hope we didn't sound too harsh, and I would hate to see you eliminated because of this reason, but I hope you understand where we are coming from and thanks for at least asking:)
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Well-Known Member
I understand. Though it is unfair to say we didn't say anything about finals or personal conflicts beforehand. In fact, JW and I were two who voiced those as primary concerns upon signing up, so it was no secret. We budgeted the time we had (which was very little). Plus it was further mentioned in our PM at the start of the challenge. But, I digress. We'll see what we can pump out. :)


I understand. Though it is unfair to say we didn't say anything about finals or personal conflicts beforehand. In fact, JW and I were two who voiced those as primary concerns upon signing up, so it was no secret. We budgeted the time we had (which was very little). Plus it was further mentioned in our PM at the start of the challenge. But, I digress. We'll see what we can pump out. :)
Yeah but you both gave no indication that those things would become an issue when you signed up.


EDIT: I've got finals as well as a trip to WDW, but I can work around them. :D
I'm in. I'll be active this time. I promise.

Everyone is coping with personal stuff, that's apparent in all the PMs, but in the future if you thought the deadline was too quick it would have been better to tell us immediately. Sorry for any inconvenience. :)

Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
Matt7187 and I, or Team Galactic as we like to be called, have chosen to refurbish the Tommorowland Speedway. Prepare to have your minds blown with this ride-through we've whipped up.

Facade: The fully enclosed speedway is now called Galactic Speedway, and we are traveling with the Intergalactic Space Federation, or ISF, which we are at the headquarters of. This building is a sleek, futuristic design that will house the whole experience.


Queue: The queue layout will remain the same, but be mercifully enclosed so riders don't have to deal with the brutal Florida sun. For the majority, we are in the foyer of the ISF, but when you go on the ramp to the loading dock, you are on the path to the launch station. The spiel that plays in the background is from head astronaut Tom Morrow telling us how we will be transported to newly discovered planet Manthero, and we are tasked with exploring it. The front row will be for the drivers, and the back row will take pictures for research purposes. He will be with us on the ride, as a voice over commenting along with the ride.

Vehicles: The gas guzzling vehicles of the past have now been totally replaced with tiny rocket ships, which are electric and have simulated fire coming out of the back. The cars are now 2 by 2, with the driver and passenger in the front and the photo takers in the back. The cameras are comically oversized, and are attached to the car like the Buzz blasters in DL, where you can pick them up and move them around. You are given cues on when to take pictures, but you can take them of whatever you want (as long as they are MK appropriate ). After the ride, you will have the option of purchasing the pictures you took as either physical pictures, a CD, or digital downloads.


Load: The load area retains the same layout, but is now themed to a launch deck.

Ride Experience: After you board, on the first straightaway, you enter a tunnel. Featuring light effects similar to Space Mountains teleporter, you are transferred to Manthero, exiting out into a left turn. The planet has a green tint to it, with the sky being green, the ground, and the water being green! You are going through an alien neighborhood, with kid aliens riding their bikes in circles, dads checking their spaceships, and other amusing encounters. Then, when you turn right out of the neighborhood, you are on a beach, with the green ocean to your left. Aliens are getting their sun bathing on, and you see some macho guys lifting weights. After you leave the beach, you end up in a river, floating along with other explorers. Suddenly, a giant serpent-like alien jumps up on your side and almost eats you, but you are able to turn out of the way and escape being lunch. You turned into rainforest, and encounter some species that look similar to Earth animals, but "alienated" (the giraffes have two heads and are purple with neon orange spots, for example). Lastly, you are at the polar cap of Manthero, and you see Eskimo aliens in igloos, 2 aliens holding up a Manthero flag, and little pink-and-yellow penguins bobbing along. Tom Morrow then contacts us and tells us that our fun time is over, and we must get back immediately before his colleagues find out he sent untrained astronauts to a newly discovered planet, so we are teleported again back to the ISF.

The aliens on the ride are rather similar in appearance to Lilo and Stitch's Pleakley.


And so, in conclusion, we have transformed Tommorowland Speedway from an outdoor, air-polluting, none-too-appealing-to-anyone-but-the-kiddies waste of real estate into a comedic dark ride full of sight gags and goofy fun for all! We hope you've enjoyed your visit to the planet Manthero, and hope that you'll take a trip there for another race real soon.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah but you both gave no indication that those things would become an issue when you signed up.

Everyone is coping with personal stuff, that's apparent in all the PMs, but in the future if you thought the deadline was too quick it would have been better to tell us immediately. Sorry for any inconvenience. :)
I understand, as I said previously. To be frank, I'm at a loss for words. My personal life isn't interrupting with me completing my allotted work in time. The problem is, with JW's conflict, it is absolutely impossible for me to take on his load of work in the necessary time. That's my trouble. And I know we deserve no special privileges, so thank you for even considering our plea. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm literally asking for a day. I apologize if I sound crass, but I'm honestly very frustrated with how unhelpful both of you have been and how little you guys have been willing to work with us. I understand last project completely as I asked 30 minutes before it was due. With this, I posted in the PM at noon saying that I don't have time. I'm trying my best, but this is just the busiest day for me. This is the only day that I've had finals, and after today I am totally free.

I'm terribly sorry for holding my team back, but it's not like I'm not trying.


Well-Known Member
I understand, as I said previously. To be frank, I'm at a loss for words. My personal life isn't interrupting with me completing my allotted work in time. The problem is, with JW's conflict, it is absolutely impossible for me to take on his load of work in the necessary time. That's my trouble. And I know we deserve no special privileges, so thank you for even considering our plea. :)

Orlando and I had a HUGE problem because our timezones were almost completely apart, so we never even got to properly brainstorm. I totally understand the frustration of a mounting work load and I've very much been in your shoes myself on previous projects, but what I did with my own personal problems with the project was took the brief concepts that Orlando and I were able to hash out when we were briefly online at the same time and expand on it as the focus for my write up. It'd be a different story if the project was to design a completely new attraction, but in my experience refurbs are quicker to write up. To be sure though, suddenly being told that you have to take on a double load of work is never fun and I completely emphasize with your dilemma.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm literally asking for a day. I apologize if I sound crass, but I'm honestly very frustrated with how unhelpful both of you have been and how little you guys have been willing to work with us. I understand last project completely as I asked 30 minutes before it was due. With this, I posted in the PM at noon saying that I don't have time. I'm trying my best, but this is just the busiest day for me. This is the only day that I've had finals, and after today I am totally free.

I'm terribly sorry for holding my team back, but it's not like I'm not trying.
It's not that we are unwilling to work with you. It's just that you have to understand we have a schedule and we have a lot to fit into it. I'm sorry about how this challenge isn't working out, I know you are trying and don't want to penalize you for your school life (which is way more important), but it's just hard to give you an extra day and still stay fair to everyone.


I'm literally asking for a day. I apologize if I sound crass, but I'm honestly very frustrated with how unhelpful both of you have been and how little you guys have been willing to work with us. I understand last project completely as I asked 30 minutes before it was due. With this, I posted in the PM at noon saying that I don't have time. I'm trying my best, but this is just the busiest day for me. This is the only day that I've had finals, and after today I am totally free.

I'm terribly sorry for holding my team back, but it's not like I'm not trying.
Why didn't you say that you had a final on the due date earlier though? Why today?

It'd be one thing if it's an emergency but a final doesn't just come up out of the blue. And people have already started submitting projects.

We are trying to be fair to everyone. Allowing one team to have an extension is not being fair. We are on a very tight schedule with the 2 month timeline we were given, so we can't do this. Apologies if this isn't what you expected, but I think the opening post makes it explicitly clear that if you sign up for the competition, it's a commitment.


Well-Known Member
Why didn't you say that you had a final on the due date earlier though? Why today?

It'd be one thing if it's an emergency but a final doesn't just come up out of the blue. And people have already started submitting projects.

We are trying to be fair to everyone. Allowing one team to have an extension is not being fair. We are on a very tight schedule with the 2 month timeline we were given, so we can't do this. Apologies if this isn't what you expected, but I think the opening post makes it explicitly clear that if you sign up for the competition, it's a commitment.
You act as if I don't understand what a contest is. I've been doing these for five years, but I digress.

Look. Life gets in the way. Things come up. I thought I could do it in time. Turns out I can't. I'm working diligently to get something out, and, frankly, your rather abrasive posting nature is cutting into my valuable writing time. I'm not trying to fight, nor am I asking for special treatment. I am, at this point, really just venting frustration with the entire situation.

One final note: an extension doesn't, or shouldn't, count for only one team. An extension would be for everyone. This means that everyone would have an extra day to hone. Not just the team that requested it.

That's all I have to say. If you'll excuse me, I'll be writing a Great Movie Ride. A Spectacular Movie Ride, even.


You act as if I don't understand what a contest is. I've been doing these for five years, but I digress.

Look. Life gets in the way. Things come up. I thought I could do it in time. Turns out I can't. I'm working diligently to get something out, and, frankly, your rather abrasive posting nature is cutting into my valuable writing time. I'm not trying to fight, nor am I asking for special treatment. I am, at this point, really just venting frustration with the entire situation.

One final note: an extension doesn't, or shouldn't, count for only one team. An extension would be for everyone. This means that everyone would have an extra day to hone. Not just the team that requested it.

That's all I have to say. If you'll excuse me, I'll be writing a Great Movie Ride. A Spectacular Movie Ride, even.
Nobody is being abrasive. Just being upfront because you're claiming we aren't trying to work with you. Which isn't the case. We are trying to be fair to everyone.


Well-Known Member
You act as if I don't understand what a contest is. I've been doing these for five years, but I digress.

Look. Life gets in the way. Things come up. I thought I could do it in time. Turns out I can't. I'm working diligently to get something out, and, frankly, your rather abrasive posting nature is cutting into my valuable writing time. I'm not trying to fight, nor am I asking for special treatment. I am, at this point, really just venting frustration with the entire situation.

One final note: an extension doesn't, or shouldn't, count for only one team. An extension would be for everyone. This means that everyone would have an extra day to hone. Not just the team that requested it.

That's all I have to say. If you'll excuse me, I'll be writing a Great Movie Ride. A Spectacular Movie Ride, even.
If we must have an extra day, that would make my life easier.


Well-Known Member
Session 2: The GREAT MOVIE RIDE by The Disney Dream Team
(@jdmdisney99 and @JokersWild)


Session 2 - Operation Rejuvenation
Concept Creation Challenge 2

In your next Concept Creation challenge, you will be divided into eight teams, with each team tasked to refurbish a different attraction.

-The Jungle Cruise
-Peter Pan's Flight
-Tomorrowland Speedway
-Carousel of Progress
-Journey Into Imagination with Figment
-Universe of Energy
-The Great Movie Ride
-Kali River Rapids

Each team will be selected based on Session 1 standings. Your goal is to design a refurb proposal for the attraction you choose. Details below. Do your best work, because you never know what's in store for....The Creator Games. Good Luck!

There you all have it! Now, for your teams. They will be assigned like so...

MCParradox - ScorpionX
DisneyPrincess1993 - InfiniteRightEar97
jdmdisney99 - JokersWild
RMichael - Vipraa
ctxak98 - 2001DisneyLife
Darth_Disney - tcool
Matt7187 - Brer Panther
TheOriginalTiki - orlando678-

Because @MCParradox was the winner last session, he will have the advantage of choosing first which attraction his team will refurbish. Following him will be @DisneyPrincess1993, and so on. These contestants choosing may consult with their teammate, but the decision is ultimately theirs.
Please make your decisions ASAP, or we will decide for you.

Challenge is due Saturday, May 9th at 7:00 PM EST. You and your partner will work together designing the concept in a PM that I will create and the judges will watch over.

In addition, sometime during the week, you will receive your first AoI challenge...

We chose The Great Movie Ride, an attraction with so much potential, yet so much stagnancy. Here's a sneak peek...

Guests entering the newly-refurbished Great Movie Ride won’t notice many differences in the queue. The only real differences are in the queue’s exhibits, which have been updated to not feature Shakespeare in Love. Of course, the trailers in the theatre have also been updated to reflect the updates to the ride.

Entering the loading area, guests will notice that it looks quite a bit different. It no longer looks like a soundstage. Instead, it looks like the back room of a theatre. Behind the line of ride vehicles sits cages upon cages of film canisters. You are literally "in the movies". ;) The rest of the room is pretty similar to how it has been. For simplicity’s sake, I’m going to take this scene by scene. However, keep in mind that new dialogue/narration options will be written for the ushers throughout the ride, providing some variation similar to the Jungle Cruise.

Scene 1: The Silent Comedy

Over what used to be the Bubsy Berkeley portion of the ride now sit a trio of some of the most iconic scenes in silent comedy. guests pass Harold Lloyd has he precariously dangles from a clock in his famous film “Safety Last,” then Buster Keaton as a train rides away with him sitting on the wheel, from his famous film “The General, followed by Laurel and Hardy’s famous piano movers routine.

Scene 2: The Talkie

Just before the Singin’ in the Rain scene are two of the most famous pieces of early sound in film. First, guests pass Charlie Chaplin as he sings his nonsense song from Modern Times. Just after, guests will watch Al Jolson as he sings “Toot Toot Tootsie” from “The Jazz Singer”, the first feature film to actually feature sound.

Scene 3: Singin’ in the Rain

This scene will remain exactly the same.

Scene 4: Mary Poppins

This scene will also remain the same.

Scene 5: The Noir

This scene will remain pretty much the same with a few small changes. In the window of one of the buildings, guests can hear the Corleone family talk business. As the vehicles round the corner, they will come face to face with Charles Foster Kane from Orson Welle’s magnum opus “Citizen Kane” as he gives a speech. The hijacking scene will go just as it does currently.

Scene 6: The Western

The Western scene will have a few changes as well. The actual town will be shortened. Off to the left, guests can watch the famous Mexican Standoff scene from “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.” In the town, guests can also see John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart. The hijacking will again be the same.

Scene 7: Alien

This scene will be updated a bit as well. Ripley will actually look like Sigourney Weaver. The Xenomorph will also be updated, allowing it to move more. It will also drop closer to guests quicker. Same with the xenomorph on the ground.

Scene 8: Indiana Jones and the Anubis Altar

Will remain the same, except for an added Temple of Doom sequence and new dialogue/effects for the greedy hijacker's demise.

Scene 9: The Ten Commandments

The former Tarzan scene will now feature the parting of the Red Sea from “The Ten Commandments”

Scene 10: Casablanca

Exactly the same. Too iconic.

Scene 11: Tornado

The Fantasia scene will now feature a tornado scene from “The Wizard of Oz.” Here, the vehicles will split. The first one will go to Oz, while the second one will go to Star Wars.

Scene 12a: Oz

Remains exactly the same. Small updates.

Scene 12b: Star Wars

Built in part of the maintenance bay, guests will enter Princess Leia’s cruiser from the beginner of A New Hope. Darth Vader will appear.

Vehicle "Usher": Darth Vader. Only you could be so bold. The Imperial Senate will not sit still for this. When they hear you've attacked a diplomatic...

Darth Vader: Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you.

Vehicle "Usher": I don't know what you're talking about. I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan...

Darth Vader: You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take them away!

Passing the scene, guests pass Luke, Han and Chewbacca being awarded by Princess Leia after the Battle of Yavin IV.

Scene 13: Finale

The finale room has had quite the change. It looks like the interior of a theatre, with rows of balconies lining the walls. A reel plays, showing all the movies not featured in the Great Movie Ride. At the end, the balconies light up, revealing all of the characters found throughout the ride. They bow. Guests return to load.

Here's the ride layout...

And here's a video "simulation"...

Thanks for reading and watching! Hooray for Hollywood!
Session 2- Operation Rejuvenation!

The Skippers proudly present -
The Jungle Cruise

Backstory -
Located deep in the heart of the Amazon Jungle a Trading Company thrived in a tourist village. One day a skipper of the Amazon Trading Company took some stowaways on a cruise, a jungle cruise. The skipper let out some jokes, and fared pretty well in the river. Even with the fact he had lost 6 boats that week alone to the rapids. The skipper upon return to the dock earned plenty of money. Upon learning his boss decided to ditch the trading industry and ride the tourist industry.

The boats were quickly renamed to have a more exotic names such as Nile Nellie and Congo Connie. The goods stayed at the docks never leaving, and never shipped. Now the newly named Jungle Cruise welcomes you aboard for a river adventure taking you through the jungles of the Amazon, Africa, and Asia.

Exterior -

The exterior of the classic beloved Jungle Cruise will largely stay the same considering it's only the queue. However there is one change. This is the addition of what looks like a second story. The seond story will be using forced perspective. This second story will be Albert Awol's Office where he will be broadcasting throughout the queue. This second story will not be accessible to guests.

Queues -


Standby Queue -

As guests enter the queue for the Jungle Cruise they will hear the Voice of the Jungle, Albert Awol. Albert Awol will provide some of his favorite songs of the 1930's while giving humorous commentary about the Jungle, and their company the Jungle Cruise.

As guests enter the queue and go down they will pass by several wooden crates that were going to be shipped to Pamela Perkins, The Adventurers Club. Guests will see that some crates have been broken open revealing what was once inside. Now reveled are several drums that guests can play, and exotic spices such as cinnamon and jasmine that now provide a pleasant smell in this area of the queue.

As guests continue they will find a bird cage with a talkative macaw inside. The macaw will have prerecorded jokes to eteretain guests. The Macaw will in fact have a one hour loop of jokes. Along the way will be wooden fruit crates. These crates will be stacked up. They were planned to be exporting bananas, cocoa, mangos, guava, and mameys. The smells of these fruits will be coming out. Atop the banana crate will be a spider monkey that will be trying to open the crate, but comically failing. Now guests encounter where the new walls are that hang up paintings, artifacts, and maps.

Up and coming will be several crates and a cage with a moving animatronic tarantula. As guests continue along the walls they will run into a howler monkey who has escaped his cage. It will be at top of an area that has more fruit crates that contain bananas, mangos, papayas, and guaranas. Set up similar to the jewel sorting at SDMT will be a fruit sorter game. Here guests will be sorting bananas, mangos, papayas, and guaranas that are rolling down water to be cleaned.

As guests go down the queue and near the first possible point of entry they will pass by potted trees, plants, and ferns. Located in these plants will of course be the giant butterflies from the ride that have been moved here.


If the first boarding point is blocked off then guests will continue to walk to the Jungle Cruise Operation Center. As guests continue on their way back to the front of the building they will pass by the boat repair area. Here they're will be a steam engine that will act as a mister to cool down the weary travelers. On the other side of the steam engine will a work table with several blueprints of different styles of Jungle Cruise Boats.

The last portion of new added wall will have missing boats, where they were last spotted, and missing skipper notifications. It will also have comedic ads for sights on the Jungle Cruise, and other trips.

The last thing of notice will be a round staircase that leads up to Albert Awol's radio control room. On every step of the staircase will be a jar filled with various preserves rather it be honey or fruit. Guests continue to walk in the queue until they reach the second boarding point.

Fastpass+ Queue -

The Fastpass+ queue will start to wind around at first. Then it will pass shipping crates stacked upon each other. Each with a jungle centric mural painted onto them. Then the Fastpass+ queue will continue in one direct line passing the tarantula cage, and the giant butterflies. They will then board at their own personal boarding point.

Experience -

The Amazon River -

As the skippers pull off from the docks the boats enter the Amazon River. Going through the river guests will hear the exotic calls of tropical birds, and the mysterious sounds of monkeys in the trees. While an ominous, mystical mist covers the river. Recent sightings of a jaguar leads to the skipper to be more nervous than usual, but still able to let out a few corny jokes. As the boats near Inspiration Falls a sloth will be hanging out in a tree. The sloth will be casually chewing on some leaves with a lazy glazed look on its face while wearing a skipper's hat. The skipper will of coarse point out this is where he/she last crashed, and lost their favorite hat. The cruise will then encounter Inspiration Falls which will encourage travelers like yourself to go.....deeper into the jungle that is! As the cruise leaves the Amazon River bullfrogs are present croaking floating on lily pads.


Roaming throughout the Amazon Jungle will be a Jaguar Animatronic. The jaguar will be based on a robot made by Boston Dynamics. However this animatronic will have LPS incorporated into it. The LPS will allow the Jaguar to accurately walk around the jungle floor of the Amazon occasionally it will stalk a cruise going by. When it is seen by the skipper he/she will activate from their boat a growl from the jaguar. Their will be two of these animatronics one for the day and one for the night.

The Congo River -

As the cruise keeps a sailing through the rivers of the Jungle guests will be treated to a Disney Classic The Jungle Book! That's right a book on a rock in a jungle! Great isn't it? Soon the skippers and travelers arrive to the Pygmy welcoming party at the pygmy camp. However something seemed to have scared them off. AHHHH! GIANT PYTHON! Yup a python would've scared them off. Don't get to friendly with him though. He might just develop a crush on you.


(The cruise progresses deeper into the jungle)
Looks like the gorillas of the jungle are just trashing the camp. Wait a minute it's my camp! In fact they make me just go bananas! Look at the mess they made it makes me want to split! On the bright side I couldn't get my jeep to work, but they turned it over. Now folks it seems like where on the Nile River.


The Nile River -

The Nile River is the longest river in the world, and goes on for Niles and Niles and Niles and Niles! And if you don't believe me then your in de-Nile. Coming up here is Africa's second most feared animal, the African Bull Elephant! (It makes some noise) And coming up on your right is the most feared animal in Africa, his mother in-law! (It makes some noise as well). Coming up on your right are a family of baboons! (They shriek and holler) I'll like to point out this sandstone formation there on however. Some people take it for granite, but I think it really rocks!

(The family is looking directly at the boat instead of to the side)

Coming up here is the African Veldt! Here zebras, giraffes, gazelles, wildebeests, and even okapis come to gather and drink water! Oh look at that lion pride! It looks like they're protecting that zebra. It seems like its just dead tired. Let's just let him rest in peace. (The lion pride has been given new movement. The cubs will be playing. While the lionesses get a closer smell of the zebra, and seem to be eating him. The lion will be standing there roaring opening and closing his mouth)

Everyone looks what's coming up ahead! It looks like there's a million rocks on that beach! I told those guys to look out or rhinos, but did they believe me? No, and now it seems like they get the point. Yeah that guy on the bottom there is named Hontas. And it seems like the rhino is about to poke-a-hontas. (Present will be hyenas, zebras, gazelles, and a newly added ostrich. The ostrich will move its head around and blink)


Now here in the jungle there's danger around every corner. So keep your eyes peeled. Watch look out for those crocodiles! Oh wait it's just Old Smiley. He's here everyday waiting for a handout. Right next to him is Ginger, but be careful because Ginger snaps. Yeah she's one tough cookie. Looks like we entered Flamingo Pool! Just look at these beauties playing in the waters of Schweitzer Falls. For those of you that don't know Schweitzer Falls was named after Mr. Edgurd Falls.

Moving along the river, we see a crashed plane on the banks. The skipper tells a few corny jokes (give him a break, he's just winging it.) Hippos splash in the water, and our skipper fires off a few shots to scare them off. As we pass by the headhunters, they dance in a much less ridiculous way than before (New animatronics that move their arms and actually dance, rather than just do the "potty dance.") Going back to Schweitzer Falls, we see more flamingos and then, the one, the only, back side of water!

The Mekong River -
As we approach the temple, a crocodile lunges forward at us, surprising our skipper, but then lurches back. Before we enter the building, fire shoots out of two stone torches in front of it. As the world becomes dark and silent, we enter.


Inside of the temple, we see a very advanced tiger animatronic figure, growling at us and staring with glowing eyes. With statues that appear to move their heads to look at us (not animatronics, just simple rotating heads) and an eerie silence and absence of jokes, the temple is dark and damp. Looking around, we see king cobras. They hiss and look directly at us, and then spit water at unlucky riders. They seem to balance on only a small end of their tail as they strike forward. On our way out of the temple, we see new animatronic macaques that move with fluidity and make typical monkey sounds as they swing around. We're in no danger; they're just monkeying around.


As we leave the temple, we see a herd of Asian Elephants in the river, bathing and splashing. How can you tell they're Asian? Because we're in Asia! On the riverbanks, we see water buffalo fighting each other for territory. As we float past the elephants, a few splash water in our faces. Feel free to take pictures; they all have their trunks on. We keep moving until we come upon a headhunter. His name is Chief Name and he has some great deals for us; your head for one of his! He's a-head of the game when it comes to selling to tourists. He waves goodbye to us as we head back toward the dock.

The Jingle Cruise -
In the queue expect some changes. The fruit crates have been changed to read fruit cakes. The giant butterfly gardens have earned a Jungle Inspired Christmas Tree. The preserves on Albert Awol's stair steps have all been changed to have Christmassy decorations and treats inside the jars instead. While the travel ads have been updated to include Holiday inspired trips. The crates in the Fastpass+ Queue have been wrapped as Christmas presents. Albert Awol's commentary has been changed to be Holiday themed. The final queue change is the overall added Christmas decorations such as hanging tinsel, mistletoe, ornaments, and strings of Christmas lights.

The skippers have earned there traditional Santa inspired Jungle Hats. As well as Christmas jokes. These are the scenes with Christmas decorations. The docks have been decorated. Then comes the base camp with the gorillas this scene now also has Christmas décor. Next would be the rhino scene where the explorers have dropped their Christmas presents around the place. The crashed plane area has earned some minor festive décor. The final location with décor being Chief Name's area.​

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