Do you get them when you're stressed? That's when I get tornado dreams.
No, I can't say that I can make a stress connection to the tornado dreams.
They just seem to come out of the blue (or gray
Also, the dreams themselves are never really terrifying. Even though they feel real and are scary, I always seem to know in the back of my mind, during the dream, that it's just a dream, and I'll eventually wake up...
Sometimes it's just one large tornado, but, most of the time it's groups of them. One group will be heading towards us (I'm almost always outside in the dreams), and then, just as they miss us (sigh of relief), I look in a different direction, and another group of tornados is heading towards us. Repeat...until I finally wake up.
I used to have tons of flying dreams when I was younger.
Everything from being able to fly by just flapping my arms to flying on a plane, and everything in between. As you can imagine, the flying by flapping my arms dreams were definitely the coolest...I was in total control, and could fly anywhere...!!!!!
Apparently, I didn't jinx myself 'cause no tornado dreams last night.
Actually, I don't even remember what I dreamt of last night...
For some reason, the flying and tornado dreams are few and far between, these days.
I have occasional dreams about either being at DL or WDW, but, the places never really look like the actual parks...
OK, everyone feel free to analyze THAT...!!!