Does your daughter also speak Bahasa? I've caught a lot of flack from certain people over here for speaking English to my kids, because "You're in the Netherlands now. We speak Dutch!"

Well, I'm still American, and all my family lives in the US, and not one of them speaks Dutch, but they all want to be able to talk to my kids, too. Plus, all kids in the Netherlands are required to learn English eventually anyway....why SHOULDN'T I give them every opportunity to learn it proficiently? Not to mention the benefits of being bilingual. Studies show that kids who grow up speaking more than one language fluently have a huge advantage. They start off in school with a bit of a problem with vocabulary, because schools only test the vocabulary in one language, but they usually make that up fairly quickly, and then surpass their peers, because they have a certain part of their brain stimulated by the second language that other kids don't have. And whatever that is gives them a sort of natural defense against dementia later in life, so they are less likely to suffer from that. I'm pretty sure that at least part of the reason my kids do so well in school is because they are bilingual. Both of them started of with low vocabulary scores in kindergarten, but they read before any of their classmates, and by first grade, they were getting advanced/extra work in language, math, and reading, and they both scored in the top 5% of kids in the nation on their exams. So there's every reason to teach them a 2nd language, and not really a good reason not to. The only reason not to (besides just not wanting to) is so you don't offend ignorant people who are just ticked off because they can't understand that language, and not doing something that's good for you because someone else doesn't like it is not a good reason to not do it. If you don't want to, that's a different each his own. But I'm so glad I didn't listen to those people who told me I should only speak Dutch to my kids....they are so much better off for having learned 2 languages!