The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
This is a friend of mine that I’ve kept in touch with from a defunct WDW WEBSITE I played on for years and years.

I’ve held him in my heart for years as he is a special young man. He is a Veteran of Iraq War and a POW for awhile. It had lasting effects in his well-being. Mind over matter he pulled himself together a few years ago determined it was no longer going to rule his life. He enrolled in a University majoring In Human Services with aspirations of becoming a social worker with intentions of helping fellow veterans suffering through post traumatic disorders and depression. And in a few short days he will walk the stage as he reached his goal. I am so proud of him.

View attachment 372445

Here is to all of our veterans that give and gave so much. God love ya all :inlove:

I can tell you're very proud of him, and given the nature of his experience I'm sure his life is pretty public, but I just thought I'd mention that even though you blurred his face, you gave enough details to ID him. Again, I'm sure his life is pretty public anyway, but you may want to be more mindful of that in the future.

Thank you for your support for the troops :inlove:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
My mom called me at work...

Mom: When you rescheduled your TSA precheck, what did you click on?
Me: idk, why?
Mom: I think I cancelled your father's appointment for this morning (proceeds into long ramble about what she clicked on
Me: Uh huh...uh huh *logs into their email, doesn't see email showing change, logs into TSA site, sees appointment still there* Mom, it's still there, you didn't cancel it.
Mom: How did you find that out?
Me: I logged into the site and can see it.
Mom: oh. Well thanks. Their site wasn't working right before.
Me: Sure Mom. Whatever you say...

Then I get this a few minutes later...

Of course she was right...

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