Trip Report Part 8:
Sea Day and Aqua Theater mishaps.
Had to note before I start that my sister decided to pay the full internet service for 1 device. And she kept switching between the phones of both her sons and her phone. So they all had opportunity to get internet and updates. and of course.. communicate to synchronize and decide what we are supposed to do on the day.
And As usual, I had to throw the recommendations because I was the current "guide".
Anyway, On the first day, it was the Dreamworks party AND the Mama Mia show.
Today was the AquaTheater show. Interestingly, another dreamworks show was also canceled in the aquatheater today. They seem to have problems with the elevator that rises from the pool and one of the trampolines.
Anyway, the day started with us waking up fairly eairly and going straight to the Central Park cafe.
Where I got a bagel, my mom and sister had a juice and some water, as well some cereal.
Sister got a sandwich and some basic fruit.
After that, We decided to check out the different sports areas, including to check out the "surf" area.
I did another "tour" for my sister and kids so they could see most of the stuff.
They were particularly interested in the climbing wall.
While my nephew was trying to get the hang on of climbing the wall (and getting beaten by 10 year old kids lol ).. I managed to check King Julien..
King Julien was causing havok in the areas where they were practicing a "dance party" and practice for the "flashmob" dances.
As soon the kids were finished meeting him, he decided to lead the dance before more kids came to meet him.
One thing that surprised me was.. EVERY. SINGLE.. STAFF.. MEMBER.. was either dancing or singing to some of the songs. Waiters, Barmen.. It seems they enjoy these imprompu flashmob practice.
Also caught the staff repairing the Aquatheater stuff while some divers were practicing and teaching another one (who was awful at diving) to improve.
Most of the day was not as eventful as you would imagine. As we were mostly checking the ship and its features.
Including going back and forth from the promenade, to the central park then to the Boardwalk and then to the highest floor on the sports area..
So apart from checking the place, There was also a show of the musicians of Mama Mia singing a bit in Blazes bar.
Unfortunately a lot of people bailed because the music volume was outrageously high.

Then was Dinner (which we were assigned different waiters, way better waiters this time) and a different seat.
The food was pretty similar to the OASIS of the Seas menus, the basic menu was the same (the non rotation).
Most of the time I had the seafood or the meats. But also loved the French snails.

After eating, it was time to get to the show, we had reservations so had no problem getting seated in a preferred place.
There was also an area exclusive for Diamond and higher and Platinum credit cards.
The show was.. good.. but extremely weird.
It was something related to god of the Sea and something rising down there..
It had similar movements, costumes as the Oasis ones, but with less story and more "Art" leaning.
The Next Part will be PART 9, SEA DAY 2