Premium Member
The thing that drives me to liking places like Bob Evans is the same gene that tells me that staying onsite at WDW is the same as standing in front of a shredder and feeding $100.00 bills into it. My needs and desires are simple and basic. I have never even attempted to keep up with the Jones's and only went for what was comfortable for me. Others mileage may vary! I just wish I didn't lose the places I enjoy because I am not interested in keeping up.
Really glad you wrote the above and also the quote below. I can relate to your (food) ideas being (somewhat) in the minority. Many of my meal preferences are also basic and minimum. (And, I never go to WDW for the food either!

I like restaurants in various price ranges where I live, and might go for an expensive meal once in a great while, only. I don't think it's so much a status thing or keeping up with the Joneses, for those people who don't go to family style restaurants. It may be that people's tastes might actually be evolving toward different food selections, as time moves on.
Old time Vermonters had notoriously bad teeth and no money to get them fixed. My family moved to Vermont when I was 15. My first dental appointment I had after that the Dentist looked in my mouth said... "You're not from around here are you". I was born just across Lake Champlain almost exactly due west of our Vermont address, but, we had fluoride in our water there so I got some very strong teeth.
Each state tends to have it's own area(s) of real poverty. I knew right away that the woman who didn't get her teeth fixed, probably did not have the kind of money to get the help she needed, and that's sad. Many people take a lot for granted in their own lives, and it may be hard to comprehend that a person could not get teeth fixed. I don't think it's anything mean-spirited or judgmental on their part, but just a genuine surprise to some people that this happens.