The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I recall a conversation I had with my father a long time ago. He told me that they paid $15,000 for the family's house (around mid-1950s). That basic American family home had full front and back yards, a two-car garage, a basement through attic, 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms on the 2nd floor, a livingroom, dining room, and kitchen.

Yup, $15,000 . . . and only he had a regular, full-time job. My mother stayed home and raised the 4 children.

Amazing, isn't it? 🤦
My parents paid around 25,000 and the current value is over 700,000 YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I recall a conversation I had with my father a long time ago. He told me that they paid $15,000 for the family's house (around mid-1950s). That basic American family home had full front and back yards, a two-car garage, a basement through attic, 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms on the 2nd floor, a livingroom, dining room, and kitchen.

Yup, $15,000 . . . and only he had a regular, full-time job. My mother stayed home and raised the 4 children.

Amazing, isn't it? 🤦

Just got off the phone with my folks...
The first home they bought in San Antonio in 1962 (the year I was born) they paid 10.5K for (3 BR, 2 BA).
The home in AL they rented, as well as our first home in CA.
Our second home in CA (3 BR, 2 BA) they paid 22.7K for...and that is the house that is now appraised at 976+K...basically, a 4,200% increase...!!!!!!! 🤦:cyclops:
They sold that house for 58K, and paid 55K for the one we moved into here that is about 700 sq. ft. larger. Their current house is appraised at about 8 times what they paid for it...!!!!! :greedy: ;) :)

My mother didn't work outside of the home until our lil' sis started school. She got a job in the middle school cafeteria directly across the street from their home.
So, pop was definitely the main source of monetary income for our household, as well.
Unless one spouse/partner or the other is makin' a ton of money, it seems much harder to be able to do that these days... :cyclops:


Well-Known Member
My parents moved into an apartment quite a few years ago too... they were tired of the upkeep and wanted something smaller once all us kids were gone. I don't expect any money to be left when they go... spend it while you got it!

I never really understood the concept of leaving your kids money when you die.
Sometimes you don't have any choice. You know how much money you have, but, no idea how long you will have to spend it.

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