So, this Friday, we have DS's final meeting where we get his advice for high school, and go through his report with his teacher, etc. They do a whole bunch of tests at his school for the 6th graders. They do an IQ test if one hasn't been done in the last 2 years, which DS had, so he didn't have to do another, and they do several other evaluations. We had to fill out a questionnaire, as did his teacher, and then DS had to fill out a couple about how he sees himself, etc. So we got all the results yesterday, as well as the results of the standard test they do twice a year to follow the progress of students all across the Netherlands. The scores go from I -V with I being the highest and V the lowest, and they show the graphics like this: (I cut his name out)
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So his score is the black dot all the way in the upper right corner. The other black dot in the middle of the green shows where he was at this time last year. And the green field is a I score, and that faint white line there shows the range of a I score....So anything above that white line means you scored higher than a majority of the other kids who scored a I. They call that a I+. And the numbers on the side, it tells you the average number of correct answers kids had in each range. So the average for a I score was 48 correct....DS got 77!! I'm so so proud of him! And his Math score was RIGHT on the edge of the white line, so he just barely missed a I+ for math, but he got it for spelling and verb spelling.
A score of I in Math and reading comprehension (that's what this picture is...reading) means VWO level (the highest level of school, what DD does....a I+ just means you're in the upper end of that range) and a score of II in those two subjects is HAVO, III is VMBO-gt/MAVO, etc.... Unfortunately, special ed schools don't offer VWO level, so he'll get HAVO advice, but he can go on once he completes his 5 year HAVO program. It will just take a bit longer. But I'm so proud of how much he's learning, even though he has all the social stuff to learn, too.
But I just thought of this last night, too...DD's program is 6 she has 5 years left after this school year. DS's program will be 5 years. I'm going to have 2 kids graduating high school in the same year!!
Sorry....had to be proud mama for a minute. You may now resume your regularly scheduled chit-chatting.