The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
Well folks, 2019 has been off to a very strange start in the Buddy/Philmonster household. So far:

Philmonster had to get a tooth pulled.

I was having funky chest pains from hell for weeks and thought I was about to drop dead - went to the doctor who sent me to a cardiologist and had every test known to mankind done, including a stress test, and the results are........I am apparently completely insane because I came back in perfect health. Doc says maybe I strained something at the gym or maybe I’m carryin “stress in my chest”. Huh?????? Anyway, I live to see another day. Great, but then:

My company was bought by a larger company and all employees were warned that our jobs might be eliminated. Talk about “stress in the chest”, lol. So I was sure I was getting the boot. I’m not exactly a spring chicken anymore and my salary is just about at the level that they might want to cut to save money. That’s happened to me before.

Well, today was the day. The new management was in the office conference room and throughout the day, they called various employees in, and many were in tears when they came out. We started calling it the Room of Doom. It was like Survivor. Everyone was sitting at their desks in complete panic wondering if the Angel of Corporate Death was going to call them in.

After about 2PM, I still had not been called in, and I thought I was off the hook and was starting to breathe sighs of relief, when at that very moment, I was called into the Room of Doom.


I was certain that I was going to be let go and then after 20+ years of agenting, I’d be applying for a waiter position at the Red Lobster.


They told me that they were giving me a small raise, annnnnnnnd, they were promoting me to Vice President of my division.

What the........!?!??!

Well, like I said, strange start to the year.

PS -
Philmonster is refusing to go to Disney again, even though during the holidays, he approved a trip. He’s in the doghouse, big time.

The moral of this story is always listen to your body and get checked if something feels off. It’s better to know than not know. And if weird job stuff happens, don’t be as pessimistic as I was. It could turn out better than expected. And Philmonster is a toothless liar.


Jeepers, Buddy, you had me on the edge of my seat. First of all, so happy for you that you got a big promotion!!! 🐱 Well deserved. (Sympathies to the colleagues, though, who were laid off in the Room of Doom. It's always rough when a new company comes in and buys an existing company.)

Secondly, it's no fun getting a tooth out for Philmonster, but his dentist will find a suitable replacement. He'll never even know the difference after the reconstruction work is done.

Lastly, ever heard of costochondritis? That's a temporary (few days to few weeks, generally) condition that produces chest pain. I had that once, and basically it's an inflammation of the cartilage (upper ribs connecting to sternum), sort of mimicing (chest pain symptoms) in someone who thinks they're having a heart attack. Not always, but sometimes it's brought on by stress. It's a benign condition. Your symptoms reminded me a little of this. Glad to hear you're feeling better.


Well-Known Member
Just booked the Hollywood Brown Derby for Valentine's Day lunch.

Good move? Bad move? The last time I ate at the restaurant proper was probably 15 years ago, although we did the patio recently and enjoyed it.

B won't be available for dinner, he will be at work. Booked Kylie at Best Friends Pet Care for the day, and when B goes to work after lunch, I have a solo trip for the remainder LOL.

I was reading all about special Valentine's Day prix fixe menus at certain restaurants last year, so I called WDW and "nothing has been announced" for this year.

Plan B: I may order a sugar free V-day cake tomorrow (assuming that's an option) to be delivered to the BD for after lunch.

The last time I ordered a sugar free cake was for an anniversary at Cat Cora's old restaurant on the BW. I presume it's still a thing.
Excellent move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cake shouldn't be an issue and another excellent move!


Well-Known Member
Well folks, 2019 has been off to a very strange start in the Buddy/Philmonster household. So far:

Philmonster had to get a tooth pulled.

I was having funky chest pains from hell for weeks and thought I was about to drop dead - went to the doctor who sent me to a cardiologist and had every test known to mankind done, including a stress test, and the results are........I am apparently completely insane because I came back in perfect health. Doc says maybe I strained something at the gym or maybe I’m carryin “stress in my chest”. Huh?????? Anyway, I live to see another day. Great, but then:

My company was bought by a larger company and all employees were warned that our jobs might be eliminated. Talk about “stress in the chest”, lol. So I was sure I was getting the boot. I’m not exactly a spring chicken anymore and my salary is just about at the level that they might want to cut to save money. That’s happened to me before.

Well, today was the day. The new management was in the office conference room and throughout the day, they called various employees in, and many were in tears when they came out. We started calling it the Room of Doom. It was like Survivor. Everyone was sitting at their desks in complete panic wondering if the Angel of Corporate Death was going to call them in.

After about 2PM, I still had not been called in, and I thought I was off the hook and was starting to breathe sighs of relief, when at that very moment, I was called into the Room of Doom.


I was certain that I was going to be let go and then after 20+ years of agenting, I’d be applying for a waiter position at the Red Lobster.


They told me that they were giving me a small raise, annnnnnnnd, they were promoting me to Vice President of my division.

What the........!?!??!

Well, like I said, strange start to the year.

PS -
Philmonster is refusing to go to Disney again, even though during the holidays, he approved a trip. He’s in the doghouse, big time.

The moral of this story is always listen to your body and get checked if something feels off. It’s better to know than not know. And if weird job stuff happens, don’t be as pessimistic as I was. It could turn out better than expected. And Philmonster is a toothless liar.

Mister Vice President, I like the sound of that CONGRATS!!!!!!!! As for the Philmonster, take some of your raise and get him to the cheap shot place and this time when he agrees to a Disney trip make sure to get a recording of it, heck get him to agree to pay;)


Premium Member
Wish we had a love button. First of all, you do deserve wonderful friends and neighbors. So happy to hear that people care enough about you and A, to offer these various gestures of kindness.

Many years ago when my father passed away, my mother was living alone in the house after that. She noticed one week that someone had brought in her barrels, into the garage, where they were stored. The next week, before she could go to take them out to the curb, she noticed they were already out curb-side, on trash morning. She watched later in the day to see who was doing this. Turns out it was a retired city cop, who lived across the street. This guy was never social and spoke to no one.

Yet, somehow, he knew that my father passed away, as my father took out the trash for many years and would wave to the guy. So without saying a word, the neighbor discretely took over that chore to help my mother. She, of course, thanked him and said she could do it, but he insisted. Amazing, how sometimes people you'd never expect to care, magically appear.

It's funny because the neighbor that snow blows my walk and drive is someone I've only ever waved to before. I've never talked to him. He's a great human.


Well-Known Member
Good morning friends! Today is a day I've been looking forward to since September. It's Band Concert Day! I'll be conducting my 5th grade band in two school assemblies at 9:30AM and 2PM. Then later we come back at night and perform for the parents/grandparents :)

I didn't realize you were a band director. My favorite band director was forced to retire this year due to some eyesight issues..... he is the most awesome guy, and he really cared about his students, which showed when his openhouse party a couple weeks ago was standing room only. Hats off to band directors!

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
My favorite song from him, and totally appropriate to this rancid administration:
"I Don't Believe in Heroes Anymore", sung by Scott Bakula

I know he did theater, there was a soundtrack I used to sell called Romance, Romance that used to do well on eBay.

I’ve never been crazy about his singing, though!

I still regularly DVR Quantum Leap (watched 2 episodes yesterday) and NCIS, even though I hate all the other NCIS.

Just recorded and watched this morning the first of a two-part Matlock he was in, which I had never seen before.

I think the first thing I remember him in was a TV version of “Gung Ho.”

And someone related to him used to come into a pharmacy I managed in NJ. I noticed her name, and she said the family pronounced it “Bah-KOOL-a” rather than “BACK-you-la.”

Need I mention “Looking?” 😍 (sigh)

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