I wish. I’m sure there are people like that, but the tree is about 30 feet from the house, it’s too dangerous.
I would be keeping some of the wood though if I do it.. I’ll have a 5 year supply

You’d be surprised how skillful many of these “non-professionals” are, but, I understand!

Back when we first moved into this home, almost 30 years ago now, there was a 35 acre goat, cow, and horse ranch/farm right next to us on our dead-end street (it has long since been turned into a residential extension of our neighborhood). We spoke with Mr. Hoover, the elderly gentleman that owned the land often, as he cruised it regularly on a four-wheeler. He was cool with our little kiddos feeding his brood wilted vegetables, apples, etc., through the fence, and the kiddos loved it as much as they did...!!!!!

Anyway, one winter back in the late-ish 90’s we had a hellish (for us

) ice storm, and as well as many trees and branches (and power lines) being taken out everywhere, so many trees on Mr. Hoover’s property were either badly damaged or felled by the weight of the ice. I remember DWifey and I walking out onto our driveway after it slowed down, and you could here branches/entire trees snapping on that ranch next to us.
Fortunately, none of his livestock were adversely affected in the cold, or by anything falling from the trees, as he had shelters for them. After that, though, and after a bit of a thaw, we talked to him at our fence line as he was cruising on his ride. He told us we could have all the firewood we wanted from his property from the fallen wood we wanted that we could haul away...!!!!!

Myself and my pop stocked our wood sheds to the nines for the following winter...and, then some...!!!!!