Hey gang. Do we have anyone here who is knowledgeable about the rules of jury duty pools? I just served in February of 2017 and when I was dismissed they gave me a proof of service form and it says "retain for four years".
A few weeks ago, I got something in the mail notifying me that I had to send back a form registering for service. I thought it was a mistake but I sent the form back to them along with my proof of recent service.
TODAY, I get a notification in the mail that I've been chosen to be on call for service starting October 22. Huh?????
To add insult to injury, the courthouse they want me to report to is all the way in the middle of Long Island, over an hour from my apartment by train.
Does anyone know if this might have been an error? If I just served in 2017, why would I have to do it again in 2018?
Naturally, there is no number to call on the form.