Never hurts to explore all options.
Just curious about the leasing thing. Here's a question, since you've been studying it. What if you get in a wreck -- don't you have to get the car repaired to exact factory specs?
In other words, let's say you buy a car and you get in a wreck. Even with insurance, you may or may not receive a completely "good as new" repair, but because it's your own car, you can sort of pick and choose how much more you want (or don't want) to spend. You have the option to just let a few (less noticeable) things go here and there, but with a leased vehicle, you may not have that option--and are responsible to shell out the money for perfection, so to speak.
So, what I'm trying to say above is that the monthly leasing rate might be reasonable, but just exactly, what happens if you need a repair on a leased vehicle, during the (let's say, 3-year) leasing term?