Sorry I didn't update yesterday. Hubs called them after we got home from seeing Star Wars and they were having the kids open presents so they said they would call him back. They did call him back about 30 minutes later. I was upstairs but hubs said that they had him on speaker phone and he mainly chatted with his nieces and nephews, uncles, and his brothers-in-law. I guess his oldest sister (the ring-leader of the group and the one that wouldn't respond to the Merry Christmas text) did talk to him for a little bit, the other sister did not say much but I guess she was in the kitchen cooking so I guess that is acceptable. Hubs said no one said anything about us not being there and the conversation was normal. They did ask him to say the meal prayer for them since they were getting ready to eat at the end of the conversation. Both of his sisters did post lots of pictures on Facebook later (they normally do) and they both talked about how much they missed their parents and wish their parents could have been there (which they normally mention too) but neither mentioned missing their brother in the posts, hubs said that stung a little. I did not give their posts a like.
Later when the adults opened their presents both brothers-in-law sent a thanks text to Brad for the presents (we had their names and they had ours, the sisters had each other.).
I do think that if the uncles had not been there the phone conversation would have gone differently. But the sisters especially the older one likes to put on a show like she is a good Christian person.