Premium Member
If there is anything I hate more then ice, it's aging. When I was young I wasn't intimidated by ice at all. If I started to slip I would just adjust my body and slide along. Now I might just as well be either 1 year old or 100 years old judging by the tiny little baby steps I take on ice and if I have nothing to hang onto I practically go into a panic. Anyone that knows me, knows that I do not panic. I hate getting old almost as much as I hate the idea of not getting any older. What a dilemma!
With reference to your comment about about the correlation to a 1 year old, versus 100, I wonder if they make double runners for adults, too? They make them for little kids, and it would almost be like full circle in later years, if they marketed them to seniors. Then people wouldn't have to worry nearly as much about falling down, due to the extra balance points on the double blades per boot.