betty rose
Well-Known Member
I hope you had a safe flight. And most of all have fun!Good morning! Hubs and I are at the airport waiting for our California flight. I hope everyone has a great day!
I hope you had a safe flight. And most of all have fun!Good morning! Hubs and I are at the airport waiting for our California flight. I hope everyone has a great day!
Yup, L34 L45 and L5S1. I have a walker for really bad days. They are sedating me because they use a uv light machine to see exactly where to go. I hate needles.Oh, I went through that long ago. I had ruptured three discs, my L 45, my L34, and my L12. Those shots are amazing. I didn't get sedation, but a little topical ointment before. It hurt, but only briefly, the shots felt more hot than anything. After three days of laying down. I was able to walk, and get up again. I condsidered this a miracle. Before I couldn't stand up. I was in a wheel chair. Arthritis my set in later, I just take joint pills and that helps a lot. Along with my afternoon margarita!
So sorry to hear about your birds. I hope the rest stay healthy.We lost one of our female finches overnight. We had 6 at one time. The originals were Eenie, Meanie, Miney and Moe. Eenie and meanie hatched Dottie and her sister, and Dottie's sister passed away in early April at just about 4 months old. Today we lost Miney. I buried her near "sister". Moe is our songbird. Probably a bit confused at the moment. It is raining here in Chicago at the moment. It suits our mood. Gloomy for sure.
When my kids were younger, we hid in the house to watch fireworks on New Years. Our neighbors have extended family here and they all come over for celebrations. They had several kiddos running around and they were SO unsafe with fireworks. They let their little 3 years old, hold Roman Candles in their hands to shoot them off. The 2 boys were around 10 and had bottle rocket wars, shooting them at each other. So we didn't go outside at all. And then when the kids got a bit older, they wanted to light sparklers and such themselves, so we went out, and they tried to offer roman candles to the kids and we declined. We got huge mega sparklers that you stick in the ground rather than hold, we lit those and that was about it. We do get a couple of fountains because I love them, but we don't do rockets and such and the kids wear safety goggles, everything has to be lit WITH daddy, there are no big fireworks, etc. I miss things like the bang snaps. Safe and easy, no lighting, just fun. They don't have those here.
It's all good. I personally don't like putting all my business out there because I've learned that there are a lot more people that read the ChitChat forums than we think they do.I apologize for putting our issues in P.M. I guess silence is golden.....
The only time I've ever been injured (oddly enough!) was by one of those darn sparklers! Set off 100 screamers this year with no problem but got 1 defective sparkler!Yep, that was the extent of our "fireworks craziness" at mom and pops on the evening of the 4th...!!!Youngest DD bought a dozen boxes of those little snappers for the kiddos (big kiddos, too
) out on the front deck and drive.
Do not look at the needle, hubby almost fainted seeing the needle. I buried my head on the gurney. So all was good. He told me it was really large, they have to go between the discs to give the medicines. I had mine done in the dark ages, I hope they have advanced, it was many years ago for me. I was lucky, the Dr. was really good he got each one on the first try. I can only have two more shots, according back then. I watch my back very carefully. If it starts giving me fits, I'm out. And laying on the sofa or bed.Yup, L34 L45 and L5S1. I have a walker for really bad days. They are sedating me because they use a uv light machine to see exactly where to go. I hate needles.
Thanks, I need to watch my big mouth!It's all good. I personally don't like putting all my business out there because I've learned that there are a lot more people that read the ChitChat forums than we think they do.
Get your back well, and have a great trip!We just found out my daughter's grandma is moving about an hour away from Disneyland. I see a trip in the future.
It was. We walked right up on it. It was eating some bushes and didn't care. When it finally noticed us, we moved on slowly.....@betty rose Was that an elk you had posted pictures of? It was cool!
I have a series of three shots spaced 2 weeks apart, all in the hospital, all sedated.Do not look at the needle, hubby almost fainted seeing the needle. I buried my head on the gurney. So all was good. He told me it was really large, they have to go between the discs to give the medicines. I had mine done in the dark ages, I hope they have advanced, it was many years ago for me. I was lucky, the Dr. was really good he got each one on the first try. I can only have two more shots, according back then. I watch my back very carefully. If it starts giving me fits, I'm out. And laying on the sofa or bed.
I would take her out. The counselor sounds very irresponsible, you need to keep track of everyone in line. We always had a counselor at the beginning of the line, and the end with one in the middle keeping control.I was told it was part day swimming and part day arts, crafts, etc. Her first day (after all the rain!) they went on a nature hike. She fell in mud up to her knees, her forearms and splashed in her hair! And, the part that made me very upset was they didn't have partners but walked a single line with the counselor leading. She said no one saw her fall and they kept going.
She got herself up and had to run to catch the group. Then she really didn't get to clean up because they had a wet sponge fight and then did a form of the ice bucket challenge without the ice. AND she only took one pair of shoes! I'm thinking WHAT kind of camp is this! She is only going this week.
It's been an interesting stretch for things either breaking or going offline. Lost power recently due to storms--that was understandable, and power came back on in a few hours.
Car broke recently; that's still in for repair, with delays from the holiday, for parts being sent in.
Then, the gas company decided to replace a pipe in front of the house over the weekend, and the guys checked in with hubs (who was home at the time) to make sure he still had hot water. He said he did. Next morning, there was no hot water. The gas company guys never thought to take into effect, that the hot water tank had some hot water still in it, when they asked him about it. (What happens when the remaining hot water runs out?!! Duhhh . . .) So when the tank ran out that night, we had cold water. Hubs called gas company (his call was routed to New York--um, we live in MA . . . ) to come and fix this, and a tech came out--the installers never turned the gas switch back on in the basement!
Then last night we had another power failure--luckily a brief one this time. But there were no storms, etc., in area.![]()
Gosh, out for me tonight. I'm tired and I did no ketchup. Maybe tomorrow. I'm needing more sleep at the moment. Yes, it's 7pm. our time. And I'm out. I think old age is overtaking me at the moment, along with allergies!![]()
Been about a year since I last posted on this site, but I'm back! I feel like I've matured a lot over that year as well, I had a strong feeling when I stopped coming on that I wasn't "cut out" for this site per se. I also became occupied with a different website, so I just stopped coming here all together, but I'm excited to be back.
If they touch, tower....I will be out permanently. Twilight Zone was my favorite time with my dad. Sister did't like it and Mom didn't, it was our "special" time watching our favorite show.
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