Well, it's nice not to have homework. And I'm working fewer hours a week than I was in my last semester of college (16-20 hours per week, 17 hours a week in class, plus homework). And as far as a job goes, this one really isn't that bad.
I'm glad I got in with a large company and there are opportunities to move after I've been there a year because I really don't want to stay in this department. The job, for one, is boring. Lots of looking at spreadsheets, which in all seriousness, if I wanted to look at spreadsheets all day, I would have gone for an accounting degree. Sometimes I feel like the workload is overwhelming; others I'm searching for something to do. I hate where I currently am seated because there's no one around my area, so there are days when I don't talk to anyone, which for me, as an extroverted introvert, is not a great setup. And while the managers who I support are all lovely people, I've already had to deal with a coworker who's really b*tchy and basically does nothing but whine about her job. If you ask her for anything, she'll cop an attitude. And this other manager who believes that rules don't apply to her. I actually told my manager at one point that I didn't want to deal with her anymore because she either ignored me or complained about the process. Thankfully, my manager was getting the same attitude I was, and so I don't deal with her anymore. My manager can also be a challenge because she's got a personality type that tends to panic first. I'm figuring out how to handle her, though, which is basically a lot of "It's okay; we can fix this." We got an email today at the end of the day, and I'm fully expecting it to frazzle her even more, even though it really shouldn't be that big of a deal.
Evidently, my manager's boss is nicer to me than he was to the last person in this position. Like, way nicer. He comes over and checks on how I'm doing, gave me excellent advice over how to handle the situation with my one coworker, brings me marshmellow peeps because he knows I like them, etc. I'm contract to permanent placement, and my manager from the agency still can't believe how nice he is to me. But I'm also not intimidated by him, which is probably a big thing. Growing up in a household with a lawyer who can be intimidating means learning to not get intimidated.
But eventually, I want out of this department. I'd rather go into marketing or HR. Marketing was my degree's concentration, and HR is where my experience lies.
I have really missed college, though. I've missed chorus, being on campus, seeing friends, chatting with professors, sitting outside with my Surface in between classes and working (or Netflixing, depending on my level of burnout). I went to a fantastic school, and every single day, I use the education I got there, or something will pop up and I say, "Yup, learned that in college." I miss it though. I might go back and get my MBA. Not at my alma mater; likely at U of Baltimore. But I'm going to wait before making that decision.