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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
So do you remember the anticipation of the Sears Christmas Wish Book? The hours we spent looking through, dog-earing and paperclipping pages.

Or the choking hazard Poly Pocket mini doll sets?

Or do you remember the Original Cabbage Patch Kid dolls that turned the early 80s into a Christmas nightmare?

Or remember the days gone bye of square scooters-gone because too many students lacked the coordination not to fall off and get concussed.

Or remember the unique Mr. Rogers?

Or do you remember the later questionable formula Tab soft drink that disappeared quietly?


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I don't know that any of them charge more to pump your own gas. Gas prices go how they go...with the market. I recently talked (I did a few years ago as well) with the guy at our convenience store just down the road. He said their profit on gas was 2-5 cents on the gallon depending on the "grade". The only reason they keep the pumps is that hopefully folks will also come inside the store to purchase other higher profit margin items.
I have zero problem with pumping my own gas. Yes, I am definitely old enough to remember the full service days when ya' ran over that cable and rang the bell, and they came a' runnin'...some places were like an Indianapolis 500 pit crew...!!! :hilarious: I just don't miss it.
It was just one of those old business models that was eventually doomed to many people do ya' need to employ to make sure someone pays for gas. Maybe just the guy at the register, when you're pickin' up a few things in the store, or nobody at all when your only payin' at the pump for the gas. :D
I can only imagine what the prices would be these days if they had a guy at the register inside, another guy checkin' your oil, another one cleaning your windshield, and one more pumping the gas... :greedy: :greedy: :greedy: ;)

My memories are more of building a core service business model that was lost.
You learned to pick a full service station that pumped gas, checked your oil, cleaned your windshield and spotted anything that might be going wrong with your car as they had the hood popped or noticing your tires were low. You built a rapor with your neighborhood service station that you picked and trusted with your car. It was more to me back then over just pumping gas, a task by the way that I still don't care for by the way. It is just nasty.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Thank you. Fingers crossed.
Car issues have been a bit ridiculous here lately...
First Youngest DD needed three fuel injectors replaced about 2 mos. ago. Then my fuel pump went out. Then DWifey needed new brakes and rotors. Now this. :confused:
I could have replaced the brakes and rotors on DWifey's car myself, but, she couldn't wait 'til the weekend. The fuel injectors are something I would probably never even attempt anymore.
As far as the fuel pump, they're all electric now and in the fuel tank. So, you hafta' drop the tank, blah, blah, blah. I once changed one of the old mechanical ones that were bolted to the engine block in a parking lot. Took me less than 30 mins. total.
A thermostat used to be one of the easiest things on a car to replace. 2 bolts and a gasket. Throw it in a pot of water on the stove and heat it up. If it didn't open, you knew that was the problem. much simpler then...! :cyclops: ;)

Sympathies. My truck needs some work and I am procrastinating. So freak'n expensive.

We had one car-not gone all that long ago that had a battery mounted where you had to remove half the guts of the car to get to. Now tell me that wasn't deliberate. Frustrating.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
cracker were huge in my country for a few years until they were replaced by "tazos". Which are circular plastic things used to play(imagine hard plastic big coins painted with famous character of cartoons)
Tazos were definitively huge, they lasted almost 10 years of popularity, 5 of them huge.

I remember having a huge collection of looney tunes, tiny toons (the heaviest tazos ever, and most favored to play as a hitter coin).

speaking of tazos.. I investigated and only 3 countries got the TMNT collection ones. And they were all eastern europe (Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland)

Funny the different names things have around the world...Tazos our Pogs


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Heck, I had rookie Mickey Mantle cards that I'm pretty sure ended up being a motor sound on my bicycle. Such is life for those of us that only casually care about sports.
Either that or it was sold by my Mother when we moved from New York to Vermont. She sold everything that wasn't nailed down that she had no particular emotional leaning towards. Like my 4th place bowling patch. The only thing I have ever won and she sold it. Whoever would have wanted it must have been a bigger loser then even me.

Your Mom is a step above my Mom when it comes to other peoples stuff. My Mom tosses your stuff and tells you later. She has been doing it from the time I was small and continues on. As of late, the last year she tossed stuff of my Dads and we had not even had a funeral yet. She ran across Jewlery boxes we had brought home from Mexico in my teens, we had 3 chests and they were nice and the 3 ladies had some interesting collectables in them. The conversation over the phone went something like this (with glee in her voice)

Today I threw out yours and your sisters Mexican Jewelry Boxes. Well actually I put them on top of the garbage cans so the garbage pickers could take them away-and somebody wanted them. They are gone. (me stunned as she had that tone of being so proud of just tossing our stuff, it made her cheerful) Me, you didn't toss mine, I have mine. Her, No I threw yours away, its gone forever. No I have mine. It is downstairs in my house on the top shelf. I'm staring at it right now. Disappointed she says, huh must have been mine and your sisters I tossed then and said well good-bye. What is that????


Well-Known Member
One heckuvan' atypical movie at the time, but, still very entertaining. So bittersweet, but mostly sad. Robin Williams was pretty amazing in it, and John Lithgow was, as well.
I loved the part where they were looking at a house to buy and while they stood there a plane crashed into it. Robin was ecstatically happy and yelled out.... "All right, it's pre-disastered". There were some other parts that I thought were funny too, but, as I recall, not suitable for a family discussion board.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm just amazed Disney thinks that there is that much demand for it.
Especially since I've heard that many of the perks aren't what they used to be, and there have been some upkeep and maintenance issues, etc.
But, They've obviously done their research, and believe there is and will continue to be demand.
Also, I don't mind them so much turning some (emphasis on some) existing rooms into DVC, but, what really bugs me are a lot of the new additions and how they affect the atmosphere/ambiance of the resorts...
The SSL Pizza Huts at the Poly, The "cabins" they tore up so much for to put at WL, that monster boxes on boxes on boxes thing at the GF, and to me anyway, BLT doesn't look as contemporary-cool as the Contemporary, and actually takes away from that complex.
Just MHO... :cyclops:

I am disappointed in how Disney is ruining the resorts to add DVCs to them. 7 Seas is beginning to look like Urban Sprawl. What most of us use to love about Disney, the escape. Disney is now creating Urban Sprawl themselves along with the problems that go along with mega Urban areas. Freak'n problems like needing long term plans to eat, transportation that is failing on all levels and security installations that are antiquated at best as they are implementing. When Disney is just now installing security inferior to Universal Florida in 2017 you have to just head slap.

Yes you can quickly build cookie cutter DVC units but ignoring the inner works of transportation, dining and security needs that don't adversely impact your guests is not the triple AAA's the overall resort was once. They just smoosh more guests onto the same boats, monorail or buses and none of them run efficiently any longer and it isn't a concern for them, just allow 1.5 hours for your vacation commute within our resort. Seriously? Make longer commute times to waterparks by making transportation hub centers out of places like Animal Kingdom bus loop and Disney Springs causing commuter problems for the resort guests. We got to Universal quicker than we could get to Epcot from POR. That is when you realize standards and quality has slipped. They need to get a grip on their Urban Sprawl. Look at the entire picture before you just build more units into existing resorts.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
They did a terrible job with the architecture of the DVC at CR. You would have thought they would have tried to match the original a little bit. They just don't go together.:confused:
Yeah, from what I've read they have not done such a great job with many of the units either, especially the smaller units. Who designs a unit that has the sink outside the teeny tiny bathroom with pocket door? The photos of the grim build up not noticed by housekeeping-Think, shower, toilet, pocket recessed pocket handle, then sink scenario in main living area-ewe ewe ewe. Weren't most of us taught to wash your hands PRIOR to leaving the toilet area? The photo's have been tummy churning. Who designs that? Who buys that? Honestly would anyone buy a home that had the sink to the bathroom in their combo livingroom kitchen? Too much Pixie Dust clouding peoples judgement.


Premium Member
Just got back from havin' to have youngest DDs SUV towed. She had to park it in a Walgreens parking lot when it started to overheat on the road. Luckily, she keeps an eye on gauges.
The overflow tank was empty, so I topped it off with coolant, but the coolant didn't go down and start to circulate, and it started to heat up again. Most likely the thermostat.
Looked online while waiting for the tow truck, and the part is only about $40. Labor will probably be somewhere in the $200-$300 range,'s definitely not as easy to get to or replace as the one on my '71 Olds Cutlass... :bored:
Sympathy like, I hope that's all it is.


Premium Member
I'd buy the Cubs fabric if I had a clue what to make out of it. Short of a quilt which I lack the desire to make at a loss of what I could create from Cubs fabric. :confused:
Lots of things: curtains, a gathered skirt or circle skirt, shopping bags, a pillows one to use when sitting on stadium chairs. The list is endless to a super fan. I may have spent part of my iced&/or snowed in time this winter watching craft and sewing shows:joyfull:

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