Well-Known Member
Thank you so much! And yes, the Netherlands can be great and I really do love the education system here with the tiered high school structure that's geared to each kind of student, depending on their strengths. But our school is just not great when it comes to bullying. They want the kids to be able to handle situations themselves, which I get and I think is admirable, but they are kids. They CAN'T handle every situation themselves...sometimes they need help from the adults.
You're welcome! I completely understand.
Especially if they have special needs.
We made a vow when our son came into the world the way he did to do whatever we could to help him make his own way as much as feasible, and never let him use his issues as an excuse for failure.
It has, and never will be easy, especially for him, but, considering what issues he's had to deal with, and how far he has come over the years, I think we, and he, did a pretty good job.
Hang in there, and be vigilant and supportive, as always.
One thing we did was provide examples of others that had way worse problems than himself, and we're making there way through life. Yes, disappointments happen, and we all need some emotional release time, but, no major pity parties, 'cause no matter how bad you think you have it, very many have it way worse, and too many have it even more unimaginably worse.
The best of luck to him, and all of y'all going forward...!