I'd love to hear about some of those trips. Maybe once in a while, you could share one with us. Bet they'd be really fun and interesting reading.
I could fill a whole chapter with various stories from different trips, but, I could never recreate a chronologically whole cohesive TR
about any one trip in particular...those trips were over 40 years ago, and I didn't take any notes...!
I'll share a quick story from one trip...
We were on a back road in Arizona coming from a side trip we had taken (to where I can't remember off the top of my head...?
) on our way heading back to No Cal, and pop noticed the temp gauge continuing to creep up to the point we finally had to pull over. Turns out the water pump was leakin' like a sieve, and there we were stranded on the side of the road in the Arizona dessert. And, the back road was so back road, I don't even remember seein' another vehicle the whole time we were stuck there. Pop couldn't even raise anybody in the vicinity on the CB. Fortunately, the previous year pop had purchased a Honda 90, that we took with us on all our subsequent trips, that we hauled on a bumper rack behind the camper. Pop had found a tiny town on the map that wasn't super far away, so we pulled the Honda down from the rack, pop strapped on a helmet, kick-started the Honda, and off he went to find help. He was gone for about 1.5 - 2 hours if remember correctly and we had no way of communicating with him. Not exactly the most un-stressful situation, but we all kept our cool, so to speak
, even if it was one hot wait. He returned riding in a tow truck with the Honda sitting in the back. We were towed back to that town and my pop even helped the mechanic replace the pump. The replacement pump was bein' delivered from another town as we were bein' towed.
We were on the road again later that day. Just another little unexpected adventure, but that we were prepared for...for the most part...!
This is pretty much the exact setup we had regarding the Honda 90, but, our 90 was yellow...