Since they put the ice repellent down three days before the event and here in the south almost every weather event other then sunshine starts out with a full day of rain, whatever they put on the roads has either evaporated or washed away before the actual need ever shows up. Then once the event does happen the excuse for not doing anything is that the roads are to slippery to go out. So they wait until it is all done, in the hopes that the temperature will rise enough to clear it up on its own. Sometimes that works. This time it didn't and the storm that happen from Friday evening to Saturday noon extended closures through Monday and half a day Tuesday. I had neighbors that are very elderly. One can just barely move and when he does it is extremely slowly and about 10 steps before he has to stop. When he isn't getting to his car he uses an electric wheelchair. His vehicle was completely iced in all around it. A little salt or even a little sand around his vehicle would have fixed his problem and allowed him to get to the store. But, no, we have to wait until the storm is completely past us before we can do anything. I'm not sure if it's laziness, stupidity or just "southern", but whatever it is it drives me crazy.