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So what happens when you go to the Phantom of the Opera tour (first time seeing my favorite musical live in 10 years) after working in philanthropy for 2 years? When the show is over, and the cast is on stage, and one of the actors talks about Broadway Cares, and how for a $40 donation, you can get a tour of the set... you run down the stairs and get in line (and your best friend joins you)! I know I give the upcharge events at Disney a lot of doubt, but this was my own Phantom upcharge event, I guess, and I could not stop smiling

(and it's a really good cause).
The tour was led by the head stage guy (... or stage manager...) and Christine Daaé- Katie Travis, who is sooooo tiny! Wasn't allowed to take pictures backstage of the set and props, but they're amazing. The way the set moves

During the main number, The Phantom & Christine walk down stairs THAT LITERALLY APPEAR FROM THE WALL AS THEY WALK DOWN THEM! It's a pretty grand revolving set.
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We were able to take some pictures with the chandelier. Lots of pyro in that thing (and in the stage). They go to Chicago next, and apparently that theater has different, more restrictive pyro rules, so we were the guinea pigs tonight for some of the effects they'll use there.
Raoul showed up briefly, so while there are unfortunately no pictures of him and Christine

, they both did a wonderful job, and I let them know. We began to walk over to stage right... and I met this guy...
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That's Derrick Davis, aka the Phantom, aka the guy who kept making me cry throughout the show

He's amazing. And so nice!
Ok more tour things. Almost all of the wigs are made of human hair. The wigs that are not are from the 'Poor Fool' scene, and they're made from yak hair.
There was time at the end for a Q&A (because apparently I wasn't asking enough questions during the set tour). I had to ask how they were able to do Buquet's death (last time I saw it I'm pretty sure they just threw a guy- aka dummie- over the rafters), since it looked pretty technical (he was literally standing on the stage, Phantom created a noose- I couldn't concentrate on the ballet during this- and hung him from the side of the stage). They explained it was a very hidden harness. The trick that they were not allowed to explain was how the last scene went down. It also deviated from the original show (lots of new things here), but anyone could figure that trick out easily. This was a lot more graceful and magical.
Anyways, while the new choreography, set, lyrics, and costumes (if you like the giant Masquerade monkey in Act II, you won't be happy) threw me off initially, I learned to love the changes. They kept me on my toes.
It was a good night
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