And there we have the kicker. So many colleges require internships, and there simply aren't enough paid ones to go around. Even my company can only afford so many paid interns. Initially, I did one just for experience during sophomore year of college since I had no experience and couldn't even get a part time job at Pizza Hut. Then I had to complete one for my honors program, so I did the unpaid one over the summer. Could not get a paid internship, I had one interview and quickly found out that they already wanted me to have experience, and my experience is HR, not sales. It was like I had to get experience before I could get experience. Some of the other majors require them for seniors as a capstone to their degree program. I must say, it's worked out very well, and I don't regret doing it for one second. Led to this job. I'm looking at another job for after I graduate (entry level), and career services at school told me that I'm over qualified. As long as companies are upfront about the internships being unpaid, it's really up to the student whether or not to accept, but if you need professional experience...well, it's worth consideration.