Well-Known Member
Went to say good-bye to Auntie this morning. She has since left for the airport at 1:00, and will arrive in Tanzania sometime tomorrow afternoon.
If anyone is inclined, please remember this 70-year old missionary in your prayers. Although cleared for travel, she is still feeling under the weather. And because I am the one to whom she tell things she doesn't want her kids to know, I am privy to some medical information that will eventually be serious (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis). She has aged 10 years since just before Christmas, and for the first time ever, I see glimpses of my mom's frailty in her.
Nonetheless, she has a calling, and will continue to spend 6 months/year in Africa tending to street children and homeless young mothers, as long as she is physically able.
So sorry to hear of her chronic illness.
May God bless her and help her to do the work she loves so much, in as much peace and comfort as possible, until he calls her home.