Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
So I got tickets to the game. We are in our usual spot: the Hawks Nest. Hopefully this time I can get you guys some pictures. Last time, my son never did email me the pictures he took so I could post them here. I am slightly embarrassed to say I still have a flip phone because I'm stubborn about if it's not broken why replace it? Kinda a character flaw some could say.
I loved my flip phone and it fit in my pocket much nicer than my iPhone. I am big on if it isn't broken don't replace it from cars to appliances. I did regret though while my kids were away at college not buying an iPhone sooner for the photo factor. While mine did take photo's they were not good, nor could I see photos well because of the size. But it fell into the category of I didn't miss what I didn't have and I had two in college and always had something else to better to spend the money on, plus phone contracts are expensive.