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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Oh, Now I am getting it. Thanks for filling me in. I was getting seriously confused and I thought MinnieM123 was getting mad at me for saying that.

@MinnieM123 is likely the sweetest lady on the boards. Your comment hit her like it hit me likely. So funny. It is hard to jump in and figuring it all out. Some of us have profiles others not so much. Add in my name can go either way. To clarify I am a lady with two young adult children to back that up. In time you'll get to know us all, no worries.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Oh, I imagine both of my parents will shed some tears once they get back to the car and head back home. I know I will be sad as well and way nervous as it is the first time on my own.

Before we left my DD University we took her to Panera and I was sucking it up pretty well and she burst into tears, we were leaving right after lunch. She was excited but it is emotional. Neither of us expected it. She lost it, I lost it. Dad had two woman in tears. I was the long haul driver of the family. Those first 15 minutes were rough on the highway. I regrouped. As did my DD. Those well wishes and goodbyes are rough for close relationships. I was excited for her and she was eager for college. About 15 minutes after the goodbyes we were just fine. Me, it took a couple of weeks to get over her living elsewhere but frankly text messages helped. She lives in her own apartment now less than a mile from me. The iPhone keeps us connected always. We have a great Mom Daughter relationship. We were always more friends than Mother Daughter. It is nice. This one of two was born an adult, really lacked the need for much guidance. As I've said to others her maturity at childhood spooked the heck out of me constantly, she was never really mentally a kid.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
You know, just when I thought I could not possibly hear about more ludicrous WDW-related news this week, I read your account above about Toruk. The part that really hit me was the mention of a C. du S. show that must now be interactive . . . :jawdrop: :banghead:

I've seen three C. du S. shows (2 in Vegas years ago, and La Nouba at Disney's Westside). All were incredibly high-energy, visual extravaganzas. So I just can't wrap my head around this latest show (which sounds overly busy to begin with) and throwing in interactive phone stuff, which would take the focus away from the show's very talented cast and special effects. Interactive -- overkill?? :rolleyes:

And then add in all that plus it being in a language nobody is familiar with? Then omit most of the theatrical awesome circus type movements the show is known for? I'm always disappointed when the perfection is reinvented to a substandard level.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
What @Gabe1 said; a lot of us just have known each other for a long time. I can name several members who joined after I did and who I met shortly after they joined. MinnieM123's love of the cold weather is a standing joke among the sane

(Just kiddin' Minnie)

Yeah but we are not really kidding. Most of us can't wrap our brain around Mrs @MinnieM123 love of all things cold and snowy. We might accept it but can't wrap our brains around it. I'm only to day 5
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The problem with those delivery services is not being able to pick out the produce and meat myself. However if I lived in a more metropolitan area I might be tempted to not pick those out and let others do it. Although when I went shopping today I was able (or suckered into) buying some stuff that might be fun to eat but it wasn't on my list. Like I saw in the freezer section Oreo churros, and a new sauces to make so Thai chicken and a Korean BBQ mix, I wouldn't have purchased that probably from an online grocer. Maybe what would be better for my food bill though.

Too bad about your finger, hopefully it is feeling better and that it wasn't worse.

DD plastered the wound well. It is tender but healing together well.

I would only order the non perishable stuff online but boy it would help to only hit the fresh produce and meat/bread areas of stores. So much less to shop for and so much less to lug to and fore. And yes just a few impulse buys would pay for the shipping with an item or two.

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