Well-Known Member
Ah, good ol' fashioned discrimination!Yep, I struggle to think of any other institution that has more mandates and responsibilities attached to the primary goal of educating children.
The Catholic School that I attended had a solution. (remember long ago) If the student enrolled had issues they could not or WOULD NOT deal with they'd just expel them and tell the parents to enroll them in PUBLIC schools. One of my friends in 1st grade had some minor reading issues. He didn't last the first year, they booted him. Problem solved.
There's a big push here at the moment for what they call "bijpassend leren"....the best translation I can think of off the top of my head is "adjusted learning". It basically means that the education is tailored to the child...that ALL children, no matter what their needs are, should be able to go to the same public school. They have traditionally had special schools for children with disabilities like autism, dyslexia, etc. Now, they want to integrate all the kids into one school. I can understand the idea behind it....not stigmatizing the kids as "different" as well as making it easier for parents to find a school in their neighborhood rather than traveling farther out for a school that suits their needs. The problem is that with the special school, you have specially trained educators for each need...for the hearing impaired, for the dyslexic kids, for the kids with autism, etc. So you have one teacher for each of those things and they are all in the one school. But if you mainstream the kids into every public school, you either have to forego the specialists, OR you have to provide specialists for each will either dramatically increase the costs of each school, or decrease the availability of resources for those students who need more help. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I love the idea of inclusion, but sometimes it's better for the individual student to be in a school that's more tailored to fit their needs rather than trying to fit the child into the existing curriculum. But what do I know?