I'll be honest. The perk of age is a double edged sword. We do all age and at a certain point we have to give into it or do ourselves real harm. Many of us, me for example, will not get old gracefully. We will fight the urge to give in for a very long time just to prove to ourselves that we are not all that old and even if we are, we are holding up better then many of our contemporaries. I find myself doing that all the time and I have to be careful not to over do my ego. I would never ask for a wheelchair at this point if my hips or legs are killing me, it is giving into something that I feel I should be able to control. Foolish? I suppose, but, when you are slipping and sliding down the "other" side of that mountain, you do what you can to make yourself still feel viable and not burdensome. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't take advantage of those willing to help, but, it does mean that we will delay that process for as long as physically possible. Call it pride!