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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
We're planning on cheating. We're each going to bring our own water bottle and we'll ask for water from QS restaurants to fill the water bottles. We have this stuff here that is a concentrated flavoring to put in the water. They are small little bottles that will fit in a pocket or purse and you just squeeze in a few drops. So we'll just get the free water and add our own flavorings. I've gotten us all our own lightweight nylon backpacks, so we can all carry our own water bottle, bag of chips or whatever snacks we want, a disposable rain poncho, and bottle of the water flavoring of our choice. That way I don't have to carry all the stuff myself all keeps each person's load light and everyone can choose the stuff they like, so hubby can have spicy chips, DS can have plain potato chips, I can have fruit or granola bars, etc. I can have red berry water, DD can have strawberry, Hubby can have Lemon, etc. The only thing I'll have that the kids won't is sunscreen.

Yeah I'm not going to do that. If I'm dining and if I order coffee or an adult beverage I will ask also for a glass of water on the side too. But if I'm out and about in the parks I'm not going into a QS to request water. By law restaurants serving meals are required to provide free water with a meal purchased.That is where the practice came from with Disney.

For now it isn't likely worth the hassle to figure out who is dining and who is not. Still if it become the norm to eat the cost of paper cups for a free perk then Disney will likely clamp down on it. They did for the people that helped themselves to soda at the QS restaurants and free salad a Pecos Bill. At the resorts the paper cup for water is smaller and is not chipped to stop guests from filling them with soda, same with the coffee cups in room not chipped. I laughed to myself as a lady tried to fill her in room cup at the QS with Coke and was frustrated that nothing would come out.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Oh great, I just saw how my ds' jeans are fitting and now I'll have to take him clothes shopping this weekend. I really don't want to:mad: he's a pain in the tushie when it comes to clothing. Now i have to reschedule when we get to finally watch Minnions:(:(:(

I feel your pain woman. My son grew 11 inches his sophomore year of high school. A very very expensive year for clothing.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I'm a Seagrums girl. Bartles and Jaymes doesn't taste good to me, but I LOVE the Seagrams winter berry and black cherry...We don't have wine coolers over here, though, so I only get them when I'm in the U.S. Probably a good thing or I might actually become a lush. :p

I agree. They went from Wine to Beer coolers and I hated them. I didn't realize for a long time that they were no longer wine and that is why the taste difference. Now they say Bartles and Jaymes is bringing back the original wine cooler. I am a hoping.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yep, I remember thinkin' that when our kids were in school.
Seemed like every time I turned around they had another day off or early dismissal. :cyclops:
I wonder what an actual comparison would reveal, back in my day vs. now...?

My kids had more days off for staff days. My kids went back to school in mid August. When I was in school we went back the day after Labor Day. I think it balances out just now they are more sporadic. We had equivalent vacation days. We had longer lunch breaks than my kids though and they were dismissed earlier than we were. My kids had early days on Thursdays for release. I had Wednesdays for early release, generally those wound up being Boy & Girl Scout Days.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Alright, time to freeze and go get the girl from the bus stop. Later! Oh... and death to the groundhog!

Boy I don't miss those mornings or afternoons standing at the bus stops wait on the bus. The only ray of sunshine the 6 months my DD was in a wheelchair and on a disability bus was it came to my driveway and deposited her back to my driveway and it was mostly winter months.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
thank you!
and yeah, the hummingbird was very hard to get it right ! :O

thank you! :O

My yard is filled with flowers of all varieties. The last 5 years I have seen hummingbirds. Makes me happy to see those little things. Right now anything that was Green in the yard would make me happy. Looking at grass that is almost gray is depressing.

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