Well-Known Member
I hope things are better in this day and age...I think a lot of times they didn't have the resources for the really gifted kids back when I was growing up. My brother was considered gifted and they had the SEEK program, but that was not every day. And I'm pretty sure he went up one grade level for reading, or that he at least had the reading book for one grade up. But that was pretty much the extent of the advanced work for bright kids. Over here, at least where my kids go, they have a lot more...both my kids are in all the "plus" groups, which are the advanced kids. They get extra work...or more advanced work, I should say. And then DS gets a double advanced math...they have the advanced group that 4 kids in his class have, and then he gets the "math tiger" which goes more in depth even and is for the really adept kids. But it's a program built into the normal lesson, so they are always getting the more advanced material...not just once every 2 weeks getting to do a special project or have a special lesson like seek used to be, but really getting more advanced material so they don't get bored. But they don't have to go to the next grade to get that material, so they stay with their age group. It's really nice. It keeps the advanced kids interested and stimulated without having to leave the classroom. DD has had some issues because she's very social and she's kind of a mother hen. She always wants to help everyone, and she has 2 best of them is also in all the plus groups and is pretty much the same level as DD. They both always test at the highest level every year and they are in 4th grade and have Avi plus reading level, which means they can read high school level material. The other friend is in the groups that get special instruction because she's behind in most things. So that girl is constantly asking DD and the other friend to help her, and DD doesn't really know how to say no. She kept coming home and saying she didn't get this done, or needed to go early to help this other girl, and the girl was keeping her from getting her own work done. So we talked to the teachers about it and they have kept an eye on it and they split the girls up AND talked to them about it and it's improved a lot. We get the first report cards in a few weeks and then we have parent teacher conferences a week or so later to discuss it, so I'll be able to find out a bit more about what they are doing for the advanced kids. I have often wondered if that's a Dutch thing or if schools in general have just gotten better about it...if it's better in the US now, too.Know what his IQ is?
We had this issue with the 3 Gifted Boys in my DD's elementary classes. They were bored. My DD all the way through elementary/Middle School just wanted to put her head through a wall but was a good quiet kid. Teachers tried to use her through the years to teach struggle kids. That annoyed her too 'cause then the aid would just read. Teachers did alter their work but they generally got it the first go around and sitting through the normal repetitions was painful. Our District was too small for tracking and having their own classroom. High School was better as was college. But those boys lost interest long before high school.